Ramen Goel Bariatric Surgeon

19 yr Experience
8 yr in Bariatrics
16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 13
Max Age of Patient is 75

19 yr Experience
8 yr in Bariatrics
16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 13
Max Age of Patient is 75

About MePioneer in Bariatric Surgery for safer care of your dear ones. Over the past 20 years Dr Ramen Goel is dedicated to provide wide range of surgeries through advanced laparoscopic techniques.
Dr Ramen Goel, MS, FICS(USA) a highly trained gastro-intestinal surgeon with 20 years of experience, is amongst the pioneers of bariatric surgery in India. Started laparoscopy surgery in 1992 & has performed thousands of basic & advanced laparoscopic procedures. He performed first gastric band & banded gastric bypass (Fobi pouch) surgery in India. He performs Laparoscopic Roux-n-y Gastric Bypass, Lap Gastric Band, Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy, Endoscopic Gastric Balloon etc routinely. He is also performing Lap Ileal Interposition Surgery for treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as a part of a clinical trial. Scores of surgical postgraduate aspirants have trained under him & occupy senior surgical posts around the world. Recognising his surgical expertise & experience, he was conferred the Fellow of Surgery by International College of Surgeons, Chicago, USA in 1999. He is invited faculty at Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education at Mumbai to train practicing surgeons in India. -
Latest Reviews See all 5 reviews
Excellent Surgeon and great team. I am super happy. I healed quickly and I'm doing really well. I'm 8 days post of and lost 5kgs already.
My surgeon was Dr. Ramn Goel of Wockhardt Hospital in Mumbai, India.rnrnI found Dr. Goel when researching the sleeve procedure and discussing my options with a medical tourism outfit named Recover-Discover.rnrnI live and work in Dubai, Dr Goel practices in Mumbai so the More...
I have met this surgeon only once and that was sufficient for me to know that I will be comfortable in entrustin my life into his hands...He came across as extremely knowledgeable, down to earth and really patient..He was a good listener and More...