Patrick Coates Bariatric Surgeon M.D., FACS
33 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
26 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is n/a

33 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
26 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is n/a

***I warn anyone who is having this surgery to seriously ask around about their doctors. Learn more about their post and pre-care. I was shocked to see how much more other surgeons are involved with their patients. Dr. Coats and Central California Bariatric Surgery are basically get rich fast drive-thru surgery clinic. they do not show any concern for their patients once they get paid.***
I am not hiding who I am or pulling any punches.
Jason Wilson
My surgery Date: March 20th, 2015
I have many issues with Central California Bariatric Surgery. My Surgeon was Dr. Mathew Coats, I did not meet him till the before my surgery and only because i requested to meet him. which was a big hassle because he is never in the office. I did find him to be a very nice guy and friendly. He answered my questions and was helpful in that regard.
It was this first and only meeting that I stupidly accepted what her told me. I was prepared to have the DS surgery, the day i met with him he told me they where doing a new operation 'the DS with loop variant.' I had spent months trying to get this surgery and was honestly to scared to say NO. I let him talk me out of what I had studied because the process of getting approved is so hard I didnt want to risk losing what I could get.
The surgery was perfect, no complications minimal pain afterwards and light scaring. My problem with what happened didn't come till 6 months after the surgery. First I find out the surgery I had was ordered to be stopped at Modesto Memorial hospital 30 days after I had it done.
I called and questioned the doctor Coats about this, he reassured me it was nothing. Saying it was not allowed because they still consider it 'investigative' and their is no long term evidence on the outcome. I was then told to not worry because "we can just go back in and fix it if it doesn't work." Sure easy enough, just throw me on the table and cut me up again, hey no big deal.
Now I am 2 years out, his followup care is non-existent. I call to have my routine blood work done and they mail me the tests I need. I call to make appointments for follow-up and they never seem to have an opening within 3-4 months. I have not seen them in over a year and a half. This means in 26 months I have seen them twice! when I try and call to complain I am put on hold and accidentally disconnected. This has happened three times. I haven't just driven to his office because he is never there and there doesn't seem to be any point to doing so.

I had my surgery June 11th, 2015 and Dr. Coates is literally amazing. The stockton office is a bit iffy, but the nurses at the hospital, and most of his are amazing! I talked to Dr. Coates, and then was taken into a FREEZING room, there was wonderful music playing and then all I remember is I was in no pain in my hospital room.. It was such an easy and painless process.. I was up walking that day, and home the next..

My RNY 2008 surgery was amazing! I had no pain, like ever. It was the easiest thing I have even done for myself. Dr. Coates is amazing! I did meet him and was very pleased. Highly recommend this wonderful surgeon!
My surgery is scheduled but I have not yet met my surgeon! I saw his partner at the first seminar I attended but have not seen him yet. I hope to see him at my pre-op physical. If not I will insist on meeting the man who will be caring for me on the operating table. They have a very busy practice. I'm not sure yet if I think that's good or bad. They do provide alot of great information. I have a 4 hour class on Tuesday which should be very useful. These are just my own opinions as of today, 3-17-08. I will update once I have had the chance to meet Dr. Coates.

My surgery was scheduled on 10-12-11, at 7:00 a.m. I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. Then the anesthesiologist and nurse began to give me the IV and blood thinner medicine. I was really worried until doctor Patrick Coates came into my room and explained the process of the surgery to me. I felt really confident and my worries went away. Then they took me into the surgery room and told me to count to 20. Then I woke up in my room with a little bit of pain in my stomach, same day after surgery I was walking around. Now it is almost 3 months after surgery and I lost around 100 pounds after since. I didn't have any problems or complications. I would recommend Doctor Coates and his staff for anyone who wants to get this surgery done (RNY Gastric Bypass).
If you would like to get more information from me give me a call at (408) 204-8286.

Well Although I am very happy with my surgery, and everything went fabulous & my hospital stay at Memorial was great...I am VERY dissappointed that I still have yet to meet Dr. Coates! I understand he is a busy man...I just figured I would have met him at least once by now. I requested to see him many times while I was in the hospital and said I only wanted to thank him...and never got to see him! But everything has been great and his office staff and the bariatric program he works through is awesome! If I never get to meet you...THANK YOU INVISABLE MAN DR. COATES! :o)

Dr. Coates was wonderful, I was very nervous before surgery and he was very calming and encouraging. His office staff are all nice and helpful. I have called the office a couple of times with questions and they are always prompt to respond and helpful.
There is not a pre-op consultation before surgery and that made me nervous, that would be my only complaint. Because I was so nervous, I am alergic to several medications, I did meet with him before surgery.
The after care was with the P.A. and she is very informitive. At every appointment questions are asked to make sure I am following the post-op guide lines. In addition I attended pre-and post op nutrition classes that were helpful durring each phase. Dr. Coates office has a program that sets you up to succeed. Phone numbers for the office, R.D., nutition center and his P.A. are made available on several appontments and reminders about all the available literature is also made available. Consistant Lab work at every appt. and a stuctured appt. follow up schedule for the first year.
I would rate Dr. Coates and his staff as excellent. He was not the only surgeon that I consulted. I started out with a different insurance and surgeon. My insurance changing and going to Dr. Coates was a Bleessing!
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I met Dr. Coates at the Gastric Bypass seminar and though that he was very informative and knew his stuff. I didn't see him after, but I know he was the one who did my surgery because he talked to my husband after. lol! I wish I would of been able to talk to him more, but I know he is excellent at what he does and I felt very confident that I was in good hands. The one thing my husband can say about Dr. Coates is that he has the softest hands he has ever felt! lol! In all seriousness Dr. Coates did answer all my questions during the seminar and has done very well with other people that I know that have had the procedure. Dr. Coates makes sure to emphasize the importance of after care and risks. This doctor knows his numbers and can tell you anything you need to know about having Gastric Bypass and what to expect. I say that he is an excellent Doctor, but almost like the Wizard of one sees him, but all in all he's a great Doctor. His practitioners and staff are great and take very good care of you. Memorial hospital is awesome as well.