Nilesh A. Patel Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS
11 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 17
Max Age of Patient is 75

11 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 17
Max Age of Patient is 75

I have no complaints about Dr. Patel. My surgery went great and my weight loss is right on track. The process to get the surgery was more painful than the surgery. His office staff is hard to reach. They don't return phone calls or emails. It was very frustrating and I seriously considered changing doctors because of it. They have a patient portal where they keep track the steps you need go through before surgery. Mine still doesn't reflect that I had my preop class or the surgery.(I had my surgery in Nov 2012. I would recommend Dr. Patel only if you are patient enough to deal with his incompetent staff.
2 people found this helpful

Dr. Patel is a great surgeon. The few times I met with him before, during and after my surgery he was always upbeat and very nice.
His office staff is slow to return phone calls (And I mean sometimes it took a week if I didn't call back a few days later)
However, I do recommend Dr. Patel to anyone for any weight loss surgery they are considering!

*Very funny man, but HONEST! I NEED THAT!
*My impression has grown fonder of him. He is a very busy man but stops talks to you and is very easy going. I spoke to another one of the nations top WLS Dr. and he knew of him and told me that I have no worries he is a good choice! WOW what a compliment!
*Staff has been wonderful. But having problems with emails and feel that for a while there was a lack of communication.
*Very busy
*Busy office but they do thier best to make you feel very comfortable and well informed.
*Very much so he was very forthcoming.
*4 stars
*Havent had my surgery yet, but he is very straightforward and blunt. No "fluff". I like and need that!

I chose Dr. Patel because I found him to be a very honest man and told you the truth. He was very caring and reassured me that he could help me out. I know that together we will conquer this weight loss battle! If there is one thing I would do over it would be to ask more questions. I was not prepared for the after surgery problems I had with the gas in my stomach. For the most part, Dr Patel is informative, supportive, but allows you to make your own mistakes. Sometimes I wished he would have pushed me a little harder, or motivated me more to "get my behind in gear" and not have let me take 3 years to push myself to lose the weight pre-op. Overall, I would have to rate him at a 8, on the scale of surgical competence and a 9, on bedside manner.

My initial impression of Dr Patel was great! He is very personable and straight forward. I would HIGHLY recommend him to anyone looking for a life long change! The staff is wonderful! Great Job Ann and Donna! Your awesome! Dr Patel gets a 10! from me!! :) My one and only complaint is that I'm one week post-op and have not received a phone call for a checkup!!