Nestor De La Cruz - Munoz Bariatric Surgeon MD
7 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
90% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 16
Max Age of Patient is 75
7 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
90% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 16
Max Age of Patient is 75

Dr. de la Cruz-Munoz is in one world - AMAZING. His confidence, knowledge and ongoing desire to make everyone have a better procedure and outcome is 1st rate. His staff and fellows are simply amazing people who really talk to you and take the time to understand what it is you are trying to learn.
His patience is also great. After I awoke in my hospital room, my catheter was making me crazy. Literally crazy. I convinced the nurses to get him to come back to the room and order them to take it out.
Always available by response to email - him and his entire team are the BEST I've seen in medical care in years.
3 people found this helpful

Dr de la Cruz is wonderful. Knowledgable, professional and highly skilled. The office staff is highly competent. The risks of surgery were discussed in a group seminar and also individually. Dr. de la Cruz was highly recommended by his colleagues, and I've not met anyone who was unhappy with his work. His surgical competence is at the top of the game and he's kind, considerate, and pleasant as well.
There are support groups, and this is where there is room for improvement. They're called support groups, but it's mostly people complaining and whining with the nutritionist. I would like more structured support groups, or if they're support, perhaps the psych could show up.

I first saw him at the the seminar. He seems very honest, confident and knowledgable. When i went to his office he answered all of my questions and gave me his honest opinion on which surgery to choose. he explained the risks of each surgery and hat i should expect afterwards.
He has a agood aftercare program. I like that he starts introducing soft foods and regular food sooner than other programs I've seen.
At thehospital, he takes the time tocome see and speak to you before going into surgery. He alsocomes tospeak to thefamily once surgeryis over to discuss how surgery went. He also comes to check on you thenext mother had surgery two days before me and had complications with her drain tube and had to go back to surgery thenext day. Dr. DeLaCruz was very honest about the risks and was very efficient. I was very impressed with him and reommend him 100%. Also his surgical assistant Dr. Delmaza isanabsolutely amazing doctor. His bedside manner is the best I've ever experienced. The nursing care while ur stay at the hospital were outstanding, I truly had the most amazing people working on me.
His patient coordinator Melissa is very efficient. She called totell mei was approved & was very sweet. She also came to the hospital to seeme b efore surgery.
His nutritionist is gorgeous! lol, seriously, its rediculous how good looking he is. He was also very patient and answered all of my questions.

My first impression was that Dr. de la Cruz seemed very young, as the information meeting progressed I felt so comfortable with his information and comments about surgery.
His office staff is amazing. every person says hello and most remember each patient's name.
There is a very nice aftercare program built into the surgeon fees (for the first year of follow-up).
Overall I would give Dr. de la Cruz a 10 out of 10. His knowledge and frankness were exactly what I wanted and his honesty was sincere and given gently.
Surgical competence
I truly have not had any negative issues with my surgery or the surgeon. Most people I have met at his offices would say the same thing.