Neil Floch Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS
16 yr Experience
12 yr in Bariatrics
16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 15
Max Age of Patient is 90
16 yr Experience
12 yr in Bariatrics
16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 15
Max Age of Patient is 90
Dr. Floch is wonderful. He is very throrough and has a pleasant sense of humor. He is honest about his feelings towards the procedure. He freely shares his statistics from the procedures that he has performed. He works with Jen who is a PA. She is very nice and very knowledgable.
I had gone through the program with Dr. Zuccala in Danbury and had been very unhappy with his staff and his program. I had had surgery scheduled with him but my gut told me it wasn't right and I searched for another program. Thankfully, I found Dr. Floch and his staff. It just goes to show that you should trust your gut insticts.
I am very pleased with Dr. Flcoh, Jen, Anita and the rest of the staff. I look forward to working with all of them in the coming years. I encourage anyone who wants to dicuss my expereinces with Dr. Zuccala or Dr. Floch to e-mail me.
A note: this account is set up under a fake name.......but the e-mail address is valid so if I amswer you with a signature that is different then Louise, you will understand.
My experience with Dr. Neil Floch and his entire staff was remarkable, especially with Anita and Jen. They are a truly professional and organized practice and it is a pleasure to be their patient. Anita made the whole preapproval process painless when I had expected a battle with the insurance company. She took control and did an awesome job.
My surgery went extremely well, which I never doubted for a minute. Dr. Floch has a way of making you feel so at ease during what certainly could be a very stressful time in one's life.
His personality reflects a man of complete confidence, exceptional experience in surgical procedures, an upbeat attitude and also not to mention he is extremely goodlooking. As a nurse stated in the hospital, "Dr. Floch is easy on your eyes".
Dr. Floch's assistant, Jen, is also wonderful and so informative. She is always available to answer questions and always willing to make suggestions.
In closing, I would highly recommend Dr. Floch if anyone is considering a surgeon in the Norwalk area.
Being comfortable with the choice you have made is the first step in assuring yourself that you have made the right decision to have Gastric Bypass Surgery.
Trusting in Dr. Floch was easy as pie.
(No more pie for us though)
Good Luck to all of you and I hope you allow Dr. Floch to help make some of your dreams come true, as I did.