Mohammed Kalan

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 14 ratings

Mohammed Kalan Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

14 Reviews for Mohammed Kalan
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I really enjoyed meeting Mr. Kalan he was very well educated and positive. Made a point to share some prior exsperinces and he not only spoke to me he included my husband which was a nice feeling. I know his office staff is busy as I called several times and I never left any thing up to them I called several times a week to make sure they got all the faxes they needed and found that they had not so I got off the phone with them and called my insurance company. I made them keep me on hold while they faxed the paper work call his office and make sure they got it. Mr. Kalan is very educated and as said from someone else do not let his name scare you. He is a very nice man who seems to care about his patience. Mr. Kalan sis address the risk of the surgery as any Dr. should even when I had my 2 c-sectiosn they let me know the risks of the surgery. He let us know how long I would be in the hospital and that if got into the surgery and noticed the Gullbladder was bad he would just remove it. I thought that was cool. I think overall he was informative kind and patient. He wanted to make sure that all our questions were answered. I look forward to seeing him on March 4th I know he will take good care of me.


Dr. Kalan seemed very compitent and professional. Both he and his staff seem to be very busy. I read that he is the only surgeon at Georgetown performing this surgery, so if that is true, I can see why. He was a little "formal", but this was just our first meeting and I only saw him for 15 minutes, so I am OK with that. He was very informative and asked me for any questions or concerns that I may have had, which I liked. He only does the open procedure. I was hoping to have it done laproscopically but I have had open surgery before and it went fine, so I don't really have a problem with it.


I really liked him. I know others have said he seems "busy", but he's a surgeon, so he is. I pretty much know what I am getting into and I really only had a few questions for him, which he answered. I felt he was very professional.

His Nurse was very funny! Just helped give it a "relaxed" atmosphere, since I was nervous.

As for the office, he shares a floor with other surgeons, so I felt it was a bit chaotic. I don't think that is his fault by any means.

I could see why his name might scare people off, but don't let it. He was educated in England, and is the only surgeon at Geogetown University performing the surgery.

All, I know is he said I qualify for the surgery, so I am off to follow the next steps. Getting a Psych eval and to see a dietician.


very nice person and towork with my impression has not changed i believe he is the right person

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