Michael Trahan

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 14 ratings

Michael Trahan Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

6 yr Experience

2 yr in Bariatrics

6 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

14 Reviews for Michael Trahan
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My first impression of Dr. Trahan was great. He has such a nice personality! He led the seminar on bariatric surgery and gave every possible detail you could think of...including bad things that could happen, etc...Over time, my impression hasn't changed at all. I am very trusting he will do a great job on my surgery!rnrnThe office staff is very friendly and helpful. I initially called the University of Virginia to do my surgery. It felt very rushed and impersonal and I didn't have a good first impression of the staff. I decided to see if any other places in the Charlottesville area had bariatric surgeons. I found that Martha Jefferson Hospital had a bariatric surgery center. I called them and they were so helpful and really made me feel like they cared! They gave more information to me that I was even looking for!rnrnI will update my page on this surgeon once my surgery is complete.


Dr. Trahan moved to Charlottesville, Va a little over a year ago to start a bariatric surgery program at Martha Jefferson Hospital. I have had a great experience so far. Both he and his staff are wonderful and very understanding. I had started the RNY process at another hospital in a larger city nearby, but had nothing but problems dealing with uncooperative office staff and VERY arrogant surgeons. Dr. Trahan is nothing like that. He is so nice and down to earth. He seemed to live at the hospital and was always there at my bedside at the slightest indication of anything wrong. I am really glad I stopped going to the other surgeons and changed to Dr. Trahan. I have been very happy with his treatment plan so far.


Dr. Trahan is now located in Charlottesville, VA.rnrn


This is my surgeon but he is now located in Charlotteville, VArnMy first impression is when I attended his seminar. I was very direct and shown that he will not take any risks pertaining to any surgeries. I really liked that. I knows what he is talking about and lets the patient decide what procedure they want. He will give general feedback but does not point in any direction. He is very hands on aftercare. He answers any questions at your level and wants to make sure you are comfortable. I would definitely recommend him to anyone. I trust him fully and love his staff and him. I have not experienced anything negative thus far. But will post if i do.


Dr. Trahan is now in Virginia at Martha Jefferson Hospital

My first impression of Dr. Trahan was that of compassion and patient. He took his time in my first visit with him to explain everything to me and was not in a hurry, which made me feel good. His office staff is very nice and Lisa is so helpful! His office offers a support group for after WLS, which i am sure a lot of other surgeons do as well.


Dr. Trahan is in Charlottesville VA now. I am very pleased with my experience so far. The staff are all pleasant, the dietician and counselor I saw were very helpful, the coordinator (Lisa) has been responsive, and Dr. Trahan is knowledgeable and caring. He did go over the risks with me, and answered all my questions. I've never felt rushed or hurried along. I would recommend him to any Lap-band patient.


Dr. Trahan seems to be very caring. So far his staff is very helpfull. I have only met him twice but overall I would give him an 8.


I liked Dr. Trahan the first time I saw him at the workshop to introduce WLS. He has a wonderful personality and I have liked him better with each visit. His office staff is wonderfully upbeat and supportive. So far haven't found anything to not like about Dr. Trahan. I would definitely recommend him to others. His emphasis on after care and being there for me plus a support group at the hospital once a month is wonderful. I feel confident the aftercare program will be laid out for me. He has been open and honest about any risks of sugery. I would rate Dr Trahan a 10 and have great trust in him. Both surgical competence and bedside manner are crucial! I am glad that Dr. Trahan is my surgeon! I have him in my prayers.


My surgeon is a super doctor he was a true blessing before,during, and after my surgery. he is accessible. I have had questions and when i call he is very prompt to call me back and help with good info. He has been one of the best doctors that i have ever had the opportunity to care for me. The whole team works as a well oiled machine to assure that you get the top level of care He explains things in a way that you can understand and feel like you are part of the solution. he is cautious, but decisive. I would recommend him him to anyone that needs this surgery and if you don't he will let you know that too a total professional. My wife and i had gastric by-pass on the same day and he was so careful to make sure we both received a extremely high degree of care and attention.


Dr. Trahan was very nice and really interested in me and my future. He was very direct but nice in the presentation of the information. I felt that he was truly committed to WLS. He facilitates many of the information seminars and support groups and is very approachable in all settings. He was very knowledgeable, not just in the actual surgical procedures, but in all aspects of the WLS journey. He practices out of The Center for Weight Management where he is one of 3 surgeons. The entire staff of the center is phenomenal and makes you feel as if you are part of a loving and supportive family from the moment of first contact and throughout the journey. They openly tell you that "you are ours for life" and you know that you will not be alone at any part of the journey--pre-op, during surgery, new post-op and years down the road. The UTMB Center for Weight Management has both medical and surgical options. Everyone you need to see if coordinated from this office and many of them are located in this center. The ones that aren't in the center are very near by and there is not a lot of running around to be done. Organized. Very easy to contact. They coordinate appointments so that multiple trips to the center are not necessary for those who have to travel to the center (or have a life). I would easily and highly recommend everyone at the center!!!! I know that completely 100% positive reviews are generally less informative or even suspect, but at this point, I honestly have nothing negative to say.

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