Mark A. Shina

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 221 ratings

Mark A. Shina Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

16 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 19

Max Age of Patient is 62

221 Reviews for Mark A. Shina
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My first meeting with Dr Shina made me feel like I was doing the right thing. He answered all the questions and made us all feel like he cares for the people and not just for the money. I know I am in good hands with him.


I first met Dr. Mark Shina at the Right Weigh Seminar held in Lexington on February 22, 2000. He was INCREDIBLY nice, strightforward, and eager to answer any questions any of us might have had. He explained in depth what the procedure was, how it was done, and all of the pros and cons for having the procedure done. He also gave comparisons of the other Weight Loss Surgeries and how he felt they were in relation to the Gastric By-pass. After scheduling the consultation appointment (which was after I had completed the patient history), I went to Louisville to attend another seminar and then to meet with Dr. Shina one-on-one. He was very thorough, and straight-forward with all of his questions, and truly made me feel as if there was someone working for me. He was also honest at the end in stating that now we would play the waiting game in getting my insurance approval.
The only way my initial impression of Dr. Shina changed over time was in that I felt like he was more interested in truly helping someone and knew what he was talking about and was not out for the money.
Dr. Shina's office staff was very efficient and competent.
Dr. Shina explained the importance of the after-care process as much as he explained the operation itself. It is a partnership in that he will work for you and you have to work for yourself and him afterward with doing what you are supposed to to stay healthy.
From what he indicated in the seminar, he has a structured after-care program.
He was VERY open and honest about the risks of the surgery even including the restrictions he has in NOT performing the surgery on ANYONE who smokes, anyone allergic to latex, or anyone who refuses to accept a blood transfusion.
I think he is an EXCELLENT resource for getting bariatric surgery, and at this point, I hope to trust him with my life in the not too distant future.


well my doctor was late and his nurse done the talking till he came in . he got there to answer questions and then we got to go one on one i fell he knows what hes doing and he seems to reasure that you know what to expected.i fell he wil be a great doctor now all i have to do is get blood work done and wait for a date im so excited cant wait.


Dr. Shina is an excellant surgeon, he is strict, but caring. He wants everyone to be successful and have no problems. The office staff were friendly, will answer any question with a sincere voice. He expects his patients to follow his orders for the best results. Aftercare is very good, he ask alot of questions as to how you feel. He answers all questions honestly, even the bad questions about death and complications. I would rate Dr. Shina and his staff a 10 +++, he definately knows what he is doing !


Dr. Shina strikes me as a very competent surgeon. He is very direct and "to the point" He wants me to loose a significant amount of weight before he does the surgery, I suppose to improve my health, and to see if I am serious.
UPDATE AFTER SURGERY: Dr. Shina is a VERY competent surgeon. I am very impressed with his skills. He is conservative and requires you to stick to his protocol. But, I have had NO complications, no trouble keeping anything down, and I feel it is due following his instructions closely. I highly recommend Dr. Shina.


Dr. Shina is a very knowledgeable doctor...I was very impressed with him from my first meeting....I have a feeling that he expects you to do what he advises....I like that in a doctor....HE IS A VERY SKILLED SURGEON IN MY OPINION.....I am good as new since my surgery.....


I met Dr. Shina at a seminar and thought he was very knowledgable and compassionate about obesity. His office is around 100 miles from my home. I have an appt for consult with him on 3/28.


My first impression of Dr. Shina was that he had led seminars maybe a few too many times. He spoke as if by rote at seminar that he and Right Weigh gave at my local hospital. But upon reflection I realize he was just covering all the bases. He always has enough time to answer all the questions any one may have. After my surgery, he sat at my bedside answering my husband's questions for what seemed like 15 minutes or so with no inpatience.
He stresses aftercare not only in his office but with the local support group in our area. He does expect you to fully follow his directions.
Dr. Shina not only addressed ALL of the risks of this surgery, but even told of some of the bad outcomes of some of his own patients(with out names of course). I thought this put us on a more personal level because these people were more than just an operation for him.
I can only judge his surgical competence by my surgery, which went smoothly with no complications so far. My incision line is closed nicely and seems to be healing well. He didn't take an unusually long time with the he seems completely competent to me. His bedside manner is fine, but honestly I care more about his surgical skills more than his personality.


I first met Dr. Shina at a weight loss seminar. I was very impressed by him. He took the time to speak to everyone and he made sure that all questions were answered .
Dr. Shina and his office staff have been
wonderful. They've been great about explaining everything I need to do to take better care of myself since I had surgery. I've had to call Dr. Shina's office several time because I had questions and they were always willing to help.

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