Mark A. Shina

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 221 ratings

Mark A. Shina Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

16 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 19

Max Age of Patient is 62

221 Reviews for Mark A. Shina
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he took time to listen to every question,no matter how trivial it may have seemed to him.
he was very honest about all the risks and possible complications associated with the surgery,but he was also very blunt and quiet serious with his answers,all of which, i have greatly appreciated. i dont feel like he`s only in it for the money,but rather to help those of us,who have not been able to help ourselves.he fully expects his patients cooperation with all aftercare follow-ups and diretions from him .i have heard that his bedside manor is lacking somewhat,however as long as he is a great surgeon thats what is important to me.


I had my consultation appointment with Dr. Shina and my overall impression was "these people really know what they are doing". The office staff was very informative. Dr. Shina had emergency surgery the day of my appointment so my wait was a little longer than planned. But the way I feel about that situation is if that was me on the table I would want Dr. Shina to take as much time as is needed. Dr. Shina is a very articulate man and was honest with my husband and I regarding why he request that his patients stop taking certain medications one month before your scheduled surgery. At one point he stated that he wanted to check with another physician regarding a certain medication that was on the list. Of course, Dr. Shina was running late (as most doctors do) but he answered my questions. Dr. Shina was very much to the point and basically you do as he says and everything will go smoothly. At this time I highly rate this doctor and I do believe I will look forward to working close whith him and his staff and pray that my insurance company comes through. April 4, 2001


well i first meet dr shina at a seminar in lexington ky in 1999 and i was very impressed with him he seem to know his stuff and that is what me and my hubby loved about it him and felt so comfortable with him which that doesnt happen much it takes us usually a few dr to find what we are happy with but not with him he seemed really informed on the surgery and careing about his patients so we have thought it thru and he's the one


Dr. Mark Shina is a fantastic surgeon. My first impression of him was that he is a very straight-forward person. He was very open about the risks and benifits of surgery. He also talked alot about the lifestyle changes we were going to have to undergo. I do wish that he had made his follow-up visits while I was in the hospital a little longer,I was scared, and I felt I didn't have time to ask all the questions I needed answers to.
The staff at Dr. Shina's office has always been very helpful and concerned about the patients. I have never met a staff person at the office that I haven't liked, but of course, time with the staff is very limited.
Dr. Shina's office has a great follow-up program called Right-Weigh, which is a support group for surgery patients. The only problem is that I live app. 3 hours away and am not able to attend. I still receive brochures from the group about upcoming meetings, hints on continuing weight loss, and various other topics.


Dr. shina was nice but matter of fact. there was no kidding around. This changed when I realized ,he cared about his patients.If he was matter of fact,it was because he cared about the well being of his patients. tThe office staff is very friendly. I can call
the office any time, for questions. Sometimes
he doesnt like to listen to the patients, if therir opnion does not agree with his. You should know that he expects you to follow his
instructions. This is for your own good. He
wants you to take care of yourself, after surgery. He wants you to call if there are any problems. If you follow his instructions
you should do well.Yes, he has an aftercare program. He send you home with instructions after each visit. He has everything mapped out on paper. I think I would rate him as a
10 as asurgeon. It rates over bedside manner,but he is avery caring doctor. Even one of his nurses has had the surgery.


My first impression of Dr. Shina is that he was very knowlegable about gastric bypass he sometimes does anywhere from 1-8 a week. I am now just two weeks post-op I go for staple removal tomorrow. He visited me every day while I was in the hospital which was a total of four days. His office staff are super every time I have called them to ask a question they found out or had the answer for me. I think Dr. Shina could have a little more of a bedside manner he doesn't dabble in small talk he is right to the point and on to the next patient.He puts alot of emphasize on aftercare and he also has a structured aftercare program. He does address pros and cons of surgery. I would recommend him to anyone considering this surgery soley on his knowledge of the procedure and his experience.I think his surgical competence is better than his bedside manner. I have heard from others however, that his personality changes once you start your aftercare appointments.


Although our visit was brief I have full confidence in Dr. Shina. His staff and the Donna from Right Weigh have been respectful and extremely helpful.


Went to the required seminar and consult with Dr. Shina yesterday and was very very impressed. This surgeon is very straight forward and honest about everything. I really like the fact that they allow you to bring someone with you and sit in on the seminar and participate. The ladies in the office are very nice and supportive. I also met Donna Hart with Right Weigh, who is also a patient of Dr. Shina, one who just happened to have lost 150 pounds!!! She looks great and I could really tell that this has changed her life forever. I would recommend Dr. Shina to anyone. He really expects you to follow every order from here on out to the letter, which makes sense..I mean why have the surgery, if you are not going to do everything the right way?

I would rate Dr. Shina and his staff a perfect 10.


Met Dr. Shina in September. Very professional. Right Weigh is a little slow to me on their follow-up on getting surgery approved. I saw Dr. Shina when he diagnosed my abdominal wall hernia about 3 weeks ago and he was very blunt, made me feel rushed.

His main office staff, Glenna and Angel have always been helpful.


Dr. Shina's office staff is really supportive and friendly. I especially appreciate the fact that I am seen immediately and can get in and out very quickly. At the same time, I never have problems getting questions answered over the phone or feeling that I am rushed at appointments. Dr. Shina himself is very efficient -- doesn't spend much time on chit-chat -- but I felt he was very knowledgeable. I have found that he is flexible with arrangements such as going back to work -- but also emphasizes following "the rules" for optimum weight loss. I really liked the instruction packets he gives out, which so far have answered every question I have had. That way I can read and reread them, instead of trying to remember all his instructions.

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