Mark A. Shina

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 221 ratings

Mark A. Shina Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

16 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 19

Max Age of Patient is 62

221 Reviews for Mark A. Shina
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first impression was very good. He has done this a lot and is very comfortable in his presentation/discussion group. Office staff is also very nice. He emphasizes aftercare a lot and following his instructions - and many of the unpleasantries people hear about = won't happen. I would rate dr. shina a 9/10


I was really impressed with Mark Shina. I feel he has and is continualy doing research on how to improve the surgery. I feel that he is really aware of all the pro and cons of having the surgery. He was down to earth about everthing. I felt as though he was not trying to sell the surgery but only help us understand that this is a life time committment. Life changing. He also stated that it was improtant for us to know why we wanted to have the surgery. for on one or something but because we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. He emphasized the importanace of knowing what the surgery intell and all the changes your body would go through. I wish he would have talked little more about the side affects and the reasons. I would like to meet with him again for a one on one to make sure of all the steps.


Dr. Shina is very quick-doesn't have a lot to say; however his staff is extremely helpful. in every way.


I had my consultation with Dr Shina today. He seems to be very knowledgable and extremely conserned for his patients before, during and after the WLS. My first impression several years ago seems to have been highly unfounded. He is still very straight forward, blunt and to the point, but I saw a hint of humor today that I didn't see before. Today he related to his new patients on a very personable level, taking an extreme about of time to answer questions, going so far as asking for more questions. So far, I give him an A+.


He seemed very busy, but very sincere about by pass surgery when I first met him. I have learned that he one of the best in the area and all of his nurses speak highly of him. The staff in his office has been great so far. I wish I could have seen him more before surgery, but he does inform you very well of what to expect. He puts a great stress on aftercare and the importance of it. He has a great program mapped out for you before you even go in for surgery so there are no surprizes and was very upfront abouth the pros and cons of everything. He doesn't try to sugar coat it for you, he tells it like it is but is very sincere about his work. I think he's been great to this point.


He seemed to be very casual about the surgery, which inturn made me feel alittle better about the new path I was about to be on. His staff is great, Glenna has had the surgery herself, and was very funny about her experiences,A laugh is worth more than any pain killers:)
I think the most important thing I felt about Dr.Shine was how much he was into detail, covering every possible situation.
As far as after care they cover all the bases, but yet work with special needs,like me, I live 2 hours away from the hospital and support groups. Yes they have a structured aftercare,I have already talk to some people for aftercare. Dr.Shina and staff talked and gave literatery,and internet sites to answer questions.So far I give Dr. Shina and staff a 10.Well I have not had surgery yet, but what I know so far I think he is great, plus he is giving me a new life, God bless him.


10/27/02 I have yet to see Dr Shina this time around. However, I did see him several years ago when I tried to have the surgery before. (I was denied by my insurance) From what I can remember, he is very 'to the point' and knowledgable, but not very personable. Who knows, when I saw him then, he may have been having a bad day. I choose him this time because of his proven record with his patients, as well as personal recommendations from some friends that have had surgery already.


Dr Shina is very direct but still has a sense of humor. He is an advocate for this surgery and wants you to have realistic expectations. I feel as if he is competent and does his best with each person. He talked a great deal about life after surgery and said "you need to do everything I say". You know when you leave exactly what the risks are and the long term effects. You also know that the surgery is only a tool and that the rest is up to you. If you're looking for a surgeon who is personable he is not the one for you. He is a nice man but not the touchy feely kind of person many need. If you're looking for someone to do the job well and help you with the biggest life change you will ever have then he's your guy. I really don't have an opinion about the office staff. This was done in a group with very little time one on one. What time I did spend with them was fine. I left feeling well informed and confident that I was in good hands.


My first impression of Dr. Shina, he was very knowledgeable, very educated. I feel confident about him doing my life changing surgery.

He is not a very tactfull Dr. He knows what it takes to succeed with the surgery and if you are not willing to play by his rules then he would prefer you not play.

His office staff is caring and wonderful.

Dr. Sina believes that you should do everything in your power to become a little healthier before the surgery so that it makes the surgery easier on you. After surgery he expects me to do everything his says down to the letter.

Dr. Shina is very sergically competent but his bed side manner is not at the top of his gift list. But I wouldn't want anyone else playing with my guts.


Dr. Shina was very direct and to-the-point about what he expects from his patients, but at the same time he seems to care about his patients. He tells you all the pro's and con's about the surgery. He stresses that aftercare is very important in achieving your goals. He also showed some sense of humor.
His office staff has been very helpful any time I have called them.

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