Mark A. Shina

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 221 ratings

Mark A. Shina Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

16 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 19

Max Age of Patient is 62

221 Reviews for Mark A. Shina
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My first impression of Dr. Shina was that he was very professional, and did not have time for nonsense. He answered every question he was asked as clearly as possible.

Dr. Shina's office staff has been very professional and helpful. I have called and spoken to Christy a number of times and she has always gotten back to me promptly. Glenna has also been very helpful. I have not had any contact with other staff members, except very briefly over the phone. Everyone has been very helpful.

I would say that future patients should know that Dr. Shina is very professional, and wants all of his patients to succeed. He will do his part to help with the success, but expects, and will demand that you do the same.

Dr. Shina puts great importance on patient after care programs. It is structured.

Dr. Shina explains the risks involved with the surgery, and provides a packet of information on it as well.

My surgery date is scheduled for Feb 27th. I will update this site again. I think that surgical competence is much more important than bedside manner. Both would be nice, but if I have to choose...I prefer an excellent surgeon to Mr. Friendly surgeon.


I have my first consulation with Dr. Shina on December 31, 2002. Hopefully a good start to the new year! 2/04 - Dr. Shina's office has been very helpful and patient with me while trying to get approval.


Very knowing and seem to very willing to share his knowledge with the group I was attending with.Dr. Shina explained all the pros and cons of the surgery and promised he would help me to loose the weight ,but it must be my journey to fitness and health. I liked him.
The office staff knew their buisness. Glenna was very, very helpful.Glenna always took time to answer my queations and help in any way she could. Yea! Glenna, you go girl.


Very dry humor
He seems to care about you
His staff was very nice and very helpful
his tennis shoes
he takes the time to sit and have Q & A's then he tells you if you do not think you can change your life style then this surgery is not for you and you shouldent have it.
He stated that it was very important to keep your appt.He can not keep up with you if you dont show up
I dont know about aftercare
He said that he encourages everyone to try to loose some weight before the surgery he also said that any time you have any type of surgery it can be risky.
From what I know of him he's nice but has a dry humor and he is very serious about G-by pass--I still havent been approved yet


I loved Dr. Shina from the first sentance out of his mouth!! He is honest about the procedure and the requirements to be successful in your weight loss. He was truthful when telling us about the pain, the dumping, and all the other problems associated. He told us the mortality rates and made us think long and hard about our choice for the surgery. The office staff has been helpful. Always friendly when you call and they help you as much as they can. I would reccomend Dr. Shina to anyone he is great .. so far ;)


I felt that he was very honest and passionate about what he does. His staff was very friendly and supportive. Too trueful(HAHA). He was great. He is very honest and very blunt. He lets you ask questions at the end of the consultation. One thing I wasn't aware of is that there are many people at the consultation. Exams are one on one but the seminar part and the beginning are like a cattle call. Not bad though just unexpected. Aftercare is a must. He tells you everything. You can also schedule an appointment to include family members, so that if they have any questions they can be answered. He stated that with any surgery there are risks. He has a two page very detailed handout that they send you before the consultation. Rating him I would give him a 9 out of 10, only because the time with him during the consultation was rushed and not too personable. Both were great. I am looking forward to hearing from my insurance.


He is very caring and informative I'd give him a 10

Office staff is Rushed. They have a lot of patients to work with and not much time to spend on any individual one. I would give them a 5 since they seem to be very overworked by sheer volume.

Dr Shina emphasis aftercare very much. He wants you to know this surgery is not easy. it is very painful but worth the effort.I would give him a 9 (no one is perfect)

He explained the risks and described the complications. he also spoke of his patients lost and with complications. Again i would give him a 9


Dr Shina was very informative. He has prepared documents to read before during and after surgery.
I felt I was in very good hands with him and his staff from the start.
After surgery my general feeling did not change at all, I am still in good hands.
Dr. Shina has a follow up program that is wonderful, he keeps you informed of your progress and give tip and suggestions for success.
I rate Dr. Shina on a scale of 1-10 a 9 plus.


I saw Dr. Shina in September and because I was TWO pounds shy of being 100 pounds overweight I had to put off the physical exam until I gained the two pounds. Is that irony for you or what?? So after eating and gaining two stinkin' pounds I saw Dr. Shina. I had heard that he was a straight forward, no frills type person. He seemed to be just that. He didn't beat around the bush with answers to our questions but answered them honestly. He is also adamant that we ask all of our questions and fully understand what we are getting ourselves into. He doesn't want you to do it for someone else or unless it sounds like the life-changing surgery/decision that it is. I have to admit it was a humbling experience to be shuffled in and out thru the process. I kinda felt a little like a cow being shuffled thru the stockyard. Glenna called to answer some questions for me (I am self paying because my stupid insurance excludes this procedure) and she was very kind and respectful. I appreciated that. It is kind of a humiliating experience to do this in a way and she made it easier for me.
Dr. Shina expects strict adherence to the aftercare program which is good. I need someone to help me stick to the straight and narrow. He addresses the risks head on and will answer the questions you have directly. I asked him what the most-occuring complication was and he said pneumonia and that is why it is so important to get up and walk, do the breathing exercises etc. So far, I would rate my first impression of his surgical competence is an 8 or 9. Bedside manner, 6 or 7. I would rather have competence but I won't tolerate a rude uncaring doctor either. Luckily Dr. Shina isn't that. Will update as I go thru this process.


Very impressed with his professional manner.
Great docotor!

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