Manfred C. Chiang

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 30 ratings

Manfred C. Chiang Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

12 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch




and 1 more...

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James Burhop
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David Engstrand
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Bobby Wu
Bariatric Surgeon

30 Reviews for Manfred C. Chiang
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I liked Dr. Chiang immediately. He is warm and friendly and really knows his stuff! He's patient and explains things thoroughly. I absolutely trust him with my life! I couldn't have asked for a better surgeon!

I had some problems getting my paperwork moving through his office. They've now hired a bariatric coordinator so that should help in the future!

After my surgery I can say that Dr. Chiang was very compassionate - and that is no easy task when dealing with a big baby like me! He took all of my concerns seriously and always checked things out thoroughly!

I'd recommend Dr. Chiang to anyone and everyone!


I consulted with other surgeons before finding Dr. Chiang and did not feel confident with their method of performing a VGB to RNY re-do.

Dr. Chiang exudes confidence and intelligence which impressed me immediately. His method of performing this surgery, according to his drawings, was right on the mark. The other surgeons I saw made it seem so complicated and risky. He clearly pointed out risks/benefits and took the time to address all of my questions and concerns.

I have chosen to cancel my surgery. I was bothered that they did not return my call when I had questions, but quickly handed me to someone when I called to cancel.

Also, Dr. Chiang only sees you one time, the initial consultation. I would like to have had another appointment with him after I decided to have the surgery to address questions that I had after reading bulletin boards and other patient profiles.

I think Dr. Chiang is a fine surgeon, but their office has only done 10 revision surgeries (2 with leaks).


I can't say enough good things about Dr. Chaing. He is friendly and he knows his stuff! He makes you feel like you are his only patient. His office staff is great as well. Sometimes busy, but calls are returned promptly and if the person you need is not available someone else helps to the best of their ability.


Dr. Chiang was very friendly. Soft spoken and took the time to go over the surgery throughly with me. I was impressed with him and his nursing staff. He just did my EGD yesterday and I was just as impressed with him during a simple procedure like that. A+++++++


I had my inital consultation with Dr. Chiang on January 8th and I am looking forward to working with the staff their. Dr. C explained things in a way that was very understandable and calming. I am 100% confident regarding my decision to choose Elmbrook and Dr. Chiang as my surgeon!


Dr. Chiang is very caring and takes the time to talk to you and answer your questions. I felt that way from the time of my first visit and it has not changed. Office staff is great, the bariatric coordinator, Megan is great to work with. He supports the aftercare, dieticians and the support group. He was very thorough in outlining the possible complications/risks and addressed the lap RNY as well as lap banding. He advised which type of surgery he recommended for me, but would have discussed options with me. His surgical competence is great and he has a great bedside manner as well.


I met with Dr. Chiang on 7/10/03 to discuss getting banded. His bariatric coordinator, Megan, met with my husband and I first. She's fabulous! Told us what I would need to do to move towards the first goal of insurance approval and answered our general questions.

After meeting with Megan, we met with Dr. Chiang. He is very pleasant and made sure all our questions were answered. He talked to us about the pros and cons of banding and RNY, but I had already made my decision. I was a little worried that he would try to talk me into the RNY, but it was never even an issue. Did a quick physical to check my heart and lungs, and we were done.

Both my husband and I were very pleased with Dr. Chiang. He made sure we understood everything that would happen before, during, and after surgery. He also made sure that we knew the risks and the downsides (like being really hungry while on liquids right after surgery). By the time I had spoken with he and Megan, I had all my questions answered. I would definitely reccommend him to anyone considering banding or RNY.

So, the ball is in my court now. I have to make appointments for psych and nutritional consultations, and then the info will go to Megan to send on to Humana.

Here's hoping all goes well and I'll get approved right away.


I met with Dr. Chiang on June 5. Luckily I already had my nutritionist and psych eval. reports done, so I had them sent to Brookfield Surgical Associates right away. Dr. Chiang seemed very knowledgeable and dedicated. He scheduled a colonoscopy for the next week, and then his assistant, Megan O'Driscoll, instructed me to schedule a physical therapy appointment and then wait until I got a surgical date and schedule another nutritionist appointment about two weeks before surgery.

On June 18 I had my colonoscopy. I was supposed to be sedated (in the finest Ramones sense of the word), but apparently the amount of sedation was off b/c man-0h-Manischevitz! was I in pain! Finally, Dr. Chiang (yup, apparently he does GI work as well)gave up with 80% of my colon covered. Good enough for me.

It is now July 7. I have been getting an almost laughable runaround from the Brookfield Surgical Associates office. I called on June 16 to see if my evaluations had come in. Yes, I was told both psych and nutrition evals were in my file.
I called Megan about a week later -- apparently, a big mistake b/c she does not like to be bothered. I just wanted to know what the next step would be since my evals were in my folder and I had met with physical therapy the week before. She couldn't tell me much except that "she was being very patient with [me]." As a health care consumer, I find that rather odd, and a bit condescending/patronizing. She told me to call back in a week.

On June 30 I called Megan only to find out that she needed my psych eval. Then, in her words, my file would be complete and sent in to my insurance company. I called Covenant and was told my psych eval was sent on June 12 to Brookfield Surgical Associates in c/o Megan O'Driscoll. I called Megan back. She did not return my call.

On July 3 I went in person to Covenant Healthcare to see if I could get yet another psych. eval sent to Brookfield Surgical Associates for Dr. Chiang. The secretary there (Kathy; what a peach, she was so nice!) called Megan, and guess what! My psych eval had found its way into my folder! But guess what number two! Now Megan needed my physical therapy report in order for my file to be complete. To Megan's credit, she did call back twice that day, but I wasn't at home.

On July 7, I called and left a message re: the status of my file. By that time I had gotten an answering machine. Megan left a message and guess what number three! Now all she needed was my nutrition report and THEN my file would be complete.

I've had it. I wrote Dr. Chiang a letter detailing this maze of incompetence with a cc. to Dr. Machi. I think the next part is rather telling. I was gone overnight, but today I returned, and I had two messages: one from Megan (not Dr. Chiang) indicating Dr. Chiang had received my letter and that I should call her to resolve the dietary report (as if that was my only complaint), and another call from Dr. Machi (himself) expressing his sympathies and his willingness to do whatever he could to help me.

So that's my report so far. Since I'm a teacher, summer would have been the optimal time for this surgery and recovery. I can't imagine going back to 125 students and 12 hour workdays (in hot, humid weather -- you've never lived until you're trapped in an airless room with 30 teenage bodies)sipping an ounce of water every 15 minutes and trying to physically recover from surgery. Angry? You bet I am. I've wasted at least 6 weeks waiting for reports (that were sent to Brookfield Surgical Associates) that appear, disappear, and reappear. It's magic! It's incompetence! It's unacceptable!


Had a consultation with Dr. Chiang on 7-25-02. Was extremely impressed with him. He was very thorough and detailed, yet was personable. I was very comfortable with him. Everyone I met in that office seemed pleasant and knowledgable, I was very comfortable with everyone.


My first impression of Dr Chiang was that he was younger than I expeceted. He was nice and he answered all my questions. He explained the surgery and possible risks. His business manager Kristy spoke to me after I saw the Dr and explained some other issues re: the surgery. I have only met Dr. Chiang once but I would recommend him to others at this point. About 21 years ago I had the VGB so this will be a revision to the RNY. He explained how this would be done.

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