Manfred C. Chiang

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 30 ratings

Manfred C. Chiang Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

12 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch




and 1 more...

James Burhop Profile Pic
James Burhop
David Engstrand Profile Pic
David Engstrand
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Bobby Wu
Bariatric Surgeon

30 Reviews for Manfred C. Chiang
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I liked Dr. Chiang very much. He spent a lot of time explaining all of the risks, complications, and benefits of both types of surgery. He was very thorough, and used visuluals, as well. He was not at all condesending, and was very open and receptive to questions both my husband (he's an RN) had. I felt extremely comfortable with him, and feel he will be an excellent sugeon for me.


Dr. Chiang has taken the time to explain in great detail all aspects of pre-surgery to me. He has been considerate and kind. The staff at the Bariatric Institute is helpful.


I have only met with Dr. Chiang once so far. I found him to be very pleasant. He spent time listening to me and went over the papers I had filled out with me. He was very informative and seemed to be quite confident and that was reassuring. His office staff was very friendly. He does have aftercare program and they all really seem to advocate aftercare and group counseling. So far I would rate him pretty good on the first impression scale.


So far, I have been wonderfully impressed with Dr. Chiang, his staff, and the Elmbrook Hospital staff. Dr. Chiang is easy to talk to, knowledgeable, and believes in the same things I do relating to WLS -- from pre-op testing to the 2-week liquid diet before surgery to the importance of support to longterm aftercare. His office is designed with the obese in mind, and his staff is respectful and helpful. Most of the pre-op evals are performed at Elmbrook Hospital, which goes out of its way to be pleasant and accommodating. I am very happy I found this surgeon!


I had my first consultation with Dr. Chiang yesterday and I was very impressed with the sense of calm that I had in dealing with him and his staff. They were so kind and patient, I really think I've found the right Doctor for me. Now I just have to get insurance approval and decide which surgery makes more sense for me. That's another thing about Dr. Chiang, he didn't try to sway me one way or the other...just gave me really thorough info about Banding and RNY. He said the decision is mine...and to do some soul searching. I would suggest him to anyone who is looking in the Milwaukee area.

UPDATE 8/16/2004:

Received approval from my insurance company in less than a week! A lot of the credit is due to Dr. Chiang's office staff...Lynn in particular. I had heard horror stories about getting approval from HIRSP on the first try so I was very anxious. Lynn at Dr. Chiang's office however is familiar with what HIRSP has requested from previous HIRSP patients and insisted that I get everything before submitting, which I have to admit was a bit frustrating for me. But I am SOOOOOO glad she insisted...I was approved in less than one week!!!

UPDATE 10/15/2004: Just wanted to add how glad I am that I chose Dr. Chiang...this experience has been better for trusting in him. His bedside manner while I was in the hospital was marvelous in spite of the fact that he was "stuck" in the hospital from Friday to Sunday because of his busy schedule...he always remained calm, kind and interested.


Dr. Chiang is a very caring and sincere person. My impression of him only gets better each time I see. His office staff are friendly and helpful. There wasn't one thing that I disliked about him. Any future patients should know that he truly cares about each individual patient. He has a support group for his patients that meets once a month. His aftercare is as important as the surgery. I would rate him as a 20 out of a 1 to 10 . His bedside manner and surgical manner are both great. The only negative thing that I can think of about my entire experience so far, is that sometimes his office staff can be a little abrupt......but I put that down to just being so busy sometimes...


Dr Chiang and the people in his office are very nice. They are dedicated to making sure that you are making an informed decision and that you are doing what is best for you. They are very careful to let you know the pros and cons of both the rny and lab band procedures. They answer all questions and provide any information you may need. They stress the importance of aftercare. Dr Chiang did my gall bladder surgery laproscopically last year and is an excellent surgeon. He is friendly and approachable. The only thing I found odd was that he re-introduces himself to me every time. I think he forgets faces because he sees so many patients.


Dr Chaing was a very kind a respectful man. He made me feel very comfortable instantly and caused me no embarresment what so ever. He was very thourough in explaining the type of procedure he felt I should have and explained all of the risks and considerations related to the laproscopic RNY.
My opinion has not changed from my first impression of this surgeon. He was very accesable and his staff was friendly and very ontop of the game with my insureance company. I had no problem with getting my paperwork sent out quickly and accuratly and was approved in about 4 weeks.
I have nothing negative to say about Dr. Chaing or his staff. They were all just great!
He is very kind and actually sympathetic to the physical strains of being overweight. Alot of doctors out there are pretty calouse about an overweight person's daily struggles with weight and the problems it causes.
Dr. Chaing has you come back for follow up visits quite regularly to monitor your weight loss and iron/B12 levels. I have since moved from Wisconsin to California and will be emailing my lab results and weight updates to them every few months. They also push seeing a diatician post-op.


My husband and I met with Dr. Chiang together as we are both going through the process within a few weeks of each other (hopefully!!). Dr. Chiang is extremely patient and very thoughtful - he answered all of our questions and didn't have pat responses - he actually thought about it and answered. We had attended the seminar that the Bariatric Institute hosted and were immediately impressed with all 3 Drs (Engstrand, Burhop, and Chiang). The interaction between the three and afterwards when answering questions, they seemed to have an excellent repoire with one another. I like a Dr. who is willing to challenge others on their statements and be prepared to back up his when other's challenge him. I give Dr. Chiang the highest marks!!!

I am still so impressed with Dr. Chiang. I saw him for my 2 week follow up appointment and even though it was a quick appointment, he answered all of my questions. He is very caring and his competency as a doctor is outstanding. I have 5 little incisions and 2 look like little scratches, 1 is my port so it is larger but still not a bad incision, and then 2 others that are healing a little slower than the rest, but he was still happy with how things look.


DR.Chiang is a wonderful doctor.He talks to you in a way that you can understand. He has experience,and is very compassionate.

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