Jose Rodriguez Bariatric Surgeon
18 yr in Bariatrics
18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
90% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 13
Max Age of Patient is 70
Adjustable Gastric Band

18 yr in Bariatrics
18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
90% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 13
Max Age of Patient is 70
Adjustable Gastric Band

I was nervous about traveling to Mexico by myself for surgery but it worked out well. Most of the nurses spoke English and the ones that did not I communicated via google translate. Every step on the way different doctors from the team checked in with me. Each day several doctors came by. Unlock other reviews my sheets were changed. There were many channels on TV in English which included many HBO and Cinemax channels. The juices, broth and green jello were ok. I received pain and nausea medication as soon as I needed it. The staff was very attentive. I have been home for two weeks and already lost 29 pounds. I am following the diet directions strictly. My favorite protein drink is premier protein caramel. My stomach hurts less now than it did before surgery. I haven’t experienced any heartburn. I coordinated everything with my primary care physician before I came just in case I had any issues but it’s been flawless so far. I feel that I was taken care of better in Mexico than I ever was in the United States.

I was over 250 pounds and nearly immobile. I HAD to do something. I would have this procedure done again in a heartbeat. It's been over 2 years. The last time I was this healthy I was in my 20's. I hike 3 miles a day, 5 times a week. I feel like a new person. I like to go places now and see and do new things. I didn't want to do anything when I was obese. I went from taking many medications to only taking 2. Diabetes is GONE. Hypertension is GONE. I still get depressed, but only when I'm unable to exercise...which I now love.
With all the positive, there are a few negatives. The nurses who work at the hospital are either overworked or do not care. I'm not quite sure which. One will NOT get narcotics for pain relief. To be honest, I really didn't need them. Some do. Having my gallbladder out was worse. Bring someone with you. I didn't because I live in the Borderland area. I believe I would have been better attended to if I would have had someone there on my behalf. My call bell was seldom answered and I was ignored by the nursing staff. These hospitals DO NOT operate like American hospitals.
Belite does not give a rat's rear end about you. If you are frightened from being in a 3rd world country, have a lunatic in the next room (yes it happened to me) or have a question, after your money is received, it's a big old eff you, buddy. You will never, ever find a bad review about them. It's a good thing Dr. Rod can carry his own. Belite is useless, IMO, except to process the fee.

Just returned from Juarez, Mexico. This was my fifth trip. I had a band and then a revision. Have gone with friends and this time went with my daughter. I think Belite is a great company and love Dr Rod and his team. The problem is patients/family were being robbed of their cash while they were in surgery. I've contacted Belite as there is a problem there right now. Have to wonder how many this happened to and they were to afraid to report it since it's Juarez, Mexico?
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Excellent experience. Star Medico in Juarez was a very nice hospital and the staff was fantastic. Push that button and they were there in less time than I ever experienced in a U.S. hospital! Dr Rodriguez and his staff were very helpful and knowledgeable. I also used BeLite Weight Loss and while a bit more expensive than others I have seen, they were very helpful and well worth the extra money. My only complaints are nothing in English on the TV and the broth sucked! (The jello was great though!)
I was over 380 at surgery time and 7 months out I am down 140 pounds. Would I do it again? Absolutely!

I had a revision on my bypass that was done 15 years ago. I had gained about 50 pounds and didn't want to gain anymore. I have lost in the last 3 weeks, 13 pounds... which was all in the first 10 days and none since. I am keeping to my diet, eating only about 800 calories a day... so, I hope it picks up. I wanted to come on here, cuz there is not a lot of places to talk about surgery in Mexico that are not controlled by the consultants who get you there....ever wonder why all the reviews (like on BeLiteWeight) are all POSITIVE? It's because if you have a less than perfect experience, they deny what you claim and ignore you. I am not even going to mention the rip-off financers they offer but to say we paid $300 for a credit card offered for free online and an outrageous fee to use it for the surgery… a racket but we thought this is how it is done and they told us nothing else. Come to find out later, there is A LOT they don’t mention to make more money….
Just to say, the surgery was fine, the doctors were great and the hospital, while not all that wonderful as told to us, was fine... basically a Motel 6 without the charm, but the cafe' food was good my husband says. My problems began in recovery. I was told I would not be left alone, but, I woke up totally alone. After calling out, someone came by and I mentioned I needed to urinate. I was told there was no way for that. What?? Finally, the nurse brought me a bedpan and some paper towels and left. The thing leaked all over. Did they change the sheets? No! My husband had to do that once I got back in the room! I sat on wet sheets over an hour. He had to chase down the sheets, while I tried (2 hours after the surgery), to give myself a quick sponge bath in the bathroom. I am so glad we bought our own towels and washcloths as they offered only one large towel the entire visit. The nursing staff was nice but very slow and sometimes ignored me, especially about pain control. I had, what the doctors told me, was a very long and involved surgery and I would/should be in more pain than I expected... so true! Not that I am a wimp, I had two fully natural births of 10 pound babies at home! But does being a pain wimp really matter? Everyone knows pain control is essential to promote healing. It was nearly impossible to get good pain control, and one time they tried to give me something I am allergic bring a computer or smart phone a search everything they give you. The one time they got my pain under control, they refused to give me the same thing the next time. At one point, I was in tears and hyperventilating and it was absolutely no big deal to them at all! They kept pushing cheaper, less effective drugs... one way they cut costs I guess, at my expense! When I told them a certain drug had no effect at all, the answer was, “Take two.” I was not ready to leave when I did, but I was so eager to get out of there, I did go. I had some codeine in the car from a past dental treatment and thank God I did! My advice, bring your own pain meds, just in case. The other ways the cut costs is by never changing your gowns, linens or towels, cheapy breathing exercise devices, lousy TV (bring your own entertainment) and basically not having enough staff to attend to you. It was hard, at times, to get anyone to come to the room or come back quickly after a request. Not too bad, just go prepared not thinking what BeLiteWeight says is at all true.
Lastly, when I reported my experience to my consultant Sylvia at BeLiteWeight, she ignored me and forwarded my email to the owner JoAnne… who, never apologized or even asked any questions about it all. NO ONE there has ever apologized, checked up on me or frankly given a damn… I guess they got their money and that’s it. Meanwhile, I have say I still feel traumatized for the pain. I have had many surgeries and never had anything near what this pain level was and the fact no one really cared what happened, hurts my soul.
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Almost 3 years ago, I came across a website called My whole life as been change due to Belite and Dr Rodriquez. I had a gastric bypass, with no complications and weighed 205 less on my 1 year surgery anniversary. I have kept it off in the last 2 years. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think, pray for and say thanks to... Dr Rodriquez and JoAnne, thank you for changing my life.
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I had a very good experience in Mexico and
Dr.Rodriguez was very nice person and also was his
crew there.
The things I didnt care for are No good pain meds there also, there was very little after care, once I came home, no phone calls and trying to get some
one to call you back was kinda hard, but I did loose good no complaints about my surgery.
I wish I would have gotten the DS instead of the sleeve cause I am a grazer and I love carbs, and now im gaining weight as fast as I lost it even faster!
I had a very good experience in Mexico and
Dr.Rodriguez was very nice person and also was his
crew there.
The things I didnt care for are No good pain meds there also, there was very little after care, once I came home, no phone calls and trying to get some
one to call you back was kinda hard, but I did loose good no complaints about my surgery.
I wish I would have gotten the DS instead of the sleeve cause I am a grazer and I love carbs, and now im gaining weight as fast as I lost it even faster!
1 person found this helpful
I had a very good experience in Mexico and
Dr.Rodriguez was very nice person and also was his
crew there.
The things I didnt care for are No good pain meds there also, there was very little after care, once I came home, no phone calls and trying to get some
one to call you back was kinda hard, but I did loose good no complaints about my surgery.
I wish I would have gotten the DS instead of the sleeve cause I am a grazer and I love carbs, and now im gaining weight as fast as I lost it even faster!

Dr. Rodriguez, Dr. Elmo and the other Doctor who I cannot remember his name are by far the best I have ever come across. The staff at Star Medica was sooooo caring, attentive, friendly, and had the upmost respect for us patients. I was very scared going in to has the Sleeve done but now I have no regrets. I am only a day short of a week post op and I feel great my clothes are getting loose. I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY which is so great, I lived on energy drinks twice a day every day. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND STAR MEDICA AND DR. RODRIGUEZ and DR. ELMO... I love yall guys. Best Experience!!!
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