John Marsden Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

When I first met Dr Marsden before surgery I thought he was very friendly easy going and made me feel comfortable and relaxed. The day of surgery he came in and spoke with me and made me laugh which helped me to relax because I was very nervous and scared. Surgery went well and he kept my family updated with how things went. I had my surgery 05/06/13 I would highly recommend him and I did my supervisor has surgery tomorrow.
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I had my surgery only 1 month ago, my weight on the day of my consultation was 227 one month later(after surgery) I am 188, I cannot even begin to tell you how much happier I already am! My mobility is better, my self esteem is better, I sleep better (I no longer snore)I truly have to say that Dr. Marsden saved my life! It's funny how we find the money to purchase a new car, a new home, boats, motorcycles, etc. But we can't find the money to have the necessary surgery to add years to our life or save our life! I'm here to tell you that even though I still have 40 lbs to lose you can't put a price on what I'm feeling! The lapband combined with a wonderful Dr. has given me my life back! I Highly recommend this procedure and Dr. Marsden!
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Dr. Marsden performed lapband surgery on me on 2/23/2012. After almost a year and a half, I had complications from the band after it dilated. An EGD confirmed that I had slipped. I had only lost 65lbs with the band and had hoped to lose more. Dr. Marsden did a great job on my lapband surgery and I had a great recovery. After I found out about the dilation, I made an appointment with him to discuss other options. Dr. Marsden did not make me feel like a failure because my band slipped or because I had not lost as much weight as hoped. He simply explained that not all patients do well with the band. He also cheerfully explained that I had other options. We discussed the VSG and he submitted all of the paperwork for my insurance to do the revision. I revised to the sleeve on 5/30/2012. My surgery went great. Dr. Marsden told my family that I should be in surgery for approximately 2.5 hours. My husband said the band was removed and my revision to the sleeve was all performed in under an hour. I think this speaks volumns of how wonderful a surgeon Dr. Marsden is. I've had no leaks or complications from the revision surgery. I believe God performs miracles through this man's hands.
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dr marsden is simply awesome. he's passionate about weight loss, contagiously optimistic, extremely knowledgeable, witty, down-to-earth, relaxed, and friendly. rnrnmy wife and i have both had the lap band surgery. after i had the surgery i couldn't say enough good things about him. when my wife went through the procedure, she was saying all the same things i did. he is a God send. anyone and everyone who decides lap band is the direction they need to go should seriously consider this fantastic doctor.rnrnagain to sum up: he's passionate about weight loss, extremely knowledgeable (talks often with the inventor of the surgical procedure), and will help you believe in yourself and in the ability to lose weight with lap-band.

My surgeon was Dr Marsden... His office made everything so easy for me.. I went to my first visit and they got my insurance information and sent everything to the insurance company to find out what requirements I had. They came back quickly with all the requirements I had to meet in order for my insurance to cover it. rnrnThey helped me every step of the way. They made me feel so welcome even though sometimes I felt a little awkward because of my weight. when I actually met Dr Marsden I knew that I made the right choice. rnrnHe is so sweet and down to earth and funny. He goes over everything prior to the surgery and answers any and all questions. rnrnOn the day of my surgery he came in and saw me and made me feel at ease at such a nervous time for me.rnrnThe only negative thing I can say is that once I did meet all of the requirements it was probably 2-3 weeks before the info was sent to the insurance company for approval of the surgery.. although they did tell me up front it would take that long for them to get all info together and send it in, it just felt like so long because I wanted everything to just be done and over with.. rnrnIm so glad I did this!

Dr. Marden performed the lapband procedure on myself and my wife on the same day (Oct 07). We had other family members to take care of our post surgery care. We both had nothing short of a wonderful experience with Dr. Marsden and his surgical staff. After getting home from surgery (only a couple of hours after the procedure) my wife was trying to walk down a set of stairs and slipped. She was already in agreat deal of pain and this did not help matters any. It was after office hours and I called the surgery center to get in touch with Dr. Marsden, in less than 15 mins he returned my call and gave us instructions on what to do. A few weeks later I was out of town on business and coming up on my first checkup. Dr. Marden was visting another office in the town I was working in and allowed me to visit him there so I would not miss my appointment. It was small acts like these, his great bedside manner and highly recommended surgical skills that led us to his office.