J. Kenneth Reed

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 32 ratings

J. Kenneth Reed Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

32 Reviews for J. Kenneth Reed
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I couldn't be more pleased with Dr.Reed. He took extra great care of me and met and exceeded all of mine and my family's expectations. I will be seeing him again soon to perform another surgery on me.


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I couldn't be more pleased with Dr.Reed. He took extra great care of me and met and exceeded all of mine and my family's expectations. I will be seeing him again soon to perform another surgery on me.


I was not originally a patient of Dr. Reed's. My Surgeon ended up with influenza, i was scheduled with Dr. Reed the same day instead of post poning my surgery date. I was very happy with Dr. Reed. He really is a no nonsense doctor. He tells it like it is and is very forthcoming with information and who to ask to get the info. He makes sure that every person who you see throughout the process is used to the abilities that they aretrained to do. Nut inquiries--contact Nut....etc....He was very quick and has informed me that hes dont over 1000 WLS to date and each very successful. I would recommend him to anyone who is researching Dr.s to to do proceedure. THANK YOU DR. REED again for fitting me in to your busy schedule and covering a respected colleagues patients when in need.

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Amazing Dr. wonderful and caring. Was very helpful in getting rid of any fears I had.


Dr Reed did my surgery 3 years ago ..i have lost 170 pounds and up till last week i had no complaints other then he is a bit dry ..but i have been having a lot of problems this past 6 month with not being able to keep food down ...i can only eat soft foods ...when i went for my third year check in, i seen the nurse and she said he was in the office and i should talk to him ...well i felt like i was bothering him he didn't really look at me ...i laid on the table and reminded him i had just had the stent removed that morning from a kidney stone removal 5 days before and i was still very sore he pressed on my stomach in a few places and i had pain then he went to my right side where the stone (bigger then a jumbo marble)was and i nearly flew off the table and he didn't seem to care even when i walked out of his office my sister and the nurse asked me if i was ok since all colour went out of my face and lips as i gripped a chair in alot of pain ..he wasn't really interested that i had also had to have a blood transfusion before surgery due to a haemoglobin of 70 ....all my blood work is pretty much off but again he didn't seem to care ...it has been about 3 months since i have been able to eat more then three very small bites with out throwing up and if it does go down it feels like my intestines are burning he said call in two weeks ...i feel like as long as everything is going well its great but if you have problems he doesn't have the time any more and passes you on to the nurses ..i think the clinic has gotten to big and impersonal its pretty bad when the staff asks me if he was in a good mood ..i dont know maybe i got him on a bad day but come on at least act like you care just a little ..update just threw up and a spot of blood now ..maybe once i call them and let them know that ill get some action or maybe not Dr Reed needs to work on his after care bed side manner a little

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I had heard from a co-worker that Dr. Reed was a "No-nonesence, don't crack jokes, don't take this lightly" kind of doctor. Which was ok, really, I didn't want a wise-cracking surgeon anyway. When I met him I went in with a smile on my face and a serious disposition, not wanting to put him off. He took me by surprise when he spoke matter of factly, but made jokes along the way...(I had asked if I was going to lose my hair after surgery and he touched his head and said..."Well, not like THIS...but..." It eased the mood substantially. He was encouraging and didn't talk down to me. Audrey (Nurse) scared the beans out of me the first few times I met her, but she made sure I had my tests done, my ducks in a row and didn't care for excuses. This is not a procedure to be taken lightly, it was the kick in the tail I needed when I missed a couple appointments. The point that is hammered home time after time is this. If you do not follow the after care/diet/excersize this surgery is a waste of time and you will fail. I refuse to let myself down. I thank Dr. Reed and all of his staff for reminding me that I can do it.

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Dr. Reed is one of those surgeons that patients need to understand is not there to be your friend. He is all business; not one for levity or idle chit-chat. But in this region he is the best and most experienced at what he does, and that is what the bariatric patient contemplating weight loss surgery really needs.

My pre-surgery consult was thorough and to the point. My risks with and without surgery were made perfectly clear to me. He was up front with his batting average (700+ surgeries with one mortality - a 45 y.o. male heart attack). Possible complications were discussed as well as post-surgery expectations of myself, particularly with regards to daily exercise. Any questions I asked were answered, straight up.

The surgery itself was flawless. Dr. Reed updated my waiting family immediately following surgery, assuaging their anxieties with a positive report. I was transferred to my hospital room with no pain issues. He visited daily, though there was nothing to say as my post-surgery healing was progressing normally.

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Dr. Reed is competent and very knowledgeable. I have nothing buy compliments for Dr. Reed and his staff at the Guelph Clinic. I was nervous at first but he put me at ease Dr. Reed. took the time to explain and reasure me. I have been out four months and I am doing well. .

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Dr.Reed is the best, I had no pain after my surgery, the office staff are also the best team I have ever incomtered, they are helpfull and go the extra mile for ya, they chear you on and hold ur hand if you have a set back, all I can say I would do it again in a heart beat.....

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I really liked him. Knowledgable, curtious and informative.....everything you would hope for in a surgeon.

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Hi my name is Alexis Bennett & I am from Cambridge, Ont. I want to say that when I started this journey over a yr ago I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My first appointment was in Dr. Reeds office, his nurse there and staff have always been very kind, understanding and very helpful.

I had had a hard yr medically and decided I needed a break, over the summer. When I called in the fall of this yr we picked up as if I never took a break.

All my appointments got set up and book through the new Guelph clinic. Again all the staff here, Linda, Audrey, Faye, Nancy, Jodi were very kind, nice and understanding. They all were very helpful and would answer any questions I had.

Dr. Reed is a man of few words, but ask him a question and he gives you straight answers. He is there for his patients and will go the extra mile for them when there is any kind of problems.

I have had a complication and everyone " the clinic and the hospital have been so very kind, and helpful. They have seen me without appointments, they had squeezed me in and taken wonderful care of me.

Dr Reed went on holidays while I was sick with complications and he arranged for another surgeon to follow my case if needed during the time he was away.

Any time I call the clinic they put my calls through immediately and if no one is available they are very good at getting right back to me.

They have a very structured aftercare program and I am so grateful for that. No I am not following it cause of being so sick with my complications but the goal is for me to eventually be following the proper follow up aftercare program.

I would rate Dr Reed an overall of a 10. I think that Dr Reed is an excellent surgeon and I highly recommend him. His bedside manner is good as well. If you are looking for a talkative man, well let’s just say he is not. But if you have questions for him he will make sure you have the answers.

I think he and his team are the Best, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Without you guys I am not sure where I would be today.

Yes I am still having problems but they are right on top of it and know they will not leave me hanging high and dry, that they will be doing whatever they can to get to the bottom of my complications.

Dr. Reed thank you, I may not feel 100% physically yet but I have no regrets in letting you do my surgery and if asked would you do it all over again with this same team my answer would be absolutely. Thank you Guelph clinic as well.

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