Heather McMullen

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 13 ratings

Heather McMullen Bariatric Surgeon MD,FACS

13 Reviews for Heather McMullen
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I was very skeptical about this procedure to begin with, my attitude was that you don't mess around with nature. But knowing someone who went through this helped me keep an open mind when I went for my initial appointment. Dr.Macura was very helpful in explaining every aspect for the sugery to me and answered most of my questions before I had to ask them. He mapped out the procedure from beginning to end and explained all the complications that can arise. I left this meeting feeling very confident in his ability and began the process to have the surgery done.

04/11/03 - As of today my surgeon has changed. Dr Jerzy Macura is no longer with the practice. I will be seeing Dr. Heather McMullen,Who I have been told is an excellent surgeon. My surgery Date has been given to me, which is May 8th. I will be seeing Dr. McMullen before then and will ask all my questions over again.

08/19/03 - Well I am almost 11 weeks post-op and I am feeling real good. I had no major problems and I am losing weight. I would just like to say that Dr's McMullen, Coppa,and Nicastro have all been fantastic. I would recommend them to anyone that is interested in this surgery.


Dr. McMullen was my surgeon in addition to Dr. Macura. Since surgery I've only followed-up with Dr. McMullen. I find her to be pleasant, straight-forward and has a great bedside manner.

The office staff is also wonderful, especially Elsie, the nurse practitioner.


She seemed calm, confident and patient. Allowed me to ask questions. I am looking forward to meeting the second surgeon, Dr. Coppa soon.

Office staff is incredible, from Samantha the receptionist, to Linda and Daisy! Add Sandra and Elsie to that and you have an incredible team in the office.

6/10 - Met Dr Coppa today -- he'll be assisting Dr McMullen on my surgery 6/16. I liked him a whole lot -- more personality and reassuring than Dr McMullen (well - I get a balanced team!).

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