Brice Hamilton Bariatric Surgeon M.D.
2 yr Experience
4 yr in Bariatrics
7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
1 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
20% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65
2 yr Experience
4 yr in Bariatrics
7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
1 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
20% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65
I was a little aprehensive at first. I thought how could this attractive doctor understand me and my problems with my weight and my physical appearance. Over time I have really opened up to him and he has to me also. He makes such a huge difference in peoples lives and I believe he truely grasps the position that he is in. He is a wonderful physician but also a good friend. I thank him every day of my life for being there for me.The whole solutions staff,nurses and everyone affiliated with the program are an answer to a prayer. They have been there for me, and all my questions, doubts, fears,concerns and they keep me on track with my lab work, vitamins,and office visits. On a scale of 1-10, I would have to rate Dr.Hamilton a 10 plus. If you want the best He Is. He has been there for me and will be there for you. I put my life in his hands and would recommend him to everyone.
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Well, now that Ive found my way to this site...I cant say enough things about Dr. Hamilton. This man is absolutely "the" best damn Doctor I have ever crossed in my years. He was very informative about my procedure, including the goods, and the bads. He was there everyday while I was in the hospital with "real talk" just about how I was really doing. I truly am glad after all of the months of research in having gastric bypass that I made the choice to have my procedure done by Dr. Hamilton. My recovery has been everything that I was told it would be. There have truly been "no surprises". Im looking foward to my future now and what it holds for me. Anyone considering this procedure in my area, I would gladly speak very highly of Dr. Hamilton and rate him as one of the most "real" Doctors you can find. Absolutely no regrets. Thanks to all the
staff at guys are great!
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