Douglas M. Krahn Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS
20 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
90% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 15
Max Age of Patient is 70
20 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
90% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 15
Max Age of Patient is 70
at first i did not know if i would like him because he seemed very sure of himself. upon getting to know him better through the pre-op phase i found him to be the best doctor i have ever seen. his office staff is always very helpful and his assisstant is always there for me day or night. the hardest thing was that he wanted me to quit smoking before he would do the surgery. which i did and haven't smoked in over three months now thanks to dr. krahn. he is very sure of the way he wants to do things and the things you need to do to make it happen. he tries to keep everything going smooth, but he makes sure to let you know that you must do what is expected of you for everything to go well. he stresses the importance of support groups, future appointments for life!, and spiritual care. we have support groups once a month and i find those to be the most helpful. he also called me at home personally when i had a problem at home a couple of days after surgery. when we were discussing the risks for surgery, he was very up front about everything. there was no doubt in my mind about anything that could or would happen. as for how i would rate him, i have already stated that he is the best doctor i have ever seen, he is always there for his patients and he truly cares. and his surgical competence and bedside manner are both great.
My first impression was.. WOW and 6 months out and still feel the same way.
Staff has been there 100% and when it was time to do all the paper work. I just sat back and they did it all.
Dr. Krahn is a very caring Dr.
He does want all his patients to come to the monthly support meetings. I am in charge of the clothing exchange with Dr. Krahn's patients.
<font color="#9999FF"><b> He was impressive and I'm leary of doctors due to past history with them, so that is saying alot. His schooling residency and published writings are some of the best I've seen so far. (UC Davis, then 5 year surgical residency at LLUMC, Bariatric fellowship Florida, private practice bariatric group in florida, then on to becoming Medical director in Florida and now in CA)He was very friendly and personable as was his staff. They act like they truly care and are full of energy for this work. His program is different then others in that you have a group of ppl who are there to help and support you closely before and after for quite a while. Its not just a doctors office, its a comprehenvive lifestyle program and that is excellent. He is willing to take the time and effort to answer all questions and explain in detail what is to come. He is honest. He has only done around 20 surgeries since he started his practice in San Bernardino (as of this writing 4/08/04) but he comes from a Highly successful and renoun practice in Florida where he learned under one of the best in the field and had performed over 200 surgeries to date. His surgical competence, bedside manner and aftercare program are top notch and I have been searching for quite a while. He himself is well researched and studied in all bariatric surgery procedures and is honest about how he feels about them.
This is just my own opinion of him and others may not care for him or his way of doing things. The only things I feel are downfalls is that he has not been practing very long in California and that he is really tough about before and follow up program, but then that is also a good thing not to let you fall through the cracks and to make sure you are serious and willing to do whatever it takes to get healthy.</b>