Ali Tavakkoli Bariatric Surgeon MD
10 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
40% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 70

10 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
40% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 70

Dr. Tavakkoli changed my life! I am so happy I decided to have Gastric Sleeve Surgery 9 months ago (April 2015). I have lost 70lbs and have been supported by him, PA, Dieticians, and Dr. Davidson along the way. He was always great at explaining my options, and making sure I was confident in my decision to choose sleeve over the other options. He has great bedside manners and follow up approaches. He was always on time for my appointments as well! The entire staff is always ready to help! BWH was an excellent choice for this procedure and I am grateful all this team has done for me!

Dr. T is absolutely the best! He is very personable and easy to talk to, not cold or stand-offish like some doctors. He answered all my questions and concerns and made me feel very comfortable with his abilities and my choice to have weightloss surgery.rnrnHe also screens his patients and only does the surgery if you are as committed to success as you need to be to come through the proceedure well and be successfull in your weightloss. He is realistic and thorough.rnrnHe is a very capable and talented surgeon, easy to talk to and very willing to offer as much information and guidance as needed.rnrnHe's a nice guy, too. I owe him a lot!

- Very professional, friendly, and made me feel really comfortable with the process.rn- The staff have been wonderful!!! Assistant Susan is a sweetheart and super accomodating.rn- I have only met with him once.. my next appointment is Feb. 27th to schedule my surgery. I will give more feedback then!rn- HE IS WONDERFUL!!! So nice and super acomodating, I told him I wanted to do this as soon as possible so he moved things around to schedule me on March 20th... as opposed to April. I LOVE HIM! :-)

I have met Dr Tavakkoli twice already and found him to be friendly, and willing to take the time to explain things to you. His office staff, especially Susan has been fantastic in answering those questions that pop up from time to time and never seems bothered. Susan was great in setting up appointments for other tests and over all coordinating the whole process. My surgery is set for 1/31/2008, it exciting, but at the same time anxiety provoking.

My very first impression of my surgeon was wow he is kind! I felt very afraid at first while drivng to meet with him for the very first time.This was to get weighed and speak about surgery .rnrnI got a little lost getting to the office due to my own felt,but once greeted by his staff I felt the at ease.When Dr.Tavakkolizadeh came in to meet me he was very straight forwarded in a caring way.Wanted myself to know of all the option never made me feel this is what I have to at all ,and that really helped.rnrnI am a mother of two young children and I want my life with them to be made each day to the fullest,at this moment I feel like I am making the right choice for myself.rnI must tell you I did not have anything I did not like about him ,just was concerned about his young appearance.rnI actually mentioned that to him as well as his staff.After leaving my visit I flew home with such a bright uplifting feeling but still I wanted to check his records to make sure there is not any medical history gone bad on him ..As mentioned it is my life and I do have two little kids but I already had known he be the one because we connected as Doctor /Patient right away..Surely let me say his life in getting his medical license really amazed me.rnMy big day will be January 10th.I am looking forwarded to a much healthier life and a new me inside and out.rnI feel as though this is met for myself ,and I hope you all who may read this will meet with him.rnrnI will keep you posted .rnrnMelissa