Saratoga Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Program

Bariatric Center
Rating: 4.9954954955 out of 5 with 217 ratings

Saratoga Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Program Bariatric Center

Saratoga Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Program Bariatric Center Picture
Dmitri Baranov Profile Pic
Dmitri Baranov
Rachel Tierney Profile Pic
Rachel Tierney
PA-C, Lead PA, Bariatric Coordinator
Rhonda Bonacci Profile Pic
Rhonda Bonacci
Bariatric Office Manager
Sommer Scarfo Profile Pic
Sommer Scarfo
Nicole Gehman Profile Pic
Nicole Gehman
Leah Lafrance Profile Pic
Leah Lafrance
Amber Towers Profile Pic
Amber Towers
Lead Patient Access Specialist
Deborah Cottone Profile Pic
Deborah Cottone
Patient Access Specialist
Heather Saville Profile Pic
Heather Saville
Surgical Scheduler

217 Reviews for Saratoga Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Program
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I highly recommend Dr Baranov and his whole staff if you are interested in weight loss surgery. I recently had Gastric Bypass surgery and feel great. My experience through the process has been wonderful. Dr Baranov and his staff are very warm and caring. They are there for you through the whole process. The day I had my surgery at Saratoga Hospital was amazing. I woke from my surgery with mild discomfort and able to sip water with no problems. The staff made me and my needs their main goal.
I feel like I can finally get my life back and believe Dr Baranov is the one who gave it back to me.


Dr. Baranov and his entire staff are amazing. From the moment I went in for my first appointment I felt comfortable and like I was in great hands. You can tell the Dr truly cares for his patients and there health, he explained everything to me and made sure to answer all of my questions. I would recommend this office and Dr. Baranov to anyone I know!


I started my weight loss journey with Dr. Baranov October 5, 2020 and just had my gastric bypass surgery April 28, 2021. Since the beginning his self and his crew has showed infinite support and not once made me feel discouraged or hopeless in achieving my goal of a healthier lifestyle. I am 4 days post op and feel amazing! I would and will recommend him to anyone looking to better their health and life.
Thank you Dr. Baranov for helping me have a second chance at life.


The decision to go see Dr. Baranov was the best decision I could have made! After struggling for many years with loosing and keeping the weight off I finally felt like there was hope! I had the gastric bypass surgery and was surprised how well I felt after surgery. Up walking hours after surgery and home soon after surgery Only needed occasional dose of Tylenol for any soreness I did have. It has now been one week after my surgery and I feel great!
Dr. Baranov really is amazing and meticulous. He is helpful and always there to answer questions. I was so confident going into surgery that I couldn’t have been in better hands.
I am so happy that I choose Dr. Baranov and his amazing team who are so helpful and supportive as I start my new journey.


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The decision to go see Dr. Baranov was the best decision I could have made! After struggling for many years with loosing and keeping the weight off I finally felt like there was hope! I had the gastric bypass surgery and was surprised how well I felt after surgery. Up walking hours after surgery and home soon after surgery Only needed occasional dose of Tylenol for any soreness I did have. It has now been one week after my surgery and I feel great!
Dr. Baranov really is amazing and meticulous. He is helpful and always there to answer questions. I was so confident going into surgery that I couldn’t have been in better hands.
I am so happy that I choose Dr. Baranov and his amazing team who are so helpful and supportive as I start my new journey.


After many years of struggling with the decision to go the route of bariatric surgery The Team at Saratoga was very supportive and helpful in providing me with tools to make the best decision for me. Dr Barinov cares deeply about what he does. He is invested in my personal success. Andrea, Erica, JC are amazing and they truly make Saratoga Bariatric a place I would highly recommend.


Making the decision to have surgery is a life changing decision and there isn’t a better team to help you through that journey than Dr. Baranov and his staff. They give you all the tools and information you need to be successful and then you must put in the work. My results have been unbelievable, and I highly recommend Dr. Baranov if you are considering weight-loss surgery.


Dr. Baranov is truly an artist, a master, and absolutely the gold standard in weight-loss surgery. If you asked me in November if I would be not only speaking publicly about my own weight-loss surgery, but shouting about it from the rooftops, I would not believe it. My struggle with weight has been lifelong, and I felt a lot of shame and guilt (that I’m still unpacking) about seeking surgery. It felt like defeat. I was also extremely apprehensive because the vast majority of my experiences with healthcare professionals in New York state has been very negative, filled with fatphobia and other just uncomfortable experiences.

I have to say that every.single.encounter I have had with Dr. Baranov and his team of professionals has been nothing but exceptionally pleasant. Even before the informational seminar, his team was in touch with me about paperwork, etc., and made themselves readily available if I had any questions. As an admitted know-it-all when it comes to weight loss, I thought that the seminar would be a waste of my time—I couldn’t possibly learn anything new. Surprise! Dr. Baranov’s seminar (which was virtual this year—a phenomenal option) was incredibly thorough, and I left feeling so well-informed and much more at ease in pursuing a surgical path.

His office called within days to schedule my consult, and I went in with trepidation. However, meeting Dr. Baranov put me at ease. Not only is he impressively credentialed, but he is at the forefront of improving bariatric practices around the country. Any question I had, he answered it. I never felt like I was being rushed or that he had higher priorities than me. By the time I left his office, I had a tentative surgery date, I met with his medical weight-loss doctor to get me going on some meds to help preoperatively, and I met with his scheduler who gave me a list of dates and times for all my required appointments leading up to surgery.

And there are certainly a lot of appointments, but I encourage people sitting on the fence to not let this discourage you. Every medical office should have a professional scheduler. I knew all the dates and times for everything from my fitness consult at the YMCA to my post-surgical office visit. It removed an enormous amount of stress and anxiety that comes with calling 10 different offices and coordinating schedules and waiting for callbacks.

Whenever I called his office during the pre-op period, I either spoke with a live person or got a very quick callback. I never felt disrespected or looked down on because of my size. I was not treated as unintelligent because I got to this point. At all times, by all people, I felt respected, cared for, empathized with, and listened to.

I am currently about 5 days post-op, and can now speak to my experience with surgery, the hospital, and recovering.

Like anyone about to undergo a major surgery, I had a fair amount of anxiety and excitement leading up to the actual procedure. At the time of consent-signing, I was put at ease by all his staff and himself. He reiterated how I would feel after surgery, and other important things to remember, like following the nutrition plan and what to pack for the hospital. It was a joyous occasion, and I felt like everyone was celebrating with me!

The day of the surgery was somehow a breeze. I went in early, thinking that surgery wouldn’t be until mid-day, but it was impressively on-time, nice and early! Dr. Baranov visited me right before the procedure to check on my well-being. I don’t remember a thing after the oxygen mask went on (shout-out to the anesthesiologist!), but I do remember waking up not in excruciating pain, just extremely tired and groggy.

Once I woke up a bit, I found out that the pain reliever prescribed to me was a very modest dose of Tylenol. I truly believe that the fact that the most pain I had came from gas and not the incisions or my organs is a testament to Dr. Baranov’s skill and finesse as a surgeon. I was lucky to have a robot-assisted laparoscopic Roux en Y bypass, and I have six VERY small incisions that I believe will leave minimal scarring once they’re completely healed.

I was in the hospital overnight, and during my stay, I was visited by Dr. Baranov and his staff no fewer than three times! While I wasn’t feeling or looking my best, it felt really good to know that these people really cared about how I was healing AND feeling. It made me feel so much more confident in my future trajectory.

By my second day home, I felt almost normal, save for some pressure in my new stomach. By the third or fourth day home, I didn’t feel I needed Tylenol anymore, I felt that good. I’ve had great energy, great mood, and feel GOOD. Again, I look at this as a testament to how skilled Dr. Baranov is at what he does, and how his program sets patients up for success. His postoperative diet for onboarding new foods is probably more aggressive than other practices, but it is reasonable, and I feel—once again—that it sets his patients up to have the best chance at not only long-term weight-loss success, but also to have the best chance of having no complications (or hurting your new stomach).

Since surgery, I have heard from his office/the hospital three times checking in! Plus, Dr. Baranov himself took time out of his Sunday night to proactively call me to ask me how I was feeling, if I had gone outside, if I had any questions. This only affirmed the feelings I’ve been having throughout this process: That Dr. Baranov cares about his patients; we are not a number; he is invested in our success. I don’t feel like many surgeons would go so above and beyond for their patients, and while I am not a religious person I have to say that I feel infinitely blessed to have been recommended his practice and to live near it.

I hear that he has patients come from far to receive his services. I would say that if you are considering weight-loss surgery and are within reasonable distance of the practice, there is absolutely no other place you should go—Saratoga Bariatrics, led by Dr. Baranov is clearly an exceptional practice that truly does serve its patients with the best care imaginable. Highly, highly, wholeheartedly recommend.

I am so excited to see what my future holds.

Thank you, Dr. Baranov. I have no doubt that you saved my life last week.


Dr. Baranov is fantastic! He does both surgical and non surgical options, helping everyone that he can. For me it was Gastric Bypass surgery. I've had type 2 Diabetes for about 9 years, and nothing made it go away. Keto diet, metformin, insulin... I've been through it all. When my son was born and I'd reached 320 pounds at 5'2 during the pregnancy.. I knew it was time for something permanent. I wanted to be around for my son.

Dr. Baranov worked my miracle for me. I am 6 days post op.. and my sugars have been in the 80-90 range..without ANY diabetes meds. This is life changing. This is worth it all!

Initially I was nervous about surgery, having heard horror stories from friends who went to other surgeons. I spoke with my doctor who said Dr Baranov is the only surgeon he would personally choose. Because Dr. Baranov is meticulous.

Rest assured Dr. B and his team are the best. They go above and beyond. Not sure what to eat/drink after surgery? No worries.  Dr B's team breaks it down weekly, making a super easy plan to follow post op. High blood sugar trying to kill you slowly? No worries,  Dr. Baranov can work a miracle for you too.


Dr. Baranov and his staff have been so patient and helpful during my whole weight loss journey. My gastric bypass had to be postponed due to another health issue of mine and the staff was very accommodating and helped me to get back on track for the surgery when I was able. I am now 5 days post-op from gastric bypass and am feeling great! My surgery went well and the nurses at Saratoga hospital were excellent! Dr. Baranov came to see me a couple hours after my surgery and brought very interesting pictures of my new stomach from the camera used in surgery. I really appreciated his attentiveness and the time he took explaining how he did the procedure while showing me the pictures. Dr. Baranov stresses how important following his pre-op and post-op diet is to the success of surgery and weight loss. Prior to surgery, I was able to lose over 35 lbs. with the help of medication and diet instructions from Dr. Baranov. Five days post-op and I am already down an additional 11 lbs. Without Dr.Baranov and his team, I would still be struggling with my weight. I feel that Dr. Baranov and his team have given me a new chance at life and I plan to take full advantage of it!


One day I watched myself on our Google nest camera. Usually I don't watch the video clips when I get the notifications because I know what I'm going to see. This time I watched it and I burst into tears. Who was this person limping away with her coat unzipped because it didn't fit anymore? I had the classic arthritic knee "waddle" my mother used to have. She died at 56 weighing 330 lb. I knew I had to do something to change the course I was on but I was too ashamed to ask for help.
After running into a woman I used to work with I was taken aback by her transformation. What was more noticeable than her weight loss was her smile. Behind that smile was a woman that took control of her health and decided to rewrite her story. Then she told me about Dr Baranov.
When I first met Dr Baranov he gave it to me straight and I loved that. He told me everything I needed to do to be successful and gave me the tools to start this journey. To say that everyone in his office is amazing is an understatement. I felt like I was in kind, caring and capable hands the entire process.
Thank you Dr Baranov for helping me re-write my story too. I went in the office a patient and I've left a new person.

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