Saratoga Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Program

Bariatric Center
Rating: 4.9954954955 out of 5 with 217 ratings

Saratoga Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Program Bariatric Center

Saratoga Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Program Bariatric Center Picture
Dmitri Baranov Profile Pic
Dmitri Baranov
Rachel Tierney Profile Pic
Rachel Tierney
PA-C, Lead PA, Bariatric Coordinator
Rhonda Bonacci Profile Pic
Rhonda Bonacci
Bariatric Office Manager
Sommer Scarfo Profile Pic
Sommer Scarfo
Nicole Gehman Profile Pic
Nicole Gehman
Leah Lafrance Profile Pic
Leah Lafrance
Amber Towers Profile Pic
Amber Towers
Lead Patient Access Specialist
Deborah Cottone Profile Pic
Deborah Cottone
Patient Access Specialist
Heather Saville Profile Pic
Heather Saville
Surgical Scheduler

217 Reviews for Saratoga Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Program
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i am a 52 year old man who one year ago was 300 lb. a type 2 diabetic on an insulin pump for the last 12 years and could not get my sugars down. i have all kinds of side effects from my diabetes and needed to do something .i found Dr Baranov on line looked at his site and then went to his info session. then i met with him and his staff on on one. i then started a 4 mount diet with him that was required by my insurance . then we set the date for Feb 13 is the 25 i am in my second week post surgery . and i am very unpressed with the post care. i call in my # for BG and blood presser. some times they call me to see how i am doing and not only from his PA but from him self calls .he also did this in the hospital his PA would come in and see me then he would some days it was 4 times .the last time i got my weight was on the 22 and i was down to 223 lb my # are in the very low 100 or 90s. this is the first time after finding out that i was a diabetic in 1989 that i can say my diabetes is under control my last A1C was 8.7 cant Waite to see my next one . i am so happy with my choice to go to DR Baranov and Saratoga hospital . go to his site and look it over you will love what you see and the care you receive. i would like to thank all of his staff and himself for my treatment so all are awesome in my book!!!!!!!!


At age 7 I remember weighing 140lbs. I've done everything I could to loose weight with virtually no results. At my physical last year I talked with my primary Dr. about my fears. I was 33 and weighed 271 lbs. I have fibromyalgia, high bloodpressure, high cholesterol, restless legs, asthma and a BMI over 40. My father had a heart attack & 4 way bypass at age 45, has diabeties, severe arthritis, & high blood pressure. My mother is severely morbidly obese (5' 1" & weighs 280lbs). She has severe COPD, high blood pressure, severe osteoarthritis, & sleep apnea. All three of my aunts (her sisters) died from heartattacks before age 65.
I was scared for my future. How much more pain would my body go thru and how much time did I have left with my kids before my weight would eventually kill me? My Dr. said, "I had to do something drastic now, at a young age, to not have my parents medical problems. Dr. Baranov in saratoga is a highly recommended bariatric surgeon & has an outstanding success rate." He advised me to attend a seminar & the support groups to see my options.
So I attended a support group hosted by his staff and I was blown away. The struggle was real & I was not alone. Others there were at all stages of thier journies. That support group solidified my decision. I had to meet this Dr, I had to see if he could help me change my life.
After meeting him & seeing the professionalism and dedication he has to helping his patients, I knew, if I had bariatric surgery, I wanted him to be my Dr.! He conducted the informational seminar himself, talking with everyone personally and answering everyone's questions. Durring my apt he was very clear, and asked me tons of questions. In a very short amount of time, he had my health history, my present situation and my genetic future in hand. He agreed with my primary Dr. & would do my surgery! All of his staff were welcoming, informative and supportive. I started a strict bariatric pre op diet and my 6 month insurance approval process. I attended every monthly support group and was loosing weight that I never could before! On my day of surgery, I was about 30LBS down from my highest weight! Today, I am one week post op. My surgery went very well. I woke with very little pain. Gas pain and nausea from the anesthesia was the worst of it. I was given IV medications and fluids to help and allowed to rest. That night, I was up walking the halls, sipping water and taking care of myself. I was able to shower, groom and dress. My room was private, immaculate, and modern. Nurses were very attentive to my needs and care. Tylonol was all I needed for pain & I went home the next day! My incisions look great, I feel great. I cannot wait to weigh in at my post op apt and see how much more weight I have lost! I am very happy and optimistic with my new future. Dr. Baranov has not only helped change my life he has changed my whole families lives and our futures!


For as long as I can remember I have struggled with my weight. At the age of 21 I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, and now I am 42. Three years ago I began using an insulin pump. I felt like "that was it," I was going to have an insulin pump for the rest of my life. After trying every "diet" I could, including Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, Health Management Resources (HMR), along with several prescription weight loss medications, in an effort to lose weight and help control my diabetes I decided to look into bariatric surgery.

Upon recommendation from a trusted health care provider and a family member, my husband and I both signed up for an informational session with Dr. Dmitri Baranov in Saratoga, NY. I was immediately impressed that Dr, Baranov himself conducted the seminar, which was very informative. His demeanor and professionalism made me feel very comfortable and excited about going further with my decision to have Dr. Baranov preform my Roux-end-Y Gastric Bypass surgery. He was very straight forward and I felt as though he expected the same level of honestly and effort from his patients and I would expect from a surgeon.

Beginning with my very first phone call to Dr. Baranov's office I have felt comfortable. His entire staff is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Everyone is extremely helpful and supportive. I live 2 hours away from Dr. Baranov's office, and I could have chosen a surgeon closer, but I am so glad I didn't. The extra drive was well worth it. I had surgery 5 days ago and feel amazing. I have been walking since I was out of recovery and in my private room. Dr. Baranov checked on me shortly after. I have called the office every day since to report my sugar and blood pressure readings and have received very prompt return calls with daily instructions, even on the weekend. I have never felt alone during this process and look forward to using the "Tool" that Dr. Baranov has given me to live a healthy and long life. Thank you Dr. Baranov and your amazing staff for giving me my life back. I am off of my insulin pump, and almost off of insulin all together. I trust Dr. Baranov 100% and then some, and strongly recommend him and his office to anyone interested in Bariatric surgery.


R.M.Rilke said..."You are not too old and it is not too late."

Dr. Baranov basically said the same thing to me when I voiced my concerns about having bariatric surgery at age 64. That was in January 2016. I started my journey then and I am currently down 78 pounds and going strong! No more diabetes or cholesterol medicine and the dosage of my blood pressure medicatication has recently been lowered.

I can't say enough about Dr. Baranov and his entire staff ! Right from the the time I attended his seminar, I knew that he was the surgeon for me and over the past year the support I have received has been phenomenal. Every question I've had pre and post op has been answered promptly and I have never felt like I was" just another patient."

Thank you, thank you, thank you Dr. Baranov, and your entire team, for giving me my life back!!


Dr. Baranov performed my gastric sleeve surgery on November 29, 2016 at Saratoga hospital. When I awoke from surgery I was in a private room. I felt absolutely no pain, only minor discomfort due to gas pressure. I started to walk around as soon as I was awake enough. I couldn't believe that 4 hours prior I was in surgery and now I'm walking around like nothing happened. My incisions didn't hurt because he glued them, no pulling, no pain. I only felt sore, never a pain level above 2 on a 1 to 10 scale. Dr. Baranov and his staff took exceptional care of me from the time I walked into the hospital until the time I walked out of the hospital the next morning. I would recommend Dr. Baranov 100%, I couldn't be happier with the entire process. Do not fear this surgery, it's nowhere near as bad as you're imagining.

Thank you again,
Dr. Baranov

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Diabetes changed my life. Christmas of 2008 I contracted Guillane-Barre Syndrome allegedly from the common flu shot. It rendered me paralyzed from the neck down and took the hospitalists at Saratoga Hospital three weeks to diagnose it. After recovery I was left with full blown type two diabetes. I was overweight, smoked, and drank heavily. Atkins, Suzanne Sommers, Jenny Craig, Weightwatchers all had their hand at trying to get me to slim down. But inevitably the old hand to the mouth reflex had them beat.

Then we heard about Doctor Dmitri Baranov and his success rate using Bariatric Surgery. Upon discussing it with friends and family we found that many had already experienced this and the surgery had changed their lives. I had the RNY surgery in November 16th, 2016 and it has truly changed my life.

He is a consummate professional. He is the top in his field. He is very personable and a good listener. I would highly recommend my surgeon Doctor Dmitri Baranov to anyone for this life changing procedure. I am glad I did. I quit smoking, drinking, and my diabetes has turned the corner. He is weaning me off the high-blood pressure meds and I feel so much better.

Two thumbs up!!

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Dr. Baranov is a superb surgeon and has helped me to lose weight that I've been carrying around with me for
almost 35 years!! He is careful and treats each of his patients with a caring demeanor. He is truthful and helps
you to see what is needed for you to succeed and live a longer and more fulfilling life. He has given me the tools
to make my weight loss journey a successful one. I can't thank him enough! He has given me hope that I will
live longer !! I love you Dr. Baranov!!

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Dr. Baranov is a no-holds-barred kind of dr.! I consider him extremely OCD, but medically speaking, that transfers to the most thorough dr I've ever had! Everyone who works in his office is very knowledgable about all things bariatric and they are very helpful with answering questions. Throughout this process they have offered a variety of support services including support groups, the practice's own website, on-line support groups, and many other tools to help in the decision-making process and to help once the decision to change your life for the better has been made. I am 4 weeks post RNY surgery and I feel great! I continue to make use of all the tools offered at Dr. Baranov's practice and I know that I will be successful if I make good use of these tools for this lifestyle change!

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I have been overweight most of my life. I have an auto immune disease called scleroderma and it was taking over my life. All my specialist were telling me to lose weight and I was trying to but eating healthier and exercising wasn't enough. I was always exhausted and the weight would go up and down but I wasn't gaining any ground. I had always been against weight loss surgery and to be honest I felt it was a cop out. One of my Dr.s suggested the lap band. The only reason I even listened was because it was removable. I ended up going to Dr. Baranov's free seminars and let me tell you... I learned more in those two hours about weight loss than I had in my entire life of online researching and fad diets.

Due to my disease I ended up getting the RNY done. I am almost 9 months out and I've already lost 105 lbs and am only 15 lbs away from my persona goal (I already reached the Dr.s goal). But what's even better than the way I look, is the way I feel! My blood pressure is down, my sleep apnea is gone, my blood sugar is normal, my acid reflux is gone, the swelling in my hands and feet is gone....the list goes on and on. I feel 20 years younger. I don't ever remember feeling this good! I used to think I would be dead in 10 years or less and now I know I will live at least 20+ more years thanks to Dr. Baranov! He has been a Godsend to me and my family. God Bless you Dr. B!!!

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1 previous review. « hide

I have been overweight most of my life. I have an auto immune disease called scleroderma and it was taking over my life. All my specialist were telling me to lose weight and I was trying to by eating healthier and exercising but it wasn't enough. I was always exhausted and the weight would go up and down but I wasn't making any ground. I had always been against weight loss surgery and to be honest I felt it was a cop out. One of my Dr.s suggested the lap band. The only reason I listened was because it was removable. I ended up going to Dr. Baranov's free seminars and let me tell you I learned more in those two hours about weight loss than I had in my entire life of online researching and fad diets.

Due to my disease I ended up getting the RNY done. I am almost 9 months out and I've already lost 105 lbs and am only 15 lbs away from my persona goal (I already reached the Dr.s goal). But whats even better than the way I look is the way I feel! My blood pressure is down, my sleep apnea is gone, my blood sugar is normal, my acid reflux is gone, the swelling in my hands and feet is gone....the list goes on and on. I feel 20 years younger. I don't ever remember feeling this good! I used to think I would be dead in 10 years or less and now I know I will live at least 20+ more years thanks to Dr. Baranov! He has been a Godsend to me and my family. God Bless you Dr B!

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In March of this year I met with an endocronlogist who told me that due to my excessive weight I was bound to have some type of stroke and/or heart attack. I looked into local Bariatric surgerons in my area when I came across Dr. Baranov's office. I made sure that I read the reviews first before making this life changing decision. I attended one of Dr. Baranov's seminars that went over what to expect when going through the bariatric surgery. I had my inital consult on April 10th 2015, being my first time in the office I was nervous and did not know what to expect, as soon as I walked in the staff at Dr. Baranov's office calmed me down. I have never been to a doctor's office where they treat you like family and not just another patient. On my initial consult I met with Dr. Baranov who firmly explained to me what to do and expect, I wasnt just another patient to him. I was a person who was overweight, unhealthy and unhappy with my life. He told me that this is a journey that he has taken numerous times with numerous patients and that we were going to walk this journey together and that I will succeed. On May 13th 2015 I had my surgery at Saratoga Hospital in Saratoga Springs NY, before my surgery Dr. Baranov and his team came to my bed side and talked to me and my husband to make sure that WE both understood the changes that I would be going through. Before he left he told my husband not to worry that I was in good hands and that he would not let anything happen to me. I came out of my surgery like a champ. While I was in the hospital Dr. Baranov gave my nurses strict orders that I was suppose to follow. I followed the instructions and was able to go home the next day. I want to personally thank Dr. Baranov and his ENTIRE staff for giving me back precious years of my life back. As I write this review I thank god for Dr. Baranov and the staff at the Saratoga Bariatric Center for Weight loss and Surgery as I have never been happier with my life and my new lifestyle

Thank you so much Dr Baranov

Amanda Myers

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