Kaiser Permanente

Bariatric Center
Rating: 3.6 out of 5 with 82 ratings

Kaiser Permanente Bariatric Center

82 Reviews for Kaiser Permanente
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Dr. Baggs is an excellent surgeon I was originally scheduled for Dr. Fisher but after hearing so many post op patients speaking highly of Baggs I switched to him.

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Dr. Baggs is a very confident and professional surgeon with a great sense of humor. I did alot of research on him before I made my decision to have surgery. Nothing but positive reviews and many note his sense of humor. Dr. Baggs works with Richmond Kaiser which is an excellent program that covers all aspects of bariatrics including psychological addictions (head hunger) and nutrition. After much research it appears that Dr. Baggs is very up to date on the newest research and method of lap band surgery and is the resident expert. I was very impressed with all his knowledge and expertice in regards to the AP lap band system. And he answers all your questions throughly and it is obvious he is on top of his game!! I also appreciate that he is easy to access by email which has not been my previous experience. He is quick and through in answering questions and consistently gets back to patients within 24 hours or usually hours. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Baggs. All the surgeons at Richmond Kaiser are great but for Lap Band Dr. Baggs seems to be the resident expert. Aftercare with Dr. Baggs is a breeze. Fills are quick and painless and I always leave his office laughing about something............Dr. Baggs is the greatest!!

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I have only had one appointment with my surgeon so far. I liked him from the begining very straight forward and easy to talk to. I am sure I will have more to say as time goes by...rnrnrnrnrnDr. Baggs was great before surgery & after. He explained everything very well and wanted to make sure my concerns were answered. I especially loved the pics I got after surgery, lol. Seeings this was my first time having surgery he made me feel very comfortable and secure that I would be completely taken care of....and I was. I would like to say the staff was great, especially Ricky in the surgery department.

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Dr. Baggs is great! My first impression was that he was friendly but super-professional. He ended up being funny, too! And just a very positive, affirming person. He is at Kaiser Richmond, so there is built-in pre- and post-op care and rules, the staff have all been great. Dr. Baggs gets an A++! I have nothing negative to say about Dr. Baggs or Richmond Kaiser, except that the barium swallow is awful and the techs did not seem to know how to deal with a lap-band patient, other than that my experience was great! My lap-band was perfectly placed, I don't get hungry and I lose at a steady rate. He is good at fills too!


I've only met him once but he was professional but comforting... he was encouraging and factual. I feel very good about putting my life in his hands!


He is great!! Very professional and caring and a warm personality. He does emphasize aftercare and through Kaiser they have great support and aftercare. He did go over the risks of surgery and gave me a relaxation CD to listen to in the weeks prior to surgery.rnHe excels in both surgical competence and bedside manner. He was very sweet to my family. I could not have asked for a better surgeon.


I had my lap band surgery 9/23/08. My impression of Dr. Baggs was that he was professional and really was supportive. The program at Kaiser Richmond is great and I feel that though I am just post-op one week, I will do well. I feel very well supported by the office staff. He explained everything to me and my overall rating of him is that he is AWESOME! The funny thing is that I never expected to get pictures of my stomach (before and after the band), liver and gall bladder after my surgery. I will say that he seems to be a direct, no-nonsense type of person and that if you are not serious, he will not be supportive. My only complaint is that I am having difficulty finding a support group that is in my community - don't want to have to drive to Richmond.


What was your first impression of him/her? rnrnI was a little nervous and Dr. Baggs is VERY professional. I can tell that he loves what he does and knows how important it is to the lives of other people.rnrnHow did your impression change over time? rnrnrnrnHow would you describe his/her office staff? rnrnI love the office staff! Every single person that I have worked with so far is absolutely awesome. They are friendly, real, and after hearing them interact with past clients...I can tell they value each patient.rnrnWhat did you like least about him/her? rnrnUm...I really don't have anything negative to say. rnrnWhat should future patients know about him/her? rnrnBe prepared with your homework! I met my goal weight and was able to go from my first appointment with him directly to the case manager. rnrnHow much does he/she emphasize aftercare?rnrnHe went over all of the complications and requirements in great detail. Much appreciated!rn rnDoes he/she have a structured aftercare program? rnrnThe whole department shares the same program. I like that every surgeon does things the same and they all follow the same guidelines. This creates a sense of unity and has made me more confident in them. rnrnHow did he/she address the risks of surgery?rnrnHe explained how there are changes that will be life long and that they could be dangerous if I choose to ignore them. He also addressed surgery complications and how he as a doctor ensures that patients are completely ready.rnrn rnHow would you rate him/her overall? rnrnI have only met him once. I do not have anything negative to say, but I think a more accurate rating would be after surgery.rnrnWhich is better, surgical competence, bedside manner, or are both great?rnrnNot sure yet.


I love Dr. Baggs. He is a very compassionate person. My husband was very nervous about me having surgery. Dr. Baggs talked to him and calmed his nerves. He was totally awesome. He was joking with me and the surgical staff before I fell asleep. He must not ever leave the hospital, because he saw me first thing in the morning and late in the afternoon. I would recommend him to anyone.


Q: What was your first impression of him?rnA: I thought he was AMAZING, he is young, handsome and charming! rnrnQ: How would you describe his staff?rnA: I love everyone in the bariatric department so far, they have been so patient with me, and have helped me out alot! even when i decide to call them a million times a day!rnrnQ: How did he address the risks of surgery?rnA: He was Very informative.rnrnQ: How would you rate him overall?rnA: Umm he is a 10 all the way! Awesome!rnrn

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