Highland Hospital Bariatrics Bariatric Center

Dr.Johnson is very good at what he does. He presented well at the information session and made my wife very comfortable that he would be my surgeon. He also came by before my surgery to say hi to my mom and wife. He skipped the hospital Christmas party just so he could check on several of us he did surgery on the day before. I would recommend the Highland program to anyone who is looking.

I see all these reviews about Dr. O'Malley being so stiff and hard. All I can say is that he is amazing. HE SAVED MY LIFE! Yes, he knows it. He knows he is changing lives. He also knows the relapse rate of these surgeries and how people well..... can SCREW it up. I have. And so will you. We will all screw up maybe a few times maybe a lot. The thing is Dr. O'Malley (in my opinion) wants to see that you are informed, educated on your choice of surgery and READY. Does that make him wrong... NO. My advice: Go into your appointment with him informed. Know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Don't argue your point with him, be patient and speak your mind. He has been awesome with me. I have extreme PTSD. functioning is hard for me and I panic alot. I called him several times late at night, worried, and scared. He was great with me, he always set my mind at ease. I honestly feel he understands my health as well as mental illness. He has always been very reassuring. I saw him last week for my (late) 1 year post op. He was all smiles. I can't thank him enough. Good luck all, do your research and you will do great. PS, I went through the program at Highland Hospital 3 times before I was successful, but 4 years later I made it. You can too.
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I see all these reviews about Dr. O'Malley being so stiff and hard. All I can say is that he is amazing. HE SAVED MY LIFE! Yes, he knows it. He knows he is changing lives. He also knows the relapse rate of these surgeries and how people well..... can SCREW it up. I have. And so will you. We will all screw up maybe a few times maybe a lot. The thing is Dr. O'Malley (in my opinion) wants to see that you are informed, educated on your choice of surgery and READY. Does that make him wrong... NO. My advice: Go into your appointment with him informed. Know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Don't argue your point with him, be patient and speak your mind. He has been awesome with me. I have extreme PTSD. functioning is hard for me and I panic alot. I called him several times late at night, worried, and scared. He was great with me, he always set my mind at ease. I honestly feel he understands my health as well as mental illness. He has always been very reassuring. I saw him last week for my (late) 1 year post op. He was all smiles. I can't thank him enough. Good luck all, do your research and you will do great. PS, I went through the program at Highland Hospital 3 times before I was successful, but 4 years later I made it. You can too.

When I first met Dr.O'Malley.My impression of the man was that he was very good at what he does.But, being me. I needed more.So after doing searches and alot of reading about "GBS" and after being at one of his seminars I found out all that I needed to make and informed plan of what I should do. Dr.O'Malley comes highley recommended.And,his record and stats are steller. I even talked to other Dr.'s about Dr. O'Malley and I was told by two of them and I quote " If I was to have GPS I would choose Dr.O'Malley"..now to me that says something.He did my surgery on 8/21/2013..yup just a few days ago. The surgery for me was a big deal.I have never had surgery befor.And, this was a big one.In recovery when I came too. It hurt alot.And being under the drugs I was hard to deal with. For that I am VERY sorry. Ididnt mean to cuss and carry on like I did.They were just trying to get all the sticky things on me and take care of me.But,when a human being is in a diffacult situation the body has two choices Fight or Flight.My brain choose Fight.Again I am sorry.
But being the Pro's that they are they kept on and did a GREAT job. The nurses at the hospital .Rose, Hanna, Marry, Chenne,Julia were ""FANTASTIC"". they really do care. And do a Great job. YOU GUYS ROCK.. I get to go back and see Dr.O'Malley tomarrow and get this stupid tube removed out of my side.( It's really uncomfortable right now). I am looking for to my future for the first time since I was young. I thank My Lord and Savior and ALL glory goes to him..Thank You for reading

Dr. Johnson was great. He took the time to explain everything ahead of time and answer any and all questions. He updated my family, immedietly after he has completed my surgery. His bedside manner was very kind. I would recommend him highly.

Dr. O'Malley is awesome-not a lot of bedside manner but who cares-he is the best art what he does. Since my surgery I have had 2 bowel obstructions from eating....oranges! He did both of those operations as well and as of this moment I am recovering from hernia surgery and while I had that Dr. O 'Malley hooked me up with Dr. Gusenoff who took 9 lbs of skin off my stomach at the same time! I am a different person.
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I have found Dr. Johnson to be very kind and patient with the group at the seminar and when i met with him for consultation. I have the surgery scheduled for october 2010 and we will see how things will go. I have a very confident feeling that all will go well since Dr. Johnson is the Chief of Surgery at Highland. My son was born at Highland 6 years ago and the staff there was very kind and helpful during that time and I expect that will be the same this time.

My first impression? It was shocking. I went to a seminar and Dr. O'Malley explained the different types of bariatric surgeries in a way that a kindergartener would understand. I was impressed at how he hand-drew everything and stepped us through each step, risk and outcome.
And then what really impressed me was how he told us the many reasons why he would NOT perform the surgery on me. Basically, if I came in to get the "miracle surgery," then I should just move along. He was looking for serious people with clear and REASONABLE goals. I must have fit that bill because he agreed to perform the surgery on me.
I guess this impressed me because he didn't seem like he was just doing it for the money. He only wanted to invest his time into people who wanted to invest in themselves. How cool is that!
My impression did NOT change over time. I have seen some say that they did not like Dr. O'Malley's bedside manner. But, he is all about the surgery. He is focused and treats it very seriously. There was no idle chit chat when I was with him. He was direct and to the point. However, he exuded confidence and I felt VERY safe and in good hands.
The office staff is also very awesome! From the Program Manager to the Dietitian to the PA to the receptionist. They all SMILE!!! And they seem happy to see you and even happier when you achieve a goal! I remember when I finally got approved for the surgery. I had to lose 5% of my own weight for insurance reasons. Once I hit the target, I received a hug and a big congratulations! Talk about feeling like you have a strong support system! They feel like family to me.
The aftercare program also seems to be very good. I have received regular and consistent information on diets and the foods that should be careful of. They enforce a food journal and they do review it at each meeting.
How would I rate Dr. O'Malley and his staff? On a scale of 1-10, I would remove the dash and say 110. I can't say enough good about the expert I trusted my life change to.
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