Arizona Bariatric Surgery Dup Account Use S.C. Simon to notate Bariatric Center

i have met him would have surgury from anyone

My first impression at the seminar was this guy cares but he's not going to talk you into this or have you play this, he is serious in helping you to use the tool for better health.
Second meeting was at the group consult. I found it inforative but wasn't told it was a 'group' thing and was more prepared for direct one on one consult. Still though had come out of there with postive feelings.
Future patients advice. Be very active in all the steps. Especially in getting the Drs. Group (they do his paperwork etc.)to keep on top of things. Get approval from insurance first if you can so not having to wait on them. They were rather slow in the beginning...leading me to a much later surgical date. But in long run nice to deal with.
Dr. Newhoff does not sugarcoat things which I like. He answers all your questions fully. I've heard he is stearn with getting up and moving after surgery. Being from the health care I understand and believe in this as hard as it is to do so firmly agree to do.
I strongly suggest him to anyone. Oh he uses Weight for Life aftercare for support.

Have not met Dr. Newhoff as he was recovering from an injury but attended an information session with his staff. His staff was great especially his office manager. They were able to answer any question asked of them with humor and with the answers people needed to hear. No question was inappropriate. My friend Jackie has lost over 100lbs in 7 months and her confidence in Dr. Newhoff and her success has made me consider him as my doctor.

He had a good sense of humor, was very matter of fact about the surgery. The office staff was okay, as far as office staff goes. The thing I liked least about him is that he was a lacked personal touch.
I felt that he was distant. He did a nice job for my surgery, I'm glad I did it.
The aftercare was not very structured, I fly by the seat of my pants and experiment with foods, it would've been nice to have seen a dietician. The risks of surgery were not heavily stressed since the risk for me was low. Overall, on a scale of 1-10 he was an 8.

I liked Dr Newhoff's take charge manner. The
idea that he is a trauma surgeon only helped
me decide he was the right Dr for me. His office
help and the Calif office help has been
wonderful to deal with.
The first meeting was very informative and
his manner about telling you like it is was
very appealing to me. I don't like the flowery
crap just tell it like it is. He has a
very structured journey for you to follow and
I really appreciate knowing the next steps.
My surgery date is May 23rd and I am very excited
and ready for it to be tomorrow if they would
let me. God's speed to all of you on the other
side and God's bleesings to those of you still

My first impression of Dr. Newhoff was that he was a very qualified and knowledgeable surgeon. I researched his qualifications, number of roux-en-y bypass surgeries performed, lack of fatilities, etc. After having my surgery performed by him, I have not changed my opinion. He thoroughly explains everything about the surgery, possible complication, aftercare, and diet.
He does have an aftercare program, but it seems to deal more with psychological and emotional concerns. I would prefer more nutritional aftercare. His staff is OK, but seem rushed. Although I had read statements of some of his patients regarding lack of bedside manner, I found his pleasant and responsive. Both his competence and his bedside manner are very good.

Dr. Newhoff is a very strait foward person,if you cant take the simple truth about your situation you might get aproval namly weight for life can be a trying experance,but you have to understand that they deal with people how dont want to spend any money on you or anybody eles.I started filling out paper work in October 2000,I got approved in Febuary 2001.The sike exam held me up do to the doctor I chose,if they offer to get you a doctor let them[WfL]My surgery date is 4/30 cant what for my new life to start

My first impression of Dr. Newhoff was one of mystery. This was in 1993 when his Lynn was running the office. Since that time she has been taken by cancer. Now son and daughter staff the office. Everyone is very friendly (but firm). I remember getting anxious and being calmed by Dave at the office.
What I liked least about Dr. Newhoff? His questions. Questions like "Are you eating fruit?"
Future patients should know Dr. Newhoff is VERY helpful. Tell him what is on your mind and he will (if he can) help you. I wanted a truss after surgery and he made sure to order one. He had to order two because one didn't come close to going around my tummy.
Dr. Newhoff strongly emphasized after care but I did not return on a regular basis.
I would rate Dr. Newhoff a 15 out of 10 because of his major experience and his reputation at the hospital. He's been in the same hospital for many years. (St. Joseph's Hospital)
Dr. Newhoff's bedside manner doesn't come close to his surgical competence. He is busy and he is straight to the point. He is caring and friendly. He loaned me a book I didn't get back to him for about two years.
The only negative I might say is that he doesn't baby you in the hospital. He makes sure you are walking right after surgery. I've had several and believe me that is the most difficult when you want to lay there all day, but you have to get up and walk.

I have met Dr Newhoff and had a very good impression of him. I do believe that he is an expert in his field. My impression is that he does not coddle babies, and that if he's going to spend the time to give you a tool to finally lose weight, that he expects you to use it. Which is fine, because haven't we all spent enough time whining? Now his method for gathering insurance sucks. I have not one nice thing to say about Weight for Life. I think the staff is rude and snotty, and VERY VERY condensending. I get the impression that the staff there feels they are a cut above the rest. I waited almost 2 months for them to even send a letter to my insurance. I've called several times to try to talk to the program coordinator and am told that she's a program coordinator and can't be bothered. What blows me away is that we pay for this slip shod crappy customer service. My only suggestion to Dr. Newhoff is that he flat out ditch Weight for Life and hire someone right in his office to do the work. And not someone like those pit bulls of front desk clerks at Weight for Life. Other than that, my experience with Dr. Newhoff and his staff have been wonderful. More Later....

I finally met him today. I think he rocks. Very knowlegable and straight to the point. He's been doing these surgeries for 23 years and often attends continuing education courses. He obviously has a passion for what he does. He is a trauma surgeon- who else better to do the surgery? I'm really at ease with the thought of him doing the surgery. I'll have more to say post-op.