purpleunicorn 22 years, 11 months ago

Amy: sorry you had to have an open, but welcome to the other side! It will get better, and now you are joining us losers! God Bless.

SondraFoster 22 years, 11 months ago

Hi Amy!!! I'm sooooo sorry to hear that you are having problems. I will be praying for you to recover soon, and be on the "lighter" side! Keep your chin up & remember -- this too shall pass -- then it is onward and upward!!!! wooo hooo!!! Good luck! My prayers are with you!!! Sondra

Patti S. 22 years, 11 months ago

Amy , sorry to hear about that complication you had, and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Please do be carefull and enjoy your new life start. I hope you get everything you wish for,,,,take care

Marina L. 22 years, 11 months ago

Hi Amy, Sorry to hear of your complications. Hope you are resting comfortably now. Congratulations on your new journey, I wish you well. Keep smiling it will be worth it and all of this will be a distant memory. God Bless

Dorothy B. 22 years, 11 months ago

****ANGEL'S FLYING LOW****** Penny and I both spoke with Amy today. She hasn't been able to get any rest, hopefully she will today. They started her surgery lap-rny then, because of complications, had to do an open-rny instead, so she has double the normal incisions. She is walking and doing well with that. PLEASE LEAVE HER A COMMENT WELCOMING HER TO THE "LIGHTER SIDE!!!" We know it will help lift her spirits when she gets home. Thank you.....

Dorothy B. 22 years, 11 months ago

Amy; This is your 2nd day post-op, and I am praying that you are feeling better each minute that passes. I only wish for you good things in the years ahead. :) You are now an "OFFICIAL MEMBER OF THE LOSER'S CLUB!!!!" Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((lots and lots of tender hugs))))))))))

Phiddy B. 22 years, 11 months ago

Amy, My prayers are with you. I had my surgery on 8-13. You won't be sorry. My only daughter lives in your beautiful town of Sturgis. She is owner of Action Quick Print, stop in and see her. She'd love to encourage you also. She's been a little trooper for me. God bless you and keep you on your journey to a new life!!

Dorothy B. 22 years, 11 months ago

Amy, So glad to know you made it to the other side!! Congratulations on being a "postie." I know you aren't feeling up to par yet, with your surgery date being yesterday, but soon you will be on your way to a better life for yourself, healthier and slimmer!! :) GOD bless and will update after I call you tonite!!! YOUR ANGEL

Nicole Z. 22 years, 11 months ago

Amy, CONGRATULATIONS! You are on your way and we are proud of you! Nicole

Susan A. 22 years, 11 months ago

Amy, Keeping you in my thoughts for a quick recovery and a great new life on the other side. Susan, Montreal
About Me
Sturgis, MI
Surgery Date
May 01, 2001
Member Since

Friends 22
