April 18, 2006

Apr 17, 2006

Today was D-Day. After over a month's wait and angst,THE INITIAL CONSULT with Dr. Babineau. I had all of my paperwork filled out, my PCP's referral, and letter of necessity. Everything I was told to bring with me. I arrived a half hour early, (didn't want to be late), gave the lady my paperwork, insurance cards, etc. When she looked at my Medicare card and Medicaid QMB letter. When she saw the QMB letter, she politely told me that the Dr. did not persue QMB reimbursement. I asked why and all she did was repeat herself. I tried to explain that this was something I had just recieved in the past two weeks and all it did was pay the Medicare deductibles. Same blank face and same reply. I started trying to reason with her, "if you don't take it, then don't file on it--Just use the Medicare." She told me that the QMB was attached to my Medicare now and anything filed on it would automatically be filed on the QMB Medicaid.

I had to beg a ride, because my car isn't running My aunt drove 1:15 min from north of Jeffersonto get to my house and then we drove another 40 miles to the Dr.'s office. All for nothing but heartache. Have you ever known anyone else had any experience with Texas Medicaid QMB coverage?

Dr. B met all of Medicare's requirements,and took 2 Medicare patients a month, now I have to start all over. The next nearest Drs. are across the state line in Shreveport, LA. & I don't know the requirements or insurance that they take.

I am soooo depressed but not defeated! I will just have to start over and find someone else. That just gives me time to get my car fixed.

About Me
Longview, TX
Jun 17, 2002
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Rocky is getting worse.
Rocky update
Family Troubles
Who said Friday the 13th was bad luck?
Discovery Channel's Big Med & Me
Happy New Year!
Why is Genealogy so Popular?
The Holiday has passes so why do I feel like a turkey?
November 16, 2006
