November 13, 2006

Nov 12, 2006

The wallet crisis has passsed. Thank you for all of your support.

The wallet was found about 5 min. after it fell off the top of the car. The guys who found it, took it home with them and gave it to their Mom. She tried to call the number on the movie card, which was old of course and go some Spanish lady. So she called the bank instead. They called me and I went to Kilgore and picked it up. The lady and her mom, wouldn't take anything for returning it, so I went to WalMart and got them some flowers and a thank you card. So I'm a happy camper now.

Everything was still in it, right down to the Tylenol I had stuck in there before I left. It will still be a beans and rice month, but at least now I can have cornbread and tea with it.

On a sour note, I started Diabetes education classes today & on the way home, the car kept dieing. We just got it out of the shop at the end of August. The block was cracked, ended up costing 750.00 to get it fixed. I hope it's just minor this time. We can't keep thowing money into that old thing. It's a '86 Olds & it belongs to my sister. It has been modified so that she can drive it (she's in a wheelchair.) I sold my truck in Feb. & I have regretted it everyday since then. Live & learn.

November 8, 2006

Nov 07, 2006

Today would have been my Dad's 82nd birthday. It seems weird to think of him that old. I don't remember him being that old when he died. It's been 4 years since he left. I'll go by the cemetery later today, and leave some flowers. But that's just a place. He's not there.

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This has to have been the ultimate worse bad day of all time! My regular mail server is still out--it's been 2 days now. So I am not ignoring anyone....just can't get in.

1. I (think) I left my wallet/checkbook on top of my car and drove away. When we get to Super I Foods, no wallet, Got Rocky in her chair, pushing her inside and neither one of us has the damn wallet. I left her there and went back home, not there. With an impending sense of doom, I drove back to Longview at 10 miles an hour with my flashers on, looking for it. Never saw it. Coming back, same routine, but I got stopped at the bank and froze the checking account. They didn't charge me since the checkbook was stolen/lost. Continuing on the way home I got out and walked down both sides of the road, from the repair garage to my house.

2. I stopped and asked the guys at the gunsmith shop--NOPE-hadn't been outside since 8 am. I stopped at the Pallet shop, where I know they go accross the street to the Exxon 3 times a day--the lady assured me that they hadn't been off the property since lunch--(which I know was a lie, they were coming back when I went in.)

3. So now I am panicking, & Rocky is trying to bring me down off the ceiling, and stop my panic attack.

4. We get on the phone, and start calling. The cost to replace you drivers' license is now $10.50 + Rocky is due to have hers renewed anyway before the end of the month (wow-luck?) so that's 24.00. Now we have to find our birth certificates.

5. Social security won't replace your cards without a picture ID--Hmmmm how long is that gonna take to get here? About 3-4 weeks. But good news there--its free.

6. Medicare will replace you card free of charge over the phone--but it will take at least a month to get here. (I have an appointment at Good Shepherd hospital next Monday--no cards.)

7. The voter registration cards were still in the wallet, so that has to be reported to the county courthouse. They were too busy to direct met to the right extension and kept cutting me off. So if any terrorist wants to try to vote again in my place -they can have fun trying.

8. I called the Better Business Bureau to report all of this, and they directed me to the fraud department, who said it wasn't a problem (((((HELLO----identity theft!)))) and hung up on me.

9. I called the Credit Bureau to put a watch on my credit report, and they weren't upset, since I have no valid credit cards. There were 3 cards in there, all cancelled. (I think.) I paid off the Beall's, but I don't know if I ever cancelled it--and now I don't know my number.

10. AND we all know--I'll never see my pictures again. Ever. Those were black and white photos of Rocky and me when she was 2 and Mama & Daddy at the Lake in 1967. Unreplaceable.

11. AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF.........Saturday is a Veteran's Day (Honor a vet). SO all the government offices will be closed either Friday, Saturday or Monday.

We never did get to the grocery store and I didn't get to visit the cemetery. I don't have any cash and my account is frozen. I can't even write a hot check. Guess it's beans and rice for the rest of the month!

BUT as Scarlett said "Tomorrow is another day!"

October 27,2006

Oct 26, 2006

Well, I went to Dr. Merriman's lap-band seminar last night. I was not impressed. It was not a meet & greet. It was sit down, don't talk, I said my piece, the slide show's over & I'm out the door. His office staff took over and talked about insurance, and he was gone!

Dr. Merriman is a cutie, and he is very impressive as a surgeon. But it just reinforced my belief that I want RNY Gastric Bypass, not lap-band.

His office also requires a $400.00 fee up front that Medicare won't pay, for securing an appointment, surgery date, and etc. I don't have that kind of money lying around and can't pull it out of thin air. They still aren't taking any Medicare patients till after the first of the year, and there is a long waiting list. I have a long list too, of documents that they/Medicare requires first.

The first one they want is at least 3 months of documented diet history. That might be a problem. My PCP always asks-never weighs-and seldom writes down anything. His scales only go to #350, so that won't weigh little ol #378 me, and the last time they did was about 4 years ago. So I don't know how I am going to get that info.

Another person on the OH board told me that her out of pocket expenses for Medicare were $952.00. That sounds about right. But I think it will come out to more like 1250.00. I guess I can worry about that when I actually get to have surgery.

**On a side note--the knee brace is still in the closet!

October 17, 2006

Oct 16, 2006

Well, I shot my cousin's wedding on Saturday, the 14th at Caddo Lake. It was beautiful. They got married just as the sunset was in full bloom. I will post pictures later. It was truly a great day, and we got to meet all of Kami's family, I took 6 rolls of film, and filled up 2 memory cards on the digital, in addition to filming it of course.

Afterwards, there was a big barbeque with briskit, chicken fajitas and all the fixins. I wanted to make a wedding cake, but they both decided they didn't want one. So I took brownies instead. Afterwards, Kami's dad and sister got out their guitars, and we had a old fashion sing along around a campfire.

The stress of being on my feet all day really made my knees ache. Saturday night it was hard to get to sleep from the pain. I took two pain pills and had ice packs, still didn't help. But knee surgery is coming up next month and hopefully, sweet relief.

I got my custom knee brace last Wednesday, and of course it doesn't fit. It has been a three month battle with those people, and they have remade it twice. I don't know if I should give up at this point and hope surgery will fix the problem or have them do it over again. I did get a 6 month garuanty from them. SO if I do happen to have WLS surgery and drop weight in that time, they will remake it at no cost to me or Medicare.

I am going to a WLS seminar on Oct. 26th in Longview. It is sponsored by Dr. Merriman, who practices in Shreveport, LA. He was my cousin Judy's surgeon 3 years ago. The seminar is on banding, but I hope I can make contact, and meet him. He's not taking Medicare patients for RNY until after the first of the year. But he is taking Medicare patients for banding. At this point, I think I would settle for that. But it's not what I want. So, we'll see. cross your fingers and say a prayer.

September 16, 2006

Sep 15, 2006

Well, it's been two days since the devastating news from Dr. Alexander's office. I still can't believe it. MY SURGERY HAS BEEN CANCELLED! I never even came close to any kind of approval.
I got this email Thursday morning and I called them immediately.

"We have been trying to set up the surgery with the hospital and We have had no luck. We will not be able to do the surgery at this time. The facilities that we are associated with will not take Medicare for this surgery because they are not a COE facility.

We apologize for any inconvenience."

Ann Barnes
Surgery Coordinator

NOW, I SPECIFICALLY asked that DR. if his hospital would take Medicare, because I looked it up on their website, & they are not a Medicare approved COE or "Center of Excellence". I made a POINT of asking it again to his receptionist, and the coordinator. All said not to worry, that it had been done before and Medicare paid. BUT this past Feb., Medicare has changed their rules for this surgery. NOW they WON'T PAY unless the hospital has conformed to their guidelines and is approved. Meaning that the hospital has followed all of their rules for equipment, personnel, and acceptable positive surgical outcomes.

His office coordinator says this doesn't change anything, that I am still selected, and his part is still pro-bono, but until (OR IF) the hospital complies (which will take about 8 months and cost tens of thousands of dollars on their part) - we are at a standstill. I asked the coordinator if Dr. Alexander could perform surgery at Baylor or Methodist hospitals, since they ARE Medicare COE approved, and she said no. He is associated with 3 hospitals in the Dallas area and none are COE. She quietly suggested I try at Baylor.

SO--I'm bummed out to say the least. I knew free was too good to be true. Nothing in this life is free.


September 8, 2006

Sep 07, 2006

Well, Aunt Mattye Lou bugged out on me, but in her place Uncle Billy Joe (78 yrs old) came in her place! He's a very "special" uncle, and a spectacular driver! He handled the freeways, better than I could have.

I met Dr. Alexander yeasterday, and he immediately put me at ease. His staff is wonderful, and truly care. I went to the appointment with 5 pages of questions, and he addressed them all, and assured me that there was little to worry about. He's done over 2400 surgeries and has never lost a patient or had any major complications. That's an impressive track record! According to his PR he and another Dr. developed their own method of performing RNY surgery and have a vastly improved system. It is now called the "Alexander method." It must be a miracle to have changed the lives of so many people.

I have been searching for a surgeon who could help me for so long, and was almost to the point of giving up. I knew there had to be someone out there who could help me, but after talking to 7 different ones, who would not take Medicare, I was at a stand still.

Then I contacted Dr. Alexander's office for information. My cousin had surgery with him 3 years ago, and is doing fantastic. She went from 350 to 125 lb.s. About a month later, his office contacted me. I had the most wonderful surprise. His part of the surgery is going to be COMPLETELY FREE!!!! I could never have imagined getting that call. It was truly an answered prayer.

Now, I have to get an ok from the cardiologist, and then I am on my way.

August 31, 2006

Aug 30, 2006

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August 31, 2006
Praise God! Prayers do get answered!

Dr. Alexander's office called this morning and I have an appointment for consultaton next week for PRO-BONO surgery!
Now I have to find a way to get there. I don't trust my car to go 10 miles, let alone the 150 miles to his office.

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Aug 31, 2006 11:00 PM
My Aunt Mattye Lou called and will cary me to Dallas next Thursday! Should be intresting, she's 71 and willing to tackle the freeway!!!! Prayers please.

August 25, 2006

Aug 24, 2006

I received an application in the mail from Dr. Wade Barker in Dallas. I phoned his office to ask if he was taking Medicare patients, and was told not until after the first of the year. That is just as well, since I am having knee surgery sometime between now and then (Silly me- I stepped in a hole! But- I'm getting a snazzy tiger-striped knee brace!) His office is waiting for the hospital to get their Medicare Certification.

I also contacted Drs in Shreveport, LA which is only 65 miles from me. Dr. Merriman's office isn't taking any Medicare patients until they see how the new payment (?) plan is going to pay, which will probably be after the first of the year; and the Dr.Barnes' are only doing Lap band now. I'm not interested in that. Dr. Jones office is definitely not taking Medicare patients at this time.

It's ok, I guess, since I still haven't heard back from Dr. Alexander's office about the Pro-Bono deal. I just feel that time is running out for me. You know that sinking feeling you get sometimes of impending doom??

On the upside, I started on a new diabetes medication. It is a shot, called Byetta. I take it twice a day before breakfast and supper, and it makes you eat less and lose weight. AT LAST--something good comes from Hila monster spit! That's what it's made of. It works by paralyzing the muscles in your stomach, so that your food digests slower. It works! The only side effects are toe-clenching nausea and dizziness. Hmmmm--I wonder if the lizards feel that way?

August 12, 2006

Aug 11, 2006

SURPRISE!!!! In my email this morning was a note from Dr. Alexander's office in Dallas. He's the surgeon who did my cousin Teena Peck's surgery 3 years ago.
The email was a survey for consideration for PRO-BONO gastric bypass surgery!!!!!

Needless to say, I filled out that survey and shot it back to them ASAP. Now I am just waiting on needles and pins to see what they have to say & if I qualify for their program. Say a prayer. This is what I need.

Last week I called Dr. Merriman's office in Shreveport, LA and requested info on their program. No word yet.

Look up Teena's profile. She is awesome. She is pregnant now and the baby is due September 14th. She didn't gain a lot of weight and still looks great at 8 months!

August 8, 2006

Aug 07, 2006

In March I found out I have congestive heart failure. After the disasterous beginning at Dr. Babineau's, I am searching for a new surgeon. We finally got our car fixed, after 4 months of no transportation, so my next visit will be to Dr. Merriman's office in Shreveport, LA. He's the next closest Dr. to me. After that, it's 140 miles to Dallas.

My cousin used Dr. Alexander in Dallas and she looks amazing even 8 months pregnant! Teena lost from 350 down to 125. Now with the baby, she's back up a little, but still looks great. Little Victoria is due in September.

That's all for now, I haven't given up, but it will be harder to find a surgeon with a heart problem.

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Longview, TX
Jun 17, 2002
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Why is Genealogy so Popular?
The Holiday has passes so why do I feel like a turkey?
November 16, 2006
