The Night Before

Oct 03, 2007

I meet with my surgeon in the morning, and I'm so nervous, I hope that I have lost the weight that he wants and I can get a date, more tomorrow.

Dr. Appt!!!

Sep 20, 2007

I have an appt already with the surgeon Oct. 4th Whooo Hoo, if we move quick enough I may be able to get it done before insurance goes away.
more later.


Sep 19, 2007

My files are on the way to the surgeon as I type, but good news and bad....My husband has got offered a new job making more money and better hours, insurance will be changing in 30 days, I don't want to cobra for a couple months but I don't want to fight with a different insurance company to get approved AGAIN. What to do? I guess just wait and see in I can get a date before time runs out;) More later....

I've been approved!!!!!

Sep 14, 2007

I have finished all my classes and jumped through all the hoops and finally have approval from my insurance company! I am waiting on the WLC to send my file to the surgeon and then I guess they call me to set up the appointment to set my surgery date! I am so excited and ready for this to happen, I can't wait to be able to run and play with my kids without being winded and to clean my house, I know that sounds really weird but I am a neat freak inside and my house is so out of control, I have clothes from size 14 to 4X and I can't wait to start tossing out the clothes that are too big and get my house under control! I can't wait to be a "former fat chick"!!!!!

5 classes done and down 7lbs

Aug 22, 2007

just finished class #5. I'm down 7lbs. I only lost .5 lbs this week but I'm happy with that, too many "last suppers" this week so to still lose I'm good. I'm starting to learn how I'm going to be eating after surgery and It doesn't seem too hard, but I'm no doing it yet so who knows;) Still waiting on insurance approval, hope it goes through, I don't know how I will handle things if it doesn't. I have my psych. evaluation next thurs at 9:00 am be there at 8:30, with me getting off work at 2am I hope I can stay awake for this.

2 Classes done and 6 to go!

Aug 03, 2007

I have now been to 2 pre-classes and I even managed to loose 2.5 lbs the first week, go figure, but the doc wants me to drop at least 10 lbs before surgery so I am on my way!
Got the first denial from insurance, but they tell me that's normal and that they just wanted more proof that I have been obese for at least the last 5 years, so we'll wait an see. Cross those fingers:)

Night before my first Dr. Appt.

Jul 10, 2007

I am on my way! I have started the process of getting the bypass surgery. My first official appointment is July 11th at 1:00 and I wish I could go in and have the surgery done now;) I have hopefully jumped through all the hoops that are needed to get insurance approval, but you never know what can happen, it took me 2 years to get my son's birth paid for and I had 2 different insurance companies covering me at the time of his birth! Cross your fingers and if you are the praying type please say one for me. Thanks

About Me
Wichita, KS
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 27
Down to 188lbs
100 lbs! WHOO HOOO!!!!!
85 lbs down
60lbs down
48lbs and counting
45 lbs down!!!
weight graph
Made it, one whole week ;)
Back to work
