Maybe there is a reason...

Nov 14, 2007

the doc wants me off for 4 weeks. I totally over did it yesterday, had to go to the tag office, only a 45 min wait, then my Dad came over to finish the trim on the door we replaced, he did all the work but I helped a bit. Then I went to my chiropractor, neck was a little stiff, he could only adjust my neck since it was so soon after surgery, then went to the grocery store, found a great black bean soup receipe that I don't dump on and it's high in protien, and I needed to buy the beans;) then I forgot the dog food and had to go back. by 7:00 pm I was pooped! My kids aren't very happy with me today, I'm having us just sit around and watch movies. I know, I know, take it easy, but that is so hard to do when you feel so great, but being only 2 weeks since surgery I should have known better. so I'm resting today and probably will over do it again tomorrow;). Oh, by the way the scales at the doc said I'm now down 34 lbs since I started this. It's been so easy I almost feel guilty. More later!

Almost 2 weeks

Nov 12, 2007

Still feeling great, it's so strange, I thought I would be down a lot longer than this, I still get a little tired if I try and do too much, but I'm trying to pace myself. My drain tube hole is almost healed it's starting to itch like a big dog;) My short term disablility gave me 4 weeks off work and I almost feel guilty taking it since I feel so well but I have to trust the experts right? hee hee. I'm loving the time home with my kids, it's going to be real hard to go back to work in a couple of weeks, and I'm going back on days (to the real world;) been on nights for 2 years to help cut daycare cost so it will be strange to go back on days, I'm looking forward to it but there are so many new people they are going to think I'm a new hire, I see them now and they have no clue that I'm the one doing their ads so they can have them first thing in the morning, it will be like starting a new job. Maybe that's what I need new job (so to speak) and a new beginning with a whole new body! 
I wish I could loose it as fast as my 5 yr old DD thinks I should, she told my friend who got her off the bus the day of surgery that I will be coming home skinny, and then the next day told her real serious like that "mommy is not skinny yet!" like they messed up or something, gotta love kids they tell you like it is.well got to go the the eye doc, more later!

No more tubes and staples!

Nov 08, 2007

Just came back from the Doc and he took out my drain tube and staples all 16 of them ;) feel great, down 9 lbs since surgery not bad for one week. down 26 total since I started, I'm feeling great! more later

I did it!

Nov 05, 2007

It's now 6 days since surgery and I'm feeling wonderful, this was way less painful than my c-sections and I'm not hungry! I want to eat though, old habits are hard to break, I'm trying to find other things to keep me busy so I don't keep thinking about food. The nurses and the hospital were wonderful, especially Cheryl, she had the surgery 8 months or so ago and really knew what was going on and was so helpful, I loved Via-Christi, they treated me like I was a queen. More later!

2 days before surgery

Oct 28, 2007

2 days and counting! I am heading out the door to get some grocerys for the family and to get everything I'll need after surgery, I can't believe it's finally here! Truthfully I won't believe it has happened unitl I wake up in recovery and Doc said he did the surgery. I'm going to miss my kids halloween but my husband is bringing them up to the hospital to "trick or treat" so I am going to pickup some treats for them, I just hope the nurses don't think I'm smuggling in candy for myself;) Not looking forward to the colon cleanse I hear it's quite the treat for me and all those around;) keep ya posted!

One week to go!

Oct 22, 2007

Went to see Kate, the nurse at my WLC today, I have dropped 9.5 lbs in one week! I couldn't believe it when I stepped on the scales. I am now down 14.5 lbs since I started the process, Kate was thrilled, said Dr. Dort will be very pleased. I need to stay on track for one more week until surgery and then the real work starts.

Insurance delima

Oct 17, 2007

My husband got his start date for his new job Wed. and we found out that his insurance for the family ended at midnight on his last day, so we are going to have to cobra over just me for 30 days, but I was able to put the family on my insurance through my work. so now I am double insured when I have my surgery, I don't know what I have to do to get my insurance - United Health Care - to cover the hospital stay, I have to wait until Tues to call, I hope they will just cover things with no approval crap (ha ha). More later

Starving & Bitchen!!!

Oct 17, 2007

O.K. this liquid diet sucks! I had to get grocery's today, the 4 kids and hubby need to eat too I guess;) Walked in to Wally World and they were cooking fresh bread in the bakery! Damn it smelled good, I made it but had to come home and have 2 HMR chicken soups before I could think again;) I just know that I only have 13 days until surgery! Whoo Hoo at least there is light at the end of the tunnel and I have been told you are not hungry after the surgery, that sensation goes away, I hope so or my family may make me sleep in the shed;)
More later;)

Liquid Diet

Oct 15, 2007

Went in and talked with Kate today, and I start the liquid diet tomorrow, 10-16, and surgery is still on for the 30th. She did say that if I don't loose any weight in the 2 weeks Dr. Dort may push my surgery back, hope not;) I guess I better stick to the plan;) more later


Oct 04, 2007

Saw Dr. Dort today and totally love him! I have a surgery date for October 30th, he is getting me in before insurance changes! WHOO HOOO!!!!!!
This is going to be the longest 3 weeks! But hell I've been fat all my life what's  3 more weeks compared to 41 years!

About Me
Wichita, KS
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 27
Down to 188lbs
100 lbs! WHOO HOOO!!!!!
85 lbs down
60lbs down
48lbs and counting
45 lbs down!!!
weight graph
Made it, one whole week ;)
Back to work
