Tari, Congrats on your surgery! I just had it 8 weeks ago and am very happy I did. The pain was tolerable with the morphine pump and after leaving the hospital the doctor sent me home with percocet. I wish you the BEST and please know you are in my prayers. Get up to walk as soon as you can after surgery. God Bless!!!
remember to live each day to the fullest you deserve it. good luck on your surgery and keep the drugs flowing to scare away the pain
carla klein aurora co
Tari, congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May you be blessed with an easy surgery and a rapid, painless recovery. Remember to drink your water, take your vitamins, walk daily and most importantly, be kind to yourself along the way.
<font face="Veranda"><font color="maroon"><b>~~~~Here's to a quick happy recovery. As YOUR day comes and goes...Remember to walk, drink, and cough as much as you can drag your butt to do! Many prayers sent your way. You can do it! God Bless us each and everyone. <br>Visit my profile...I have lots of great websites you can check out that may be of interest.<br>
Happy New Year! Happy New You!</b></font></font><font face="Signature"><font size="+2"> ~~ Brenda~~</font size></font face>
Tari, Good luck with your upcoming surgery! I hope everything goes great and that your have a smooth and speedy recovery. The first 2 weeks are the toughest after an open but it gets a little better each day. A WLS friend,