The Nut is a NUT Jan. 11 2007

Jan 11, 2007

Ok. So I began the whole wls process in November. (That is when I attended the orientation/workshop, filled out paperwork, etc.) I have since been to the psych (been tested...cleared) two times and had all pre-surgery medical tests/exams/EKG/endoscopy, surgeon consult, Ultrasound of upper abdomen...I have been cleared. That is, except by NUTRITION. Now, I LOST 5 pounds over the Holidays, began vitamins, kept a food diary, complied in every way. TODAY I thought she'd give me my clearance so that my information could be submitted to the insurance. She said "NO. You must see me one more time (not a requirement of my insurance or really even of the program) and prove that you have ended all caffine intake. WHAT!? I knew I would taper off towards the surgery, but no one told me that I should cut it off completely and PROVE it before they would even submit my paperwork to my insurance? What? I have to pay for these nutritionist visits OUT OF POCKET because my insurance doesn't cover them. And yet, this woman can control when I have my surgery? Could this be true? I am compliant in every way, and certainly would have quit caffine over the past month had I been told it would have any effect whatsoever on my paperwork being submitted! I don't even know who to call. I don't see why my stuff can be held up by this? I mean, I haven't given anyone the idea that I wouldn't comply with ending caffine. What is up with this? I'm SO discouraged. I mean, my appointment with her isn't even until February 9th. And even then, if she clears me, I have to wait for the insurance. And I have no guarantee that after all of this the insurance will even cover it. I'm frustrated. Sorry for the rant.

The END...oscopy January 9th

Jan 09, 2007

Well, I went in for the endoscopy today. I was elated to hear that I no longer have any ulcers! It confuses me as to why I have this pain though. I asked Dr. Chand, but he didn't seem to have an answer. (Of course, I was completely doped up and don;t really remember much!) He said that I have a small hiatal hernia and some gastritis going on. He evidently took some biopsies, I assume to check for H-Pylori or whatnot. I am still convinced that there is something going on with my gallbladder, so I am hoping he'll find an excuse to remove it. At least now I know that I can have the RNY and not necessarily the lap-band. Well, I'm feeling pretty rotten this evening. I have a really bad headache, not sure if it is from the drugs they gave me or the fact that I drank a lot less coffee than usual. (Gotta give that up!) I am praying that they will finally submit my information to the insurance company. I am to see the psych and nut on Thursday. As far as I know, I am cleared. Thats all for now!

Having a counselor January 5, 2007

Jan 04, 2007

I must admit...I told my husband last night that even if (God forbid..) something goes haywire with the insurance coverage for surgery, I have found such a wonderful therapist that all of this would have been worth it. I am beginning to understand what it means to love myself FIRST...well, after God, but as far as humans go, anyhow. I always had thought that would be such a selfish thing. I couldn't have imagined caring about what I think or feel over what everybody else thinks or feels. At 37 years old, I am learning to see myself the way that God sees me, to love myself and care for myself so that I can care for the people around me. I thought that I needed to ignore my own needs and serve everyone else's. That left me full of anger and resentment and almost paralyzed as far as doing for others. My 3 goals for the next couple of weeks are: 1. Maintain Control. (Never let them see me sweat; lower my voice at the first sign of angry feelings)2. Be PROactive rather than REactive. (Have a plan in place. Do not set expectations too high and be real.)
3. Say things one time and one time only. (Say what you mean. Do not nag (repeat), be consistent)
It all seems rather simple, and it IS! I am nixing the negative self-talk and replacing it with POSITIVE. If I speak in positive terms, positive things will happen. Negativity breeds negativity. I am the one who chooses to let others "push my buttons". I am in charge of how I act/respond. I have NO control over anyone around me, I can only control my own reactions to situations. (I am writing all of this down so I don't forget later on!) I choose to love myself. I choose NOT to allow anyone the power to push my buttons. I will NOT raise my voice. (Except to cheer!) This would have all sounded pretty corny to me a week ago, but I am so excited to say these
things now. I read in someone's signature yesterday the following quote: "If God brings us to it, He'll see us through it" I believe that God brought me to this surgery, and that He is seeing me through it in the form of this counselor, Joyce Jordan. She is amazing and I thank her for helping me to change myself! More later...

Getting downright PSYHCO!

Jan 04, 2007

So I get this appointment schedule thing in the mail today from the Cleveland Clinic. (They send these periodically to remind me of upcoming appointments.) And I see my endoscopy, another psych and nutrition consult, and this other "thing". I didn't know what the other thing was for, but it said the appointment was with surgery on the 16th of February. Could it be? Could they finally have scheduled me for surgery?! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. BUT I called the department and asked them to explain what this appointment was for. Turns out it was a mistake...they were scheduling me again for the psych test that I already had. Ooooops. She reminded me that they would send in my insurance stuff after I had all of my appointments. (Which are just neverending. I mean, really!) So. I wait. I have never ever been good at being patient. I'm not even SANE about being patient. In fact, I would say I am irrational when it comes to waiting for things. God has marched me around the "patience" mountain hundreds of times, and yet I still can't get it down. I guess I'll write more after my endoscopy.

January 2, 2007 A New Year

Jan 02, 2007

2007 is finally here! 2006 was such a trying year. Here's hoping that 2007 is full of new beginnings and blessings for us all. I am so full of expectation for this year. Looking forward to surgery (hopefully) within the next month or two and then perhaps a new place to live this summer. Yes, we're thinking of moving. Not out of state or anything, just across town to a city closer to where we spent most of our early marriage. I'm a pretty extreme person, though, so I don't imagine that moving in the same year I have major surgery will be that big of a deal. Hey, I may even decide to go back to school to boot! I'm thinking about going back to become an ultrasound technician. We'll see...

Dr. Chand...12/29

Dec 28, 2006

I've just returned from meeting with my surgeon, Dr. Chand. I really like him! He walked in with a smile on his face and was very friendly as well as professional and knowledgable. He supposes that I can expect surgery within a month to a month and a half at this point, which is exciting news  for me! He wants to do another test, an endoscopy. He is concerned that the pain I have been experiencing may be caused from duodenal ulcers. If that is the case, there is a possibility that he will prefer to do the lap-band surgery on me rather than the roux-en-y gastric bypass. I have the endoscopy scheduled with him on January 9th. I am glad that he is doing it, because he will get a better sense of what is going on with me internally rather than just reading someone else's notes. So, thats it. He says he feels I am an excellent candidate for the surgery and says that both the nutritionist and the psychologist said the same thing. (I meet with the nut. and the shrink again on Jan. 11th.) I suppose all I do now is wait for the endoscopy and then they'll probably submit everything to the insurance company.

Appointments, appointments and more appointments 12/28

Dec 27, 2006

I began this process in October, after years of research. I have been to the surgery workshop, had a nutrition consult, psych consult, EKG, lab work, met with the pre-surgery physician, have scheduled follow ups with nutrition and psych for Jan. 11th. I have an appointment at 3:30 today for an ultrasound of my gall bladder and some more bloodwork. I will finally meet with the surgeon tomorrow to see what else I have to do and hopefully get an idea of when I will have surgery! I am a little frustrated with all of the appointments, but I can understand why they are so thorough. This IS a life-altering surgery, after all!

About Me
Stepford, OH
Surgery Date
Dec 26, 2006
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A YEAR! (Well....almost...)
An Amazing Journey
How do I get so much protein?
Entering a 5K
This is amazing!
The Indians Game...
I'm overweight! Yipee!
So close...
