"You look skinny!"

May 20, 2007

My mom said this to me today! I was so proud. I still have 79 pounds to get to goal, but it felt wonderful to hear those words. I have yet another bad cold. I just got over my worst ever (I thought) 2 weeks ago and this one hit me yesterday. I take all my vitamins and protein...Maybe I should work in more veggies somehow. I have upped my vitamin C for now too. I hope this is the last of the colds for a while! I've been packing to move to our new home. My husband has been there painting all day. Poor guy. He left this morning and probably won't get home until after midnight. He loves me! Thats about all for now...

Never would've thought...

May 14, 2007

Well, they've set the guy who raped me free. He'll be parolled on July 16th as a sexual predator and part of his parole is that he has no contact with me. (Doesn't make me feel any safer.) We were all sort of baffled by this decision as it really seemed like the board wanted to keep him in. They tore apart his lawyer and the people who spoke on his behalf really had nothing to say. I am sure there is some legal crap that has led to this, because he has already served almost 15 years and now the law in Ohio states 10 year max for rape. Part of me is glad its over, the other part is terrified of what this man is capable of. I warned the system of how dangerous he is, there isn't any more I can do.

On my way to Cloumbus today...

May 13, 2007

Some of you may remember that I posted a while back that the man who raped/kidnapped me in 1992 was going to be released on April 2nd. Well, I fought it, due to the fact that he has been sending death threats and denying the crime for the past 15 years. Today is the day I go before the Ohio Parole Board, and HIS family and friends to state why he should remain in prison. I am very nervous/anxious and pray that the board shows wisdom and discernment. I pray that they'll make a decision today so that we do not need to wait anymore. I'll keep you updated. Hugs, Karen

2 Weeks Post-Op

Apr 17, 2007

Well here I am at 2 weeks post-op. What a ride it has been already! On the positive side, according to my PCP's scale, I have lost a total of 36 pounds since the end of March. ( 30 pounds since surgery.) Crazy. I have had some problems. Blurry vision that persists, a lot of anxiety...doubting my decision. I still have pain in my left side. But other than that, I seem to be progressing very well. My "wow moment" for today was when I went to get my brows waxed (too lazy to pluck...) the woman who helped me said I was "too skinny" to have gastric bypass. I can't believe how much change has happened in 2 weeks!

Pre-Op appointment

Mar 28, 2007

Today I had my pre-op appointments. All went pretty well. The nurse explained everything to me again and gave me my bowel prep stuff. (Looking forward to THAT.) I ran into my nutritionist in the hallway and she told me to please call her if I needed anything at all or had any questions. I thought that was really nice of her. Still don't know what we're doing with the kids on surgery day, but I am sure something will work out. I'm excited to start my new life, but a little afraid. Mostly afraid of complications and hoping I won't have any!


Mar 22, 2007

I know, I know...I've already been approved for surgery....WE (husband and I) were just approved for a home loan! Wooo-hooo! We have owned a home before, but sold it and have been renting for a little over a year. We really wanted a place to call our own again and start over... we didn;t think we'd be approved, and certainly not at a good rate, but the Lord had other plans! Wish us luck on our house-hunting! (Ya think I have enough going on?!)

Liquid Diet Day 1... 3/19/07

Mar 18, 2007

Well, since it's only 9:15a.m. I'm really having an easy time of it! (heh-heh) I'm sipping on my High Protein Slim Fast "meal on the go". What doesn't help is that BOTH kids are home sick today and have already been asking for snacks even though they've just had breakfast! I have mixed up my crystal light and have sf jello and sf popsicles on the ready. My husband said that he prayed he wouldn't kill me by the time these two weeks are up...so I am determined NOT to be a beyotch. I am really going for the positive attitude thing remembering that this liquid diet is to make the surgery safer for me, get the weight loss started and all that neat stuff. Well, the kids are screaming so I'll close. (why oh why did I call them in sick?)

I'm APPROVED and have a DATE! Whoooooooo hoooo!

Mar 06, 2007

Finally! I'm SO excited. When I posted my approval and date on the board this morning, I said it was April 2nd, but they later called and told me that it would be April 3rd instead. NO BIG deal! I was so afraid they were going to have to move it forward another month or something. A day, I can deal with that! So now I'm ready to begin all of the "nesting" things. Gotta do this....gotta get that done. Easter is the Sunday following my surgery, so definatley need to plan that out. Anyhow, I am ecstatic right now! I never expected a decision so quickly, and I thought I'd end up having to appeal. But I got a "yes" right away! Perhaps I was in denial about how badly I actually NEED this surgery to improve my health.

Copy of "The Monster" post

Feb 14, 2007

Post Date: 2/12/07 4:36 pm
I am so upset. I had a horrible, violent crime perpetrated against me 15 years ago. I went through the legal system and actually got this monster put away for 25 years...or so I thought. I was just told today that he was recommended for parole. This is after 15 years of his sentence in which time he has NOT admitted to the crime, NOT gotten help (but there is no rehabilitation for this type of crime, I'm sure..) and has made several death threats against me and my children. (He and his sick mother have had a PI after me for the past 15 years.) I have gone to every hearing he has had and I have given them letters and evidence of his threats. He has even had to be transferred due to bad behavior. WHY? WHY would they put a person who is so obviously sick and intent on hurting people back on the streets? I have been eating all day...crying and having outbursts. Thank God I didn't have my surgery yet...I'd probably make myself so sick. I don't even know where to turn. I do thank you all for listening. Hugs, Karen

Sour Grapes

Feb 07, 2007

Well, I haven't really been around in a while. I've been sour grapes. My appointments have been finished for some time now and my things still haven't been turned into my insurance company by Cleveland Clinic. I am hoping after a discussion I had with them today, that it will go in this week. It is hard for me to come here when I am feeling low, because then I don't feel like I can share in the joy someone feels when they get their approval, or their surgery date. Messed up, eh? I'll try to come by more often...

About Me
Stepford, OH
Surgery Date
Dec 26, 2006
Member Since

Friends 67

Latest Blog 27
A YEAR! (Well....almost...)
An Amazing Journey
How do I get so much protein?
Entering a 5K
This is amazing!
The Indians Game...
I'm overweight! Yipee!
So close...
