Janice T. 21 years, 4 months ago

Jane - Best wishes for your upcoming surgery. Dr. Jawad is an absolutely amazing surgeon...you're in good hands. God Bless for a Speedy Recovery...Janice

Amy G. 21 years, 4 months ago

Jane... best wishes on your journey! God bless you & keep you in His hands! :-)

sunshineinjaxs 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Jane. Thanks for posting on my page. I wish you all the luck also. Dr Jawad is a great doctor and we will both be in good hands.My surgery is at 1pm. On May 6. Good luck to you.

JENNIFER H. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hello Jane...I want to wish you the best on your upcoming surgery..I think you have chosen the very best surgeon, He is mine also...I had surgery on the 9th Of April and everything has went fine...I wish you an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery, If you have any questions I would be glad to help.

Melissa S. 21 years, 4 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.

Carol F. 21 years, 4 months ago

It won't be long for you now. I can not promise that this is an easy thing, But I can tell you. It is worth it. My life has changed so much since my WLS on June 20th, 2001. I am down 130 pounds. I feel 20 years younger and my husband Ed and I can do so many things together now. I no longer sit and watch on the side lines. I am again a part of my family. That is what makes it worth it, the discovery of life again. Good Luck to you. Heal fast the world is waiting on the new and improved you.

maureen 21 years, 4 months ago

Jane Your big day is almost here... I know you are getting excited. I pray for a safe journey and a speedy recovery. hugs and God Bless

Kate G. 21 years, 4 months ago

Jane, I am so very excited for you! Your big day is almost here. I wish you peace and joy as your approach this life-changing event. Know that it will undoubtedly be the best thing you've done for yourself and in a couple months, you'll be marveling at your big loss. Take good care and make sure to walk a lot postop. It helps so much.

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 4 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, and best wishes to you on your wls. May you have a speedy recovery and NO complications what so ever. Hang in there because every day get's better. God Bless, Hugs

NancyJo S. 21 years, 4 months ago

Pinch hitting Angel sliding in here! Jane has only 5 more days and she will be making the final step to the becoming a BIG loser! This is a pretty scarey time and she could use lots of support in the next few days. Any advice on what to take to the hospital and what to have at home afterwards would be terrific too! TIA for all of your support!
About Me
Ocala, Fl
Nov 12, 2001
Member Since
