Hi Teena
first of all i want to wish you all the best for your surgery consultation coming up in a few days; and secondly i want to thank you so much for sharing ALL of yourself with the AMOS Board - it was so honest and close to my heart that yet again this is another of your emails which has brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye. I wish i was at the stage where you ar now, but even then i do not have the wonderful way of expressing myself as you do. Although you have come a long way and still feel fat is, i would imagine, because of all the negative stuff you had to put up with for many years, and naturally you are very angry. How cruel of those boys asking you for dates for a laugh - May God have mercy on their spiteful hearts. However you are going through so much in your life, i expect even if a really sincere man asked you out you would not trust him. Time is a great healer and you are dealing with issues that come up and as you said, talking about them helps you - well Teena, it certainly helps others to identify with you. Not only are you a babe, you are also a beautiful soul - keep sparkling
kind regards