March 30/07

Apr 06, 2007

Move oveer for Samm

Photo of Joyce Johnston Hi All,

Well, I talked to Samm. She is doing wonderfully. She had her surgery lap yesterday around 1 in the afternoon.

She had her surgery done lap and is feeling good. Very little pain, has been up to the bathroom.

Samm sounds great, wouldn't even know she had surgery.

She thinks she will be in until Monday.

Her phone number is 416-530-6000 ext 2051 Room 3M21 for anyone interested in calling or visiting.

Take care and I will post more when I speak to her tonight


March 26/07

Apr 06, 2007

3 days til big day!!!

Hello i just wanted to let you all know I'll be leaving for the 8 hour trip to Toronto on wednesday morning after I put the kids on the bus. My surgery is on March 29th at 12 noon so I'll have to be there at 1000am. My husband and I have our jacuzzi room booked before I get the surgery. Lucky me I finally get to fit properly in a big tub. LOL
My husband on the other hand has hurt his back yesterday and has siatica (sp?) and is having a hard time moving around and he usually drives and he hates my driving, poor guy has to suffer sitting for so long and his wifes driving.LOL As parents were not going to be very useful next week when we get back, poor kids are going to have to help out more. I don't about you but when I ask and tell my kids to do something it's like pulling teeth or I have to threat to ground them and send them to there rooms, where they can't stand to be. Up side we get to soak in the jacuzzi and enjoy ourselves with no whinny kids around. Yes, my kids are whinniers, my biggest petpeve and god gave me two whinny kids that tattletale on each other for the stupidiest things.My boys are 10 & 8. My mother will be looking after them for us and she can't wait NOT!!!!

I'm getting surgery at St. Joseph's Health Centre in Toronto and I should be on the third floor after recovery. If anyone wants to met me and come visit all to ya!! My angel is the gracious Joyce and she will be keeping you updated with my progress until I get home possibly Sunday or Monday.

March 22/07

Apr 06, 2007

Well Dr. Berg called me this evening about my sleep apnea test and I don't have sleep apnea at all and I don't have any problems breathing at night. So that only leaves me with a big loud mouth snorer. I was hoping I could blame it on something You know this makes me feel a lot better going into surgery and not having this problem. I guess that was my only fear, I admit.

March 22/07

Apr 06, 2007

I went to Toronto on Monday for my PATS at St. Joseph's Health Centre and was that a long wait for nothing. I had blood drawn and an ECG that's it for tests but I did see the nurse for an assessment, pharmacist for nothing cause I'm not on any presp. drugs, anatesgolist (sp?), and some medical doctor. I did have a student nurse and explained that procedure to her. She never heard of the surgery before and what it entails. I personally think all nurses and doctors should have a course outlining obesity and wls so they aren't so dumb and missed informed about the fact that there are more of us out there then normal? weighted people. You know I haven't experinced any worries or fears as of yet. Am I normal is this? I would also like to find an angel to keep things updated on OH. Anyone interested? My husband will be coming down with me for surgery and who ever is my angel can call his cell phone and get updates. My husband is a great supporter of me and loves me any size I am, he does have a few concerns about losing me and me losing my big ass. LOL He has just recently can't keep his hands off!!! Gotta love him though, we'll be married for 13 years in June and together for almost 19 years in the fall.

Well let me know if anyone is willing to be my ? Joyce Johnston has agreed to be my angel, thank you Joyce!!!!

March 16/07

Apr 06, 2007

Well I went to the grocery store and bought some banana and orange flavoured extract for the optifast. I also made ice cubes and doubled the water amount and it's unbelieveable the taste difference. I think I will survive this stuff after all. I haven't been taking the 4 shakes daily, like yesterday I had 3 shakes and nothing else but water and today I had only two shakes because I had my sleep lab test and I didn't sleep well and I came home and went to bed and got up at 3 pm so I can't say I'm not well rested. I took a shake shortly after 4pm and another after 9pm and I don't think I'll get another one in before bedtime. Is this good or bad?

March 16/07

Apr 06, 2007

I got through yesterday not to badly with the optifast but only took 3 shakes instead of 4. I found it extremely hard to make supper for my family and not be able to eat. Iwent upstairs on the computer and drank my supper, then my 8 year old comes upstairs and asks why I'm not eating supper and I told once again that I drink my supper and offered him a taste and he grossed out. Lucky kid he knows what the good stuff is like real food!!LOL I had my sleep clinic last night and slept for the most part but the doctor didn't show up to go over the nights results, which totally sucks. I was hoping if I needed the CPAP machine I could of got started tonight and had two weeks on it before surgery but now who knows? My date is Thursday March 29th @12:00pm at St. Joseph's Health Centre in Toronto with Dr. Sullivan as I was transferred from Dr. Klein for being a good candiate. I'm so excited but so lucky the wait is so near I can taste the chicken broth now!!!! It has to be a lot better than optifast!!!Lol

March 15/07

Apr 06, 2007

I started my optifast today and it's just YUCKY. It feels like a lead ball in your stomach and I feel I'm going to get sick in my throat but no watery mouth. Please if anyone can help with the taste I would appreciate it? I tried flavoured water Davani Strawberry but didn't do anything.

March 9th, 2007

Mar 10, 2007

Well I'm back from toronto and seen everybody. The dietitcian was informative, Karen the social worker was great to talk to. These two ladies cleared me for surgery. Seen Dr. Sherkin and had a breathing test and he told me I have great lungs and approved for surgery. Then seen Dr. Klein and waited 75 minutes past appt. time and then got in and weighted me and talked about the new funding and approval from the government to train and hire more doctors and nurses for the new Batriatics Facility that is going to be housed at Humber River Regional Hospital. He also told me of two new doctors that have been trained to do the lap. surgery, Dr. Sullivan and another doctor who will be in service in July, but didn't say his name. While we were there Dr. Klein called Dr. Sullivan and transferred me over to him. I have an consultation appt. next week March 14th and my surgery date is March 30th at St. Joseph's hospital in toronto. I was so excited I almost kissed and hugged the doctor!!!!! I expected to wait another 12-18 months and I have a date, I have a date!!! Dr. Sullivan is only taking Dr. Klein and Dr. Hagan's patients right now so if you have seen either doctor and have a BMI of less than 50 and have gone to all pre-surgery appts. I would get a transfer to see Dr. Sullivan otherwise he told me it would be 2-4 years right now of more waiting until the other doctors are trained and things move faster, possibly next year he thinks. I got the opti-fast from the doctor, expensive stuff $180.00 for 4 boxes. I read the calorie count per package is only 295 and I take only 4 a day I'm going to just starve but I'm in the home stretch and moving closer to the losers bench so I'll SURVIVE. I AM A SURVIVOR, YES I AM!!!!


About Me
Sault Ste. Marie,
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 28
9 month update
WOW do I need an update...or what!!!
I'm in Onederland!!!!
To finish off the month of June
More weight gone
I've lost 60.5 pounds !!!
I'm back from Toronto
Off to Sudbury and then Toronto!!
I've made it the big 5-0!!
I have pouch problems again!!!
