My WOW Moments!!!

May 27, 2007

Well I wanted to share with all of you my wow moments!!!

I have lost 52 pounds and am the smallest plus woman out of the four woman in my family and went shopping in my aunts clothes last night and have some new jeans.

Fitting into the bathtub to take a bath comfortably.

Using a bath towel not sheet and being able to totally close it around me.

Buying a green outfit at a church yard sale with the price tags attached ($195) for $3.00 and a size 20w and hoping I was going to grow down to it and it already fits great!!!

My husband is able to put his one arm totally around me and both arms can squeeze me into him and he can touch his both elbows with me there.

Getting down to 235 before my wedding anniversary on June 4th since I will be married for 13 years and weighted 235 when I got married.

Biggest wow fitting into carnival rides and freaking out like an idiot with my youngest son. LOL You could of heard me scream way across town, VIV did you hear me? The ride was called FREAKOUT, I didn't find out until I was off the ride. Irronic isn't it?

Trying on my bathing suit and looking hot!!!! I've had the same suit for 20 years I think I need a new one but the suit is still in great shape!

Buying panties size 3x instead of 5x, but I probaly could of used a 2x but the dryer shrinks cotton.

My husband enjoying the new me!!!! Sex is improved as well (sorry had to add)LOL

My kids being amazed at how big my old clothes are on me now.

Giving away 5 black garbage bags of clothes away and not seeing that size ever again.

Me shaving my legs for a date with my husband.

Being able to carry and lift laundry up and down the stairs. Not that they get put away yet, I'm still working on that probaly for the rest of my life.

Well take care all of you and hope you enjoyed your weight loss, surgeries and all others considering wls.

BMI Change

May 19, 2007

My start BMI was:
48.7 = 284 pounds

My BMI now is:
40.7 = 237 pounds

Feeling a lot better

May 19, 2007

Well I'm feeling a lot better since my dilation procedure and am able to eat and drink. I still can't seem to enjoy any thing sweet to drink except water of course. I was told by many people that your taste buds change after surgery and I can truely agree with that now. I can't tolerate a little spicy foods, donuts (I enjoyed honey dip ones occasionally and it just tasted like a clay ball totally gross), potatoes are very hard to digest, eggs and cottage cheese as well, and breads. I'm 7 weeks post op and now weigh 237 lbs. I started this journey 9 weeks ago and have lost a total of 47 lbs so 3 more pounds to go for the big 5-0!!! I have a personal goal to get down to 235 lbs pounds by June 4th my wedding anniversary of 13 years with my darling husband. See I weighed 235 lbs on my wedding day and I didn't think I was going to make this goal because I wasn't losing weigh very fast and some days not any. And it looks like now I'll be passed that goal. WOOHOO for me!!!!

I've been a bad girl!!

May 19, 2007

Original Post by Samm Larose at 9:07 PM EST on 05/16/2007
Sault Ste. Marie, ONRNY (03/29/2007)

I know I posted about my pouch problems back on May 8th and told you all that I was going to call my surgeon well I didnt. I just got worse and worse and I finally called him yesterday May 15th and he told me to get down to Toronto by today and what I described to him was a stricture and he needed to attend to this immediately. So here I am in my hotel room in Toronto and I had my procedure done today at 300pm at St. Joes and was I scared to death. Well it was a success and I was able to eat my supper and drink very well and am feeling wonderful. I didnt call the doctor sooner because I was more scared of having a stricture than having the wls. I know this sounds crazy but I dont like knowing what is happening to me when Im awake with any procedures. My mom came with me this time and I was very glad and thankful because as you all know my husband had 2 back surgeries and hes doing very well but not able to travel the 8+ hours to get here.

Pouch problems I think

May 19, 2007

Original Post by Samm Larose at 11:14 PM EST on 05/08/2007
Sault Ste. Marie, ONRNY (03/29/2007)

I'll be calling the doctor in the morning to find out why I'm having a hard time eating. I can't seem to get in all my water or protein for the day. I also have been either throwing up or regurgating my food and my pouch then has a very hard time taking in any thing including water with out throwing it up. I don't know if I should go back onto full fluids or puree and start over or not? And I also have this yeast infection that burns and itches, so that's no good. Has anyone else experienced this? This is what I had to try and eat today:
breakfast - through up
1/4 protein shake
1/2 12 grain toast with margarine
1 strawberry yogurt cup

lunch-through up
250 ml of beef barley soup Primo
2 melba toast

supper-through up
1 drumstick honey garlic
1/4 cup of creamy parm. noodles
1 cup of milk

1 sf jello
1 krafts cheese and breadsticks
1 melba toast
1/2 milk

April 6/07

Apr 06, 2007

One week post-op

Weight lost
started weight 284lbs

- march 8th - march 16th = 9 lbs
-started optifast on march 15th
-march 16th - march 18th = 3lbs
-march 19th - march 28th = 1 lb
surgery march 29th weighed 271 lbs
- march 31st = 2lbs gain
came home from hospital April 1st weight 273 lbs
- april 1st - april 3rd = 3 lbs 
- april 4th = 2lbs
- april 5th - april 6th = 3 lbs
total weight lost for one week is 8 lbs 

Weigh as of April 6/07 = 265 lbs = 19 lbs lost all together


April 4/07

Apr 06, 2007

ok feeling better

Hi everyone and thanks for all the support. I came home on Sunday April 1st/07 because I couldn't stand it anymore. They kept feeding me crap like plain yogurt and protein powder and tea and cream of wheat. Like I don't have taste buds or sometime!! Every meal for 4 meals that's what I got, gross!! I kept telling my poor nurse Lucy (such a doll) that there trying to kill me and she went out of her way to get me flavoured sf yogurt, apple juice, and tomatoe soup. Well I never did see Dr. Sullivan at all in the hospital. I saw him on Thursday surgery day at 1030am and haven't seen him since. The surgerical interns looked after me and had a disturbing answer to a leak test question I had. I asked the doctor when I would get a test for leaks and he told me well that leaks don't happen until around the 5-6 days later. I told him that Dr. Klein from Humber Regional told me that if a leak was to occur than it would happen 2-3 days while I'm in the hospital. Needless to say I didn't get an xray or ultrasound to determine if there is/was a leak happening. I kept asking the nurses when i would see Dr. Sullivan and they told me he wasn't on call this weekend and he was only to be paged in an emergency. I wasn't impressed not seeing him.

Anyways Sunday morning I asked to go home, I wasn't hooked up to an IV any more, I pooped, and I wasn't receiving any more meds, plus the food. They said ok and I left at 1110am that morning. I didn't get home until 130am in the morning because we had to stop so many times like at the Cookstown Mall, 400 Market, and my in-laws in Sudbury. My husband is in worst shape than I am with his back getting worse by the day and can barely walk, my mother bitching me out about getting home so late and having a sick child at home. Well I don't know about you but my mother blows things out of proportion with my son being sick. The kid had a cold, cough and fevers and she had him up at the hospital and the doctor told her that he had a virus and was contagious. Well I don't know about you but all colds are contagious. So I was suppose to be the one that was to be babyed and looked after and I"M NOT!!! A little angry there, sorry!!! I'm ovulating and my hormones are making me cry over this for the last two days. The kids are back to school and my husband is flat on his back and is getting an MRI this afternoon to find out what's wrong with him, thank god.

Monday, I was able to 50 get grams of protein into me but not much in the way of water. I didn't poop and was at times had nausea and slept late in the afternoon.
Tuesday, I was able to get in about 18 grams of protein and more water, but was pretty much sick all day. I had nausea and dry heves and took a suppostory and finally pooped and everything changed with the upset stomach.

I seem to have gas between my shoulder blades and none in my abdomin (sp?). Everything I put into my mouth I have pressure and then gas. I'm sipping and eating slowly. I don't need gravol as of yet today and I pooped 2 times and I feel so good. I normally was a person that had a poop 6-10 times/day sometimes more so this is a big thing for me.
I weighed myself before the surgery and I was 271lbs and in the hospital I blue up like a balloon and was 273lbs on there scale. Monday no change 273lbs. Tuesday, 270 lbs. And today wednesday I am glad to say I'm 268lbs. I'm in the 60s, hurray for me!!!

Well on that note I started out before optifast at 284lbs and now am 268lbs= 16 lbs lost to date.

April 2/07

Apr 06, 2007

I'm back
Just a little note to let you all know I'm back from Toronto. Got back at 1:30 am and was and still am tried as hell. I'll post more tomorrow when I get up.
Love you guys for all the support and thanks Joyce and Randy for the phone calls.

April 1/07

Apr 06, 2007

Samm is on her way home
Original Post by Joyce Johnston at 12:07 PM EST on 04/01/2007

Photo of Joyce Johnston Hi all,

I got a phone message from Samm today. Didn't get my cell phone in time, couldn't remember where I put it lol.
She is feeling great and is going home today.
She is a little gassy, all you post ops know how that goes lol

She sounds great.

We will hear from her when she is able to post.

Congratulations Samm, welcome to the losers bench

Take care

March 30/07

Apr 06, 2007

RE: Move oveer for Samm
Response from Randy Belair at 12:40 PM EST on 03/30/2007

Toronto, ONDS (05/09/2007)

Photo of Randy Belair
Joyce is right, Samm sounds fantastic on the phone and has no pain at all. She is however very nauseated but has managed to eat some Jello and ice chips. Boy, I hope I sound as good as her day after syrgery!!!!

About Me
Sault Ste. Marie,
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 28
9 month update
WOW do I need an update...or what!!!
I'm in Onederland!!!!
To finish off the month of June
More weight gone
I've lost 60.5 pounds !!!
I'm back from Toronto
Off to Sudbury and then Toronto!!
I've made it the big 5-0!!
I have pouch problems again!!!
