JoAnn B. 22 years ago

Sally, your story has really touched me and I'm touched again every time you post. I am praying for you, your surgery and your recovery. You are such an inspiration and have so much to contribute! I feel as though I know you. My prayers are with you!

Lee62856 22 years ago

Good Luck and may the Lord be at your side.

brenda00 22 years ago

Sally, we are all praying for you during your surgery and recovery. Just know that we are here anytime for you. I can't wait for you to join us as a loser. :)

Ginny K. 22 years ago

Sally Sally pretty Sally, You are soon to become a lighter Sally! Wishing you much sucess in this surgery. Walk and Breathe deeply often. then drink lots of water in small sips. Wishing you a complication free surgery and recovery. My thoughts and prayers go with you on your big day!..((HUGS)) Ginny in Circleville RNY Lap 11/11--282-257

Patricia C. 22 years ago

Hi Sally, just dropping by to wish you good luck on your up coming surgery. I know you must be nervous and anxious at the same time. I understand because my surgery is scheduled for Jan 7 and I am getting antsy. May the good Lord bless you and watch over you during surgery and after. Good Luck on your new life of loosing. Pat Carvalho

Brittany C. 22 years ago

Sally, I'm praying for you and I just want you to know that you are an inspiration for all of us! Hope to see you on the other side!! :)

CELIA C. 22 years ago

really glad you are doing this for yourself, will talk to you soon on the loosing side, just keep in your mind the after affects, not one has said they wouldn't do it again. you are in my prayers and see ya in chat real soon!!!

zoedogcbr 22 years ago

Sally - Have a safe and speedy surgery and recovery. We'll be watching for your posts on the losing side. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Blessings!

Stacey F. 22 years ago

Sally - you go girl! Best of luck. I have been following your postings and wish you the very best. I have you in my prayers and wish only the best for you. Good luck

bjarrell 22 years ago

Sally, I am praying for your doctor and all who are helping you with your surgery. May God bless and guide everyone as only He can. I am praying for you to experience peace and confidence that you are loved and being taken care of. Although I just met you in your postings, I want you to know that I love you and wish you all the best of everything: healed relationships with your family; experiencing the satisfaction of being able to "do" for your friends; and getting back to living your life. I know I'll see you on the losing side, and I look forward to reading about your upcoming losses. -Beth
About Me
Pottsville, PA
Apr 09, 2002
Member Since
