tjmgators 17 years, 11 months ago

Angela is doing wonderful. She is here to visit us and she looks great-- and more than that she feels so much better. She has more energy and is much more outgoing in all her activities. She is sticking to all the rules, and is losing wieght. She is 6 weeks out tomorrow and has lost 47 pounds!! She has not been able to loose that in forever. I know it is tough and we are all very proud of her I know she will meet her goal. We love her very much and are there for her all the way I took her shopping and she fit into alot of clothes she would not of earlier Way to go!!!

tjmgators 17 years, 11 months ago

Angela is doing wonderful. She is here to visit us and she looks great-- and more than that she feels so much better. She has more energy and is much more outgoing in all her activities. She is sticking to all the rules, and is losing wieght. She is 6 weeks out tomorrow and has lost 47 pounds!! She has not been able to loose that in forever. I know it is tough and we are all very proud of her I know she will meet her goal. We love her very much and are there for her all the way I took her shopping and she fit into alot of clothes she would not of earlier Way to go!!!

tjmgators 18 years ago

Angela is doing great At two weeks out she has lost 25 pounds. We are so proud of her She is sticking to all the rules and is even working hard to get in her protein (YUK) She has also began to walk on the treadmill which she has never done before She is a remarkable person and we can not wait to watch her progress She returned to work at teo weeks out and has never complained once She is incredible and we are very proud of her. Keep up the good work!!

purplepixee26 18 years ago

Angela is the most determined person I know. I watched her go through this process from the beginning only to be declined. Not once did she give up. She picked herslef back up and did what she had to do to make this happen. So after 1 year, several trips to the Dr's and a million phone calls, on 8/14 Angela finally got her dream, she had surgery. She is doing remarkable. I would expect nothing less from her. She is fortunate to have the love and support of family and friends. Angela's Mom Jan, stayed with her for 10 days, which played a huge part in her recovery. Jan is a remarkable woman who happens to be nurse. I am proud to be part of the Miller family, and so proud of Angela.

tjmgators 18 years ago

Angela has not been able to post yet, but I am her mom. She had surgery a week ago I will wait and let her tell you all about that. I just want to tell her how proud we are of her for being so brave I know it is hard to make this decision and follow through with it. She went to the doctor today at one week and she has lost 13 pounds!! We are very proud of her and will support her all the way Way to go Angela We love you very much. Hang in there, and keep up the protein. Love you Mom and Dad

tjmgators 18 years ago

Angela has not been able to post yet, but I am her mom. She had surgery a week ago I will wait and let her tell you all about that. I just want to tell her how proud we are of her for being so brave I know it is hard to make this decision and follow through with it. She went to the doctor today at one week and she has lost 13 pounds!! We are very proud of her and will support her all the way Way to go Angela We love you very much. Hang in there, and keep up the protein. Love you Mom and Dad
About Me
Orlando, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2005
Member Since

Friends 26

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22 months
19 months
14 months!!!!!!!
200 lbs!!!! Are you kidding me????
13 month update!!!
One year! I MADE IT!!
11 months!!!!
Seriously? Wow.
10 months
9.5 months
