tjmgators 17 years, 1 month ago

Just think today a year ago today we were at preop and I was willing to put out $250.00 to go and foget it. I am glad you did not listen to me I could never do what you have done over the past year. You have done wonderful!! You look great. You feel better. You are able to walk, talk, and breathe better. I know it has not been easy, but you make it look that way. Now enjoy the reward while you continue your journey ( and be glad you dont have to go through having a tube in your stomach again HAHA) You have already surpassed your year celebrate and spend an evening out at the movies or the Sports Center and show off the new you!! You look great!!!!! We love you Wish we were there with you. Love Mom

tjmgators 17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah!! You have met your one year goal, and a few months early too. You are a true inspiration to others You have done so good. We are very proud of you. You look wonderful and have so much more energy. Can't wait to see you again next month. Take care. We love you!! Mom and Daddy

dwilson1054 17 years, 9 months ago

Angela - I am so glad you had a good time on your cruise - I knew you all would. You look great! Can't wait to see all the photos. Take care and keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Donna & Uncle Jim

voelkermj 17 years, 9 months ago

Angela, I am so proud of you! You look wonderful and I can hear the excitement in your voice everytime you update us. You will have a great time on the cruise. (I am jealous) Keep those calls and pictures coming we are all cheering you on here! Love, Monica

dwilson1054 17 years, 9 months ago

Angela, Mamaw and I are here looking at your pictures. We are both so proud of you. You look great and are loosing so much weight. You are going to have a wonderful time on your cruise. Keep up the good work. Love, Mamaw and Aunt Donna

noahsmom04 17 years, 9 months ago

Angela is doing SO great!! She looks and feels wonderful! You can't imagine the excitement in her voice when she tells about all the new things she's able to do! I am so proud of you Ang. I know that the journey has not been easy, but you are doing it! I know you are going to have a great time on your cruise, you deserve it!

tjmgators 17 years, 9 months ago

Angela is doing wonderful She has lost 86 pounds!! We are going on a cruise soon and she has three swimsuits to wear and is excited about it. We are so proud of her. We are going to have a great time. Can't wait!! Keep up the good work. I know it is not easy You just make it lood easy. We love you Mom and Dad

tjmgators 17 years, 9 months ago

Angela is doing wonderful She has lost 86 pounds!! We are going on a cruise soon and she has three swimsuits to wear and is excited about it. We are so proud of her. We are going to have a great time. Can't wait!! Keep up the good work. I know it is not easy You just make it lood easy. We love you Mom and Dad

tjmgators 17 years, 11 months ago

Angela is 7 weeks out and has lost 51 pounds!! That is like 10 bags of flour!! How wonderful I know it makes her feel better. She is walking on the treadmill every night. She would never of even got on a treadmill before. We are so proud of her We are all going on a cruise in December and she will be able to go see alot of things she would never of felt like going on before Way to go Angela!!

tjmgators 17 years, 11 months ago

Angela is 7 weeks out and has lost 51 pounds!! That is like 10 bags of flour!! How wonderful I know it makes her feel better. She is walking on the treadmill every night. She would never of even got on a treadmill before. We are so proud of her We are all going on a cruise in December and she will be able to go see alot of things she would never of felt like going on before Way to go Angela!!
About Me
Orlando, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2005
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200 lbs!!!! Are you kidding me????
13 month update!!!
One year! I MADE IT!!
11 months!!!!
Seriously? Wow.
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9.5 months
