209 and tomorrow is the day.

Aug 01, 2007

I've been sleeping alot.  I think all of the meds are what is making me nauseous so I quit taking everything except my multi-vit.  Had oatmeal this morning and so far, not bad.  Tried on pants this morning and I'm mostly into 18-20's now.  I'm too sick to enjoy it, in fact, I dont really care.  Still feel depressed and useless.  Even at my fattest I could go all day and now I cant last an hour.  I know it will get better, i know.  Today is just a day of waiting.

209 and 2 days till surgery.

Jul 31, 2007

I'm finally pooping on a regular basis, thank goodness.  I'm still very weak and nauseous most of the day.  I quit taking all pain meds except Tylenol (which doesnt really help).  Today is Sydneys 10th birthday and she's having her party at a friend of mines house, I just couldnt handle the stress of having it at our house.  We'll do a little cake today at home but she'll have all of her fun at her friends house. Makes me feel guilty. I'm a terrible mother.  I'm depressed.

212 and three more days till Lipotripsy.

Jul 30, 2007

Counting the days till they take out this damn kidney stone!  My daughters birthday is tomorrow so today we are going to Petsmart to buy her a fishtank.  I dont feel like going anywhere or doing anything but I'm going to force myself.  My Dad left on Sunday and Joe has gone back to work.  I'm supposed to be back on my feet now and doing all of the things I used to do. HA! The drugs I'm on have made my eating erratic and I've been sickened more than once by the mix.  I'm getting to the point I fear eating.  I think I'd rather be hungry than nauseous. Trying oatmeal this morning.

211 but feeling yukky

Jul 29, 2007

I've learned how to manage the pain without meds. Yay.  The stent rubs internally, so if I walk or move too much, I hurt.  I try and limit my movement daily.  Last night we went out to dinner and when I got home I was in pain.  I'm taking so many meds 3 times a day that it feels like thats what my diet consists of.  I cant wait for Friday, hopefully this will all be over soon.  I really want to concentrate on my weight loss and not on being sick.  Anyway, thats all for now.

3 weeks and 213

Jul 28, 2007

I'm still feeling badly.  Sleeping or laying down most of the day.  I did quit taking the pain meds, they make me drooly and stupid.  My stent hurts and walking makes it hurt more.  Aug. 3rd I'm going in for a Lipotripsy......sounds great huh?.  Anyway, I'm hoping that once the stone is broken up and the stent removed I'll feel better. 

Wed. and back up to 220

Jul 25, 2007

I hurt. And I feel very drugged. Not a happy girl. I ate 2 spoonfuls of tuna.  A Jello. One piece of turkey lunchmeat. Its been hard and I dont want to eat. I'm so tired. Hopefully tomorrow I will get something done.

Monday recap

Jul 25, 2007

Monday night I had sudden onset left flank pain. Bad pain. At 11pm my Dad took me to the ER.  KIDNEY STONE. After a CT scan they determined it is 8 mm and not moving. I screamed in pain until they drugged me. Sent me home at 2am with a number to call.  We got home and discovered the # was bad, no one there.  My husband finally found someone to treat me and we go there on Tuesday.  They admit me and decide to operate.  They end up only putting a Stent in so that I can pee.  It hurts.  Today I go to my PCM and get another referral to go back to the same doctor so they can take the stone out.  I'm still hurting badly.  Now I wait.  Sleeping with drugs.  Miserable.  I've eaten 3 TBsps of oatmeal and 1 piece of cheese in 2 days.  I am still taking my vitamins. Anyway, I just wanted to check in as I may be on my back in bed a few more days.  On the brighter side, at least it isnt a complication from GBS! HA!


Jul 23, 2007

Last measurements.         New ones. 7/23/07

Neck: 15                             15
R. Arm: 16                           15
L. Arm: 15.5                         15
Boobs: 45.5                         45.5
Under boob: 39                   39.5
Waist: 40                              39.5
Butt: 51.5                               51
L. Thigh: 29                            28.5
R. Thigh: 28.5                           28.5
L. Calf: 17                                16.5
R. Calf: 17.5                            17.5
R. Ankle: 10                            10
L. Ankle: 10.5                            10

Ok, so I've lost  3.5 inches in the past week even though the scale hasnt really moved. Cool. I can feel it too.

2 weeks

Jul 22, 2007

I feel better today. Couldnt bring myself to drink another CIB so I searched the kitchen. Hmmmmm.  Tomorrow is my 2 week post op appt.  I know he will clear me for mushies. I'm hungry sorta.  I want something not milky or shakey.  Ok, so I'm cheating....alittle.  I made a bowl of very soft Weight Control oatmeal.  I'm eating slooooooow and taking small bites.  I'll only eat about half of it and hope for the best.  So far I feel fine.

Anyway, thats it for now.

Bad Dog! ~~ The Rabid Foamies

Jul 22, 2007

Oh MY Dog!  After drinking my soy milk CIB I felt kinda yukky.  The stomach felt like it didnt like the breakfast.  I was feeling foamie.  Quickly started drinking water to flood the offensive froth away.  Uh. Uh oh.  Enter explosive diareah. Maybe it was something I ate yesterday?  Dunno.  Ewwww.  I spit mouthfuls of foam out. Gag. Ugh. Ok, so around Noon I begin to feel more human.  We go to Wendys and decide that maybe some chili would be good for the angry pouch.  I eat half of a small, concentrating more on the liquid part.  Not bad. I still have the after effect, the smell/taste of the earlier foam.  I drink more water. Its almost 4 and I'm tired from all of the retching/pooping. Bad day. Grrrrrrr.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 84
Back to my old BLOG....oh yeah and 195!
I'm Baaacccckkkk.
198 and surgery tomorrow, yay.
200 and in pain.
201 and my family is back.
201 and relief at last.
