JOLENE D. 20 years, 11 months ago

Hi Michael, I am totally embarrased that I missed your previous postings about your very unprofessional surgeon. Your religious beliefs will hold you in good stead and God will never let you down. I'm only an email away, even if you just need to vent sometime at 5:00 AM!!! We are both in the same time zone, haha! BIGGHUGGZZZZ Keep us posted, we are all with YOU!!!

Dina McBride 20 years, 11 months ago

Michael, Your attitude and faith are ADMIRABLE! I'm so proud of you - and I don't even know you! Keep your eyes on God - He won't let you down. I'm praying that He will guide your steps and lead you just where you need to be at just the right time! Blessings, dina

NitroMike 20 years, 11 months ago

Ok... With God on my side, who can be against me? I HAVE A SCHEDULED APPT. WITH DR. HUFFMAN 11/20/03 9am . I am hoping that with all my paper work and an approval letter from Ins, that we can speed up this thang. Health is really getting to me. Hard to breath and severe headaches daily. I have prayed and I thank all of you for your prayers. regardless of what religion we are, If we pray and it is God's Will, he hears them. I will update you soon to share more positive news. PS: I have saved...EVERY... message that you all have sent me. Thanks again.

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 11 months ago

<b>Michael, Im so sorry things didn't go right for you, but Im sure you will find the answer to your problem. There are doctors out there that can help you. you will not be the first or the last JW to need a operation without blood. You will get this done. Hang in there.**Hugs**</b>

Pat S. 20 years, 11 months ago

Michael, I am not a JW, but I do respect your convictions. I am so happy you are seeing another surgeon. I do not know Dr. Huffman, but have heard wonderful things about him. I have a friend that works at Pardee and she says he great. God friend. Pat

its_me 20 years, 11 months ago

Michael, I am sorry that you had such a hard time from your former doctor. Like you said, he must not have been the doctor for you. You may have to start all over again but at least you aren't compromising your beliefs and I totally respect you for that! You might not have to start over, your former doctor can send the tests to a new doctor... maybe you'll get a jump start in a new doctor's program that way! Good luck!

Elizabeth S. 20 years, 11 months ago

Hi there Michael. I too am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I am shocked at this surgeons behavior! There are definitely plenty of surgeons who will do this with no blood and it sounds like he must have been having a bad day. What a crock. You hang in there! {{{Michael}}} Your Sister, Liz

NitroMike 20 years, 11 months ago

Ok I will try that. They also are telling me to Contact Medicaid to explain what happened and see if I can get the approval moved over to new surgeon. I just need to contact Medicaid Approval office, if i can find a number lol.. thanks for input.

Arlene F. 20 years, 11 months ago

michael,, you do not have to start the whole process all over.. your Insurance company aproves the procedure not the surgeon.. just have your new surgeon call your Insurance company.. they will give him approval over the phone.. and have your medical records transfered to the new hospital.. that will shorten things a bit. arlene

NitroMike 20 years, 11 months ago

well,.. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. We have a very strong stand on accepting Blood. In other Words, No Blood. This was an issue addressed with Dr. Gilman and he agreed that he would use alternatives if needed. The problem was, Dr. Gilman was not a caring Dr. I had an IV in my arm, Zantac in my stomach to reduce acid, Blood Thinner in my system, About to put on the leg warmers, in my hospital gown, and all checked out and hooked up, when I make sure that my request are known before IM sedated. He then goes into a different mode. Saying that he HAD TO have FULL RANGE to operate with Blood if needed and he didn't feel comfortable operating if he couldn't give it. No IM the patient, and If I say no to something, FOR MY BODY, that means no... He kept trying to pressure me, even had his sidekick surgeon there listening, and the nursing staff, and all of the office personnel, VERY UNPROFESSIONAL!! Out of all the time I had seen him, even up to last week seeing him, that wasn't the topic for discussion. The sad part about it was the fact that a request for NO BLOOD, int just something that Jehovah's Witnesses do, many others do no want blood to be used for many reasons. The fact that he has been a surgeon for around 6 years, and NEVER has operated on a JW nor ANYONE, that has requested NO BLOOD, Compromised the knowledge and integrity that he possesses. He stated "IM the DR and you are the Patient," that wasn't disputable, why would he say that?? I obviously know that. But to Mr. KNOW IT ALL, what he didn't realize, is that Charlotte Has a Bloodless Office of surgeons -Dilworth Surgical Group, and they operate out of Carolina's Medical Center, That there are over 100 Bloodless hospital's and center all over the United States and outside the country. That they can perform OPEN HEART surgery without a Blood Transfusion. They can remove a Gall Bladder, without a Blood Transfusion, AND, That many rely on the CELL SAVING MACHINE to process one's own blood, in the even that it is necessary and that they are other alternatives, such as Vitamin K, Albumin (derived from blood) blood fractions, Iron, Volume Expanders, Such as Crystalloids, Normal Saline, Hypertonic Saline, or Dextran. There are DR.s out there that will respect my wishes and be more open to the possibilities of alternatives Should they be needed. Dr. Gilman was not one. He simply stated "just call my office tomorrow, and we will see if we can help you find a Surgeon". I havent received a call at all. I feel like I went for several weeks and months back and forth to another City, for Medically Necessary Procedures, and was smacked in the face, while on the Table. Regardless of whether I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses or not, I would NEVER recommend him to ANY ONE. The mere Statement alone "I guess I will go to Charlotte and Party with my friends" shows his lack of feelings and care. What was the reason for that? Why say something so impersonal, when someone is feeling at their lowest because of his recent change in attitude. Then to constantly mention that we would have to come to an agreement on him being allowed to use Blood if he deemed it necessary, went against my standards and my personal Religious Convictions, founded on God's Word the Bible at Acts 15:28,29 and my awareness of the health risk of Blood, to Absolutely, Unequivocally, and Resolutely Refuse allogeneic Blood. I will accept Alternative NONBLOOD Medical Management to build up or conserve my own blood, to avoid or minimize blood loss, to replace lost circulatory volume, or to stop bleeding. Hence, such Volume Expanders as Dextran, Saline Solution, Ringer's Lactate Solution, and Hetastarch are Acceptable to me. There is a Dr. that will accept my insurance and my request for no blood. He simply wants to know what items he can use if the need arise. The problem with this is that I now, Have to Start the Entire Process ALL OVER AGAIN. But you know what, Regardless of what may happen, I feel good knowing I brought Praise and Honor to God's Holy Name, Even under Pressure!!!! Thanks for all the support and I hope this clarifies some things that were fuzzy.
About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 28, 2003
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Night before surgery January 22, 04
8 months Post OP

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