Jul 17, 2009

Since my pre-op meeting with the surgeon May 29, I’ve had two surgeries. One to remove my gall bladder and repair a abdominal hernia (6/11/09) and the second to repair a hiatal hernia and put in my lap band (7/7/09). 

Since my Lap-Band surgery date (7/7/09) I’ve lost 7.6 pounds and 13.5 pounds in the last month.

I’ve also lost a total of 12” off my pre-surgery measurements taken 5/29/09.  

Since starting down this path last October 13th, 2008, I’ve lost a total of 61.8 pounds, of which 54.2 pounds were lost pre-surgery.  

My doctor said that he most likely will reduce or eliminate one of my blood pressure meds at my next appointment (and first fill) August 7th.  

Over all, they and I both are very pleased with my progress and there is a large difference in my appearance. People are always commenting on my weight loss, and I have given away several thousands of dollars worth of very good clothes. Cleaning out my closets is a lot more fun then I thought it would be.  

I can see a bright future with my little band buddy and I’m thrilled with its potential.  

Would I do it again -     absolutely!!!!        


Jul 07, 2009

Thanks to everyone that wished me well this morning. My surgery went well, they found a "very large" hiatal hernia and repaired it, then put in my Lap-Band. I got home from the hospital about 7:30pm. Not sure how much pain I have because of the good drugs they put me on but I know I've very sore, swollen and tired. I think I just may go to bed.

Pre-OP Liquid Diet - Day one

Jun 29, 2009

I’m finally getting started with the final preparations for my Lap-Band going in next Tuesday, July 7th. My surgeon requires a seven day Optifast full liquid diet followed by a one day clear liquid diet the day before surgery. Today is day one. Gee, this should be fun. The last time I was on a liquid diet was right after I was born and that’s 63 years ago. I’m so ready to do this even though I’ve lost 50 pounds since last October, I’ve still got at least another 54 pounds to lose plus I want to get off my type two diabetes meds and high blood pressure meds.   

Funny, after having been asked six times over the weekend if I was going to still have the Lap-Band surgery since I've lost these 50 pounds. When I say "Yes", they look at me and say, "Well, since you have lost this much I would think you could do the rest without surgery." My answer is always the same. "Then you go ahead and do it because I can't. And if I could as soon as it is off, I would gain it back." I can't seem to get people to understand the concept. Maybe that's why most of them are over weight.       


Jun 19, 2009

Well, I went for my post gall bladder/hernia surgery checkup this morning. It’s been eight days and all the stitches appear to be recovering well.

Just for the heck of it I stopped by my weight loss center and weighed myself. I was amazed; I weighed 254.9 pounds, which means that since I started down this road last October 13th, I have lost 48.6 pounds. AND I HAVEN’T BEEN BANDED YET!!! That comes in eighteen more days, July 7th.  

My doctor and I haven’t talked about what he thinks my weigh target should be, but I’ve stuck a target of 199.9 pounds out there because I haven’t been below 200 pounds since I was in the eighth grade. Seems like a good starting target.  

What loosing the 48.6 pounds so far means is that I’m almost half way to my target weight. I’ve had friends, family and even some doctors (at different social events I seen them) and nurses (nurses as they were prepping me for gall bladder surgery) tell me that I don’t need the band, really. OF COURSE, ALL OF THEM WERE SKINNY AS A RAIL.  

What I tell them is that I’ve always been able to loose weight; I’ll bet I’ve lost close to a thousand pounds over the years, for a little while. You know the story. I’m just tired of the high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other medical problems. I’ve been 300 to 310 pounds my entire adult life. I want to be in some family pictures because I take all the pictures and that’s because I can’t stand looking at myself at that weight.  

It’s my turn to treat myself with some respect and self esteem. I didn’t mean to rant, but it’s been on my mind. Scoot over losers; I’m going to join you in 18 days.        

Home After Gall Bladder and Hernia Surgery

Jun 11, 2009

I’m home from my gall bladder removal and hernia surgery. It’s now 11:10 PM, I got home about 8:00 PM. My surgery went well but was a little more extensive than expected. It seems that my gall bladder was rather large, larger than they thought, about the size of a hot dog bun. How’s that for a visual image. They are normally about the size of your little finger. I didn't know that could happen? The timing to take it out was very good, it couldn’t have waited much longer.  

Also, my hernia was a little bigger than they thought it would be, about the size of a silver dollar (remember them) but it is corrected also. As I figured, the doctor said that I would be have more pain from the hernia part of my surgery than the gall bladder.  

They were able to get it them both out laparoscopic, some how. Four incisions, three covered by Band-Aids and the other about three inches long, amazing.  
My pain level is amazingly low, thanks to some very good drugs. Keep them coming, please.  

I’ll be slow for a few days then I can increase my activity, except I am to walk, walk, walk, and walk some more. Not long marathon lengths, just short and often, at least hourly.    

Anyhow, I’m back and all is well. Now it’s time to heal and get ready for my Lap-Band going in July 7th.   

Mind Games and NSV's

Jun 04, 2009


I’m waiting for my gall bladder/hernia surgery next week on Thursday (6/11/09), with my Lap-Band surgery scheduled for July 7th. I’ve been going over the mind games that seem to be a natural progression of things before WLS, like “Be careful what you ask for, cause you just might get it” and “Is this really what I want to do”, ect, ect. Doubting oneself seems to be part of the overall progression of things while waiting for your surgery.  

BUT, a couple of things have occurred while waiting that have made me smile and realize that the Lap-Band is right for me. Small things, nsv’s if you will, small and meaningless, unless you are going through the mind games associated with the decision of wls.  

First one, a couple a days ago, a neighbor’s daughter that lives in Savannah, Ga. was in to visit her parents. I yelled at her and asked her if the state of Georgia had thrown her out because she’s home every couple of weeks. She looked and looked then said “Jerry, you’ve lost so much weight you were hiding behind that tree (in my front yard) and I didn’t see you”. I thanked her and told her that I’ve lost 40 pounds or so since last October (when I started the pre-wls six month program). That one made me smile. 

The second one was a little bigger nsv. Yesterday was my 63rd birthday and all of my family was here for a cook out and swimming party (mostly two of my three granddaughters and me in the water).   Since last October I’ve had to sort through my old pants and some shirts and pack two thirds of them away, destined for our church’s yearly big give away. Last October I was wearing size 44/46 jeans and pants. Well, I’m running out of pants and shorts and last month had to buy a couple of size 42 dress pants and jeans to get me through this part of the transition. My wife is famous for loading me up with new clothes on my birthday so last week I asked her not to because it would be a waste of money right now and that I planned on getting a lot smaller in the near future. So she got me a pair of 38 jeans shorts and a 36/38 elastic pair of jeans shorts.  

I didn't’t notice the sizes until this morning when I went to try them on. When I looked at the sizes I thought to myself “Good, they won’t fit now but I’ll be able to wear them later and longer while I lose more weight”. Out of curiosity I tried them on and OMG, THEY FIT. The 38’s are a little snug at the waist, but wearable, not baggy like everything else I’ve got and the 36/38 elastic waisted one fit perfectly. A real WOW moment that took any doubts as to why I am doing this away.   I’m not even banded yet but I know it’s the right thing for me.
1 comment

TRIFECTA 7/07/09

May 29, 2009



My surgery is scheduled for July 7th. "The Trifecta" part is that all three procedures, gall bladder removal, Lap-Band installation, and a belly button hernia repair, will be done at the same time. 

The surgeon (Dr. Haughn) will be assisted by another surgeon and will attempt to do all three in one surgical setting. He wants all three to be in done in a time period of a little over two hours because much after that the risk of infection increases. They will remove the gall bladder first, then install the Lap-Band second, and lastly do the hernia.

That’s the way I prefer it be done because I would rather hurt once big time than to hurt from two or three separate surgeries. If they run into any time difficulties they will leave the simplest, the hernia for another time.

I thought I would have a difficult time talking Dr. Haughn into doing all three, but after we sat and discussed all options he agreed to do them all at the same time. 

Now I really believe it will be done. It’s been an interesting journey, last October until today. A lot of barriers crossed or destroyed, problems solved, negative attitudes adjusted and doubts changed to positive, and work done just to get this far. And you know what? I’m just now getting to the starting line.

Being positive and persistent pays off. If you are just getting started with you weight loss program and are questioning everything, don’t ever give up or give in. Remember, the word “NO” is not an answer; it’s just a temporary setback until you get it changed to a yes.


UPDATE 4:30 PM 5/29/09 

Change of plans, somewhat. Dr Haughn called and said that there is a better way to do my surgery. He said he told me that he would do all three at the same time and he will if that's what I want. But he said he would like for me to consider removing the gall bladder and repairing the hernia June 11th then still doing the Lap-Band July 7th as was previously scheduled.

His reasoning was sound because he was concerned about possible problems from the bacteria in the gall bladder effecting the Lap-Band portion of the surgery or the possibility of an infection from the gall bladder surgery. He wants to do it and the hernia in June and twenty five days later install the Lap-Band.  

I gave in to doing two surgeries and gave my OK, he is thinking of my safety during the surgeries. So now, I have two surgeries scheduled in the next 40 days. But he did make a lot of sense to me even though I did want it done at the same time. At least it will not delay my Lap-Band surgery date of July 7th.   



Apr 29, 2009

Finally all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed, all the proper signatures have been acquired, and its official, APPROVED FOR SURGERY.  

I have an approval meeting Wednesday May 13th with Dr. Koehler to set up the surgery with Dr. Haughn. I could move that appointment up to next week, but can’t because I’ll be out of town all next week and that’s as soon as possible after we get back.  

That’s OK, because next week is special. Last May 31st (2008) my brother in law and old high school classmate, suffered a massive brain aneurism and the doctors wanted to give up on him and pull life support. My sister (his wife) and I refused to let them because we knew he was in there somewhere and were not about to give up on him after just one week. To make a long story short, Bob made a miraculous recovery. Has regained his ability to talk, reason, think, walk without a walker or cane and is about 90 percent back to his old self. MY wife and I have booked a big beautiful gold crown condo in Branson, Missouri for all of next week and we are taking my sister (Pat) and Bob to Branson for a vacation. They deserve it and need it.

So, my surgery scheduling can wait an extra week, that’s fine with me. Besides now, we have something else to celebrate.

Finally APPROVED!!!!

Apr 24, 2009


I just received a telephone call from my company’s corporate benefits administrator and she told me that they are over ruling Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah’s denial of my Lap-Band surgery. Ten minutes later Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah called and said that they were overriding the 12 month supervised diet requirement and I could go ahead and schedule my surgery. 

Of course, my weight loss center has already closed for the week and it will be Monday before I can get with them and schedule my surgery. You can bet the first thing Monday I will be in to touch with them to schedule a time to schedule my surgery. Let's GIT 'ER DONE.   

None the less, I’M APPROVED!!!   

Hurry Up and Wait (or is it WEIGHT) !!!

Apr 21, 2009


You would think that even though I was drafted into the Army in 1968 I would have learned to be better at “Hurry up and Wait!!! I’m not…..  

Here is an update on my battle with my insurance company over their denial of my Lap-Band weight loss surgery. I got my official denial letter in the mail last Friday, April 17th, even though my denial was dated April 9th, 2009; my weight loss center got their denial letter yesterday morning, Monday, April 20th, 2009. Kind of dragging their feet sending them out (but what’s new).    

So, because we both knew it would be denied, we already had all the needed paperwork done and just waiting for the denial. I was/am still planning on using the folks at Obesity Law & Advocacy Center and Kelly Brown Lindstrom in particular, and had told my company’s national insurance administrator.  

The administrator called and asked me not to turn it over to the lawyers, yet. She asked me to send all the information directly to her first a first level appeal and she would have the company's doctors that are at their call make a determination as to if it should be approved or denied. If they say I should be approved then they will over rule the BCBS medical “experts” that denied my surgery and require them to pay for my surgery.  

I asked her how long it would take because I’m on a time frame for appealing it with the lawyers. She assured me that she would have an answer for me within a week. So, I put all 46 pages of the appeal into PDF files and emailed them to her. She called to confirm she received them and assured me she would have an answer within the week. 

I have also completed all the needed paperwork for the Obesity Law & Advocacy Center and have it also in PDF form, ready to go, if needed.  



About Me
Henderson, KY
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2009
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