Brandi H. 20 years, 2 months ago

To the Family of Momma Angel/Paula. I have just heard of our beautiful angels passing. I am so sorry to hear this, I hope Paula knows what a loved and cared for person she was and still is. She is now in heaven where she can be an "Angel" to everyone. We love and miss you Paula! Keep an eye on my beloved baby, I know that he is in good hands now. With Love, Brandi

Gregg C. 20 years, 3 months ago

Mamma, your greetings and encouragement to everyone have meant so much. I know you were the first one greeted in heaven and have a special place there to continue greeting everyone like you did so well. Yours was the first comment on most people's page and everyone quickly got to know of "Mamma Angel" from just about the day our profile was posted. Thank you for your encouragement and love. I think of you often and know you're there if I need a little help. With respect and profound appreciation, Gregg

snowgirl 20 years, 3 months ago

Momma Angel, You are now home with the lord.your Sweet and kind spirit will remaine with us forever you will alway's be an inspiration to every single one of us.May the the lord spread your Wing's so you can fly....You will alway's be our Momma Angel.....

Jenny L. 20 years, 3 months ago

Bless you, Momma Angel. You are with your family now. Thank you for being such a shining example of humanity.

Fawn L. 20 years, 3 months ago

I am so deeply saddened to hear of Momma Angel's passing. She was such a devoted person- supporting everyone here with their journey's even though surgery was not within her reach. She did come to accept that, but you could just see the devotion and belief she had in everything AMOS stands for in each post she wrote and in each word of encouragement and support she gave to so many here. Dear L'rd, please take special care of our Momma Angel. She's been a special angel for all of us here on the AMOS site and I guess you saw her specialness and decided to let her work more closely for you. You have, indeed, a special angel and we all pray for her.

Donna Ingerson 20 years, 3 months ago

I have just read Momma Angels profile. I am sitting here crying thinking of the words she gave me when I first started my journey. She always sent me words of encourgement when I was ready to give up. She was my Angel in life. Now she is watching over me. I miss you Momma Angel. But now you are happier and healthier. WE MISS U.

TAErvin 20 years, 3 months ago

I was so glad to see that Momma Angel had left me such a touching message. I hate that I didn't get to talk to her before God took her to be with him. I'm missing here even before I got to really know her. She will be truly missed...Theresa Ervin

Alli G. 20 years, 3 months ago

Mamma Angel, God Bless you and your family. You were truly special to many and had such a loving heart. You will be missed.....Allison, Troy NY

Carla A. 20 years, 3 months ago

Every once in awhile the Lord sees fit to send one of his angels to earth to help and support us....he did this with momma angel. I am sure he feels she has done her job here and is now needed in heaven. How lucky we were that she so unselfishly she gave of herself...we are all better people because of her kindness. She will truly be missed but, not forgotten.

Renee W. 20 years, 3 months ago

To the family of Momma Angel: I am deeply sorry for your lost but just know that she was loved by everyone and was always there to comfort others.. She will truly be missed. God bless you all
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Mar 01, 2002
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