Michelle H. 20 years ago

I am saddened to find out our dear friend has gone to be with her Savior. I guess sometimes the only way God can heal us is to call us home. She now has a new strong heart, a beautiful, healthy body, and the light of Christ shining upon her. Although we all will miss her dearly here on earth, she is whole and healthy in the loving arms of Jesus, and she is happy and at peace. We love you Momma Angel. You gave so much to all of us while we waited for our surgery: encouragement, help and love. We could never repay you. Your reward is in heaven, and that's why Jesus called you. You were our angel, and now you sing with choirs of angels. We will see you again someday. Until then...Thank you for everything, you will always be an inspiration to the peoples lives you have touched, including me. We love you and miss you. Goodbye my friend.

i8urchicken 20 years, 1 month ago

To go to the memorial page, and find out that Momma Angel has passed away saddens me deeply. The wonderful words in the hundreds of post's before mine, show how she touched the hearts of many. I could go on and on and on of how fondly I think of Momma Angel, but it's all already been said. Momma is still with us. In our hearts. She always will be. Momma, i'll never forget about you, and i'll remember you forever. Thank you so much for making me feel welcome over a year ago. With much love, and the utmost respect. Holly D.

jjettrox 20 years, 1 month ago

i just learned of mama's passing.. mama, you will be missed very much.. i know you will continue to give your love and support from up above.. thanks for always being here for us.. you are at peace now.. you truly are an angel.. jeanne in cali..

DebraSoup 20 years, 1 month ago

So very sorry to hear the loss of such an incredible woman named Momma Angel. I wish that I had the opportunity to express my appreciation for her kind words when I came to this site. I didn't know how to respond back to her since I was new. I wish I had taken the time to thank her. I see that she has touched so many people and God has been good to us to allow her to venture into out lives. It saddens me that she has had to go but God now has another angel above to continue His work. Thank you Momma Angel for being such a beautiful person inside and out. We all miss you but I think we all would say you are in are in a much better place. Again thank you Momma Angel...love you!

Valerie C. 20 years, 1 month ago

What saddened me the most is when I came to post and saw the link that said Mamma needs an angel. She was truly and inspiration for me when I first came to this web site, anxious, alone and not having a clue about where my life was headed with wls. When I made my profie, she was there. Just like an angel. I did get a chance to thank her and emailed her. Life is a brief flicker and then we are gone. She was truly the light of heaven on Earth and God saw she had suffered enough. Thank you Mamma Angel. Go rest high upon that hill.

Paula A. 20 years, 2 months ago

I am so sorry to hear about Momma Angel's passing. She was the only person who had sent me support on my surgery page. I didn't know about it until a few weeks ago when I started getting interested in the site. Bless her for her caring. She no longer is in pain and lives a glorious life with Jesus. Paula A.

beautifulbianca 20 years, 2 months ago

I to never got a chance to thank her for the kind words she sent me on my page .Once I found out, she had passed .I am very sorry that I didn't get to email this beautiful person back.

lizann 20 years, 2 months ago

words cannot explain how i feel knowing that one of the sweetest people was taken away,but only the lord knows whats best and it was his will that Mamma Angel be taken away to a better place.She truly is an angel to us all.

Tina B. 20 years, 2 months ago

I finally had a free minute to start updating my profile and clicked on my support page and found a beautiful message from MommaAngel/Paula from back in March. I decided to email her and apologize for not checking my page sooner. I was very saddened to see that the one person who had well wishes for me was taken from us. I see on her support page how many peoples lives she has touched and want her family and AMOS extended family to know that we have suffered a huge loss, but heaven above has gained a bigger gift than they could have ever imagined. Peace and love to all of you that had the chance to know her. I am sorry that I was too late. I know I have lost a huge opportunity to know a great and beautiful woman. Paula let your rays of light pour down on all of us in glorious inspiration.

meli2727 20 years, 2 months ago

I am so sad to hear about Mamma Angel. I didn't get to thank her for her support, and all her good wishes. I am just learning my way around this site. I am grateful for her kindness and she will be in my prayers. Thank you Mamma Angel!
About Me
Mar 01, 2002
Member Since
