Devon Reidy 19 years, 1 month ago

Dear Momma, our prayers have come true.. I have my surgery date. Hopefully you will look down and see how far I will go in live. Thank you for being there for me, even when you did not know me. God Bless.

KAT *. 19 years, 1 month ago

Dear Momma Angel, I haven't been to for a while, but for some reason you popped into my head today and I felt compelled to visit your page. I wonder if that means you are looking out for me? We miss you here and we know you are in a better place where you feel fantastic! Miss you much! KAT

S T. 19 years, 2 months ago

Dear Momma, I love you and hope someday to meet you in heaven. God Bless You and Your family. I hope that I can share just the fraction of love on earth that you have. Love, CW

Kathy A C. 19 years, 3 months ago

So sorry to hear of the loss of one of the most self-less and loving people on this site. I recall sending Momma Angel some old diet books and clothes when she was still awaiting surgery approval. I lost track of the site for a year or so and now I see she has passed. She always had kind words to say and wrote supportive e-mails to many who had no one else supporting them. She checked the dailys for any surgeries coming up and she always postred best wishes and prayers to the person having surgery...gosh you will be missed Momma Angel Paula! xox Kathy In MA

Cheetah 19 years, 3 months ago

Dearest Momma Angel, Its been a year today since you left us. You may not be here with us on the boards, but we all that knew you all miss you still. You are a part of our hearts, and we will never forget you. Its like the ole saying, Gone but not forgotten. I know you still watch over each and everyone of us, you are still our Momma Angel. God Bless your family, as you blessed each and everyone of us at the OH Family. We love you and Miss you Momma!!!!! Shelia

inantit 19 years, 3 months ago

Momma, Can you see your support page from heaven? If so, please know, you are missed, and I pray for you every wonderful happiness from our father in heaven.

inantit 19 years, 3 months ago

Momma, Can you see your support page from heaven? If so, please know, you are missed, and I pray for you every wonderful happiness from our father in heaven.

Amy Williams 19 years, 3 months ago

My dearest Angel. I will never forget you. You were and are one of the most impactful members of this website. Your countless, unselfish love for each member here will never be forgotten. I appreciate all that you did for Obesityhelp and so many that were so alone and you took the time to know they were loved. There is no one else who can possibly replace you. I thank you for being a friend to all. I know that you are watching us with the Lord this day. God certainly does pick his best for his garden. Just knowing you are with the father gives me the greatest peace. Lord Bless.

Luvitsunny 19 years, 3 months ago

I often go to my own support page and read those AMOS members who have encouraged me along the way. Of course, the first.........Momma Angel. What a very special lady. Our loss is Heaven's gain.

Melissa Mermaid 19 years, 3 months ago

Today, on the anniversary of the sad day OH lost one of its most precious friends, I and other members remember Momma Angel. For me and so many others, Momma Angel set the precedent for what OH is and what it was meant to be ... unconditional love, support, and a place for universal acceptance. If you didn't know Momma, think of the loveliest day and the warmest hug and you've got the idea. Cheers to you and yours, Momma ... You will live in our hearts and spirits today and forever!
About Me
Mar 01, 2002
Member Since
