Post op Check up

Nov 20, 2006

I saw Dr Schram today and he said my incisions are looking very good.  Most of the strips are off now and I need to use some rubbing alcohol to get the glue off.  I am going to start tanning again soon and just put a towel over my abdomen.  I don't like not having some color.  My Nutritionist said I am doing well with my food and protein and water intake.  I want to step up my excercise and get back to kick boxing.  Life is good.  I am glad I did this.

Sad day For MICHIGAN Fans

Nov 17, 2006

May Bo Schembechler Rest in Peace!  GO BLUE  My son called me crying when he heard Bo passed.  May the Wolverines dominate tomorrow with a win for Bo. GO BLUE!  The Team played very well even under the circumstances. 

Back to work

Nov 16, 2006

I am back to work now and it feels good.  The first day I came back I wanted to turn back around and go back home. Long story!   My son broke his hand so I had to take Wednesday afternoon off to be with him before his surgery.  I didn't plan on the dr being late (2 hours) and I had 2 sugar free jellos and one sf yogurt with me.  I went down to the cafeteria and found low fat cottage cheese so I smashed that and ate it.  That held me over for a little while but the recovery time took forever!  Finally at 7:30 pm we were on our way home.  He wanted Chicken Nuggets. I wanted to eat one so bad but I knew I couldn't and I have to face this.  I purchased the cheese brocolli soup took it home and blended it with some skim milk.  That was soooo goood.  I didn't get any gas bubbles it was smooth and it tasted wonderful.    I have my desk back to normal at work and have sifted through some of my paperwork. I got out some Holiday decorations and put them out.  This Sunday we are having my in law Thanksgiving.  I am going to take my mini chopper over and blend my dinner with some broth.  I want to sit with the family at the table but I don't want to make a big deal about my portions or what I have to do to eat.  For some reason it rubs people the wrong way in our family so I will eat upstairs in the kitchen.    I wish everyone could just accept me for me.  This makes me sad.  I am also making emotional changes along with my eating habits.  I am trying to be forgiving and let things go that bother me, but when you know and can feel when people are either talking behind your back and saying things that are hurtful you tend to not want to forgive easily.   I am working on it really hard but its so difficult.  I really should only be concerned with my husband and children as they come first before anyone else.   It feels good to to even type this on the computer and get it off my chest.   I love my family and extended family very much.  Well eating is going well , work is on track, my house is clean and today is my hubbys birthday.  Going to make him his favorite dinner and blend mine.  I have moved on to mushies already, I know I have healed alot.  Have a nice evening and thank you for taking the time to read my page.  Good luck in your WLS adventure.

Monday 6 days out

Nov 12, 2006

Today I am 6 days out.  I still get gas bubbles that I have to move to get out, I walk everyday.  I use protein in almost everything I eat now and I ordered a liquid and some more of the Matrix 5.0 Vanilla its perfect in my decaf coffee.  I can't believe I made the change to decaf and it doesn't even bother me.  When I wake up in the am I feel like I am getting hunger pangs.  I feel like I could eat  a full course meal, I must be healing fast.  I never had nausea, or dry heaves, or not able to get anything down, everything has went down, I think I should call and let them know.  Maybe I can come in early for a fill.  I want retriction isn't that crazy.  Once I have my decaf coffee with Sugar Free French vanilla creamer ( happy to have them make that now) and I add the Matrix vanilla I am satisfied for a little bit.  I discovered cottage cheese works well too for me.  I needed substance.   I got a little panicked in church yesterday am we had communion.  Pastor Marty knows I had the surgery so when I signaled him to make the bread really small he understood.  I thought about how nice it would be to have a meal with my family.  I miss that.  Soon I will be back but eating smaller portions.  I have been really good to my family, making them dinner and not eating it.  It's hard at moments but I keep thinking about the future result of my decision.  I even baked blueberry muffins for my husband, he likes them.  I packed a nice lunch for my daughter today,very healthy.  She will be the envy of the lunch ladies today.   I have to take my son to an orthopedic surgeon today he broke his hand playing basketball at his girlfriends college dorm.  They were entertaining her nephew by playing some hoops and he fell forward on his fist.  His knuckles ended up in the middle of his hand.  I couldn't rush to his side (hes 20) they were too far away.   He called me a lot and came home Sunday afternoon.  I have been taking care of him now, (what? I had surgery less than a week ago and I am back to nurturing?) This was my vow when I gave birth to that child, always a mom no matter what.  I am smiling.  I go back to the office tomorrow I am kind of happy to do so.  Get back into routine and keep busy.   My house is so clean its crazy.  I like being organized it feels good.  Well time to get moving its 7:30 am already. 


Nov 10, 2006

Friday was a good day.  I stayed home most of the day and walked around my house, did some loads of laundry and washed the dishes and made beds.  I had about 43g of protien for the day.  I think thats pretty good I am supposed to have 54.  I missed texture and chewing alot yesterday, I had a NY strip on the brain with mushrooms.  So I made a cup of beef broth from the base my best friend Jane brought over. Really good stuff tastes wonderful.  She is an Atkins believer and drinks a cup when she is feeling hungry.  She doesn't do sugar at all ever.  Yesterday I also had a bought of the tears ok well sobbs.  I sobbed for 10 minutes, alot of emotional baggage comes from this change, things in your life that have happened that do not have anything to do with this surgery and you just wish that everyone in your life who you thought loved and cared about you and accepted you for who you are will be happy for you.  You can always tell the ones who ACT that way but you know differently because of the things they said in the past before surgery.  I did this for ME and no one else but ME.   The results will not change who I am on the inside, I will still be the same loving caring giving Jackie I have always been.  Whew that feels good to get that out.  Today is Saturday and I am going to visit the grocery store to prepare for the mushie stage of this journey, really I can't wait to blend and taste.  Presentation will mean nothing to me LOL.  I figure by the time the company X-mas gets here I can have that Petite Filet and veggies I already put my order in for.  We had a choice (Chicken or Beef) the chicken has some sauce on it, not taking chances on it having sugar.  I think of Dr Schram everyday and how he would be proud to know that his patient is doing exactly what she is supposed to.  Tomorrow is church and I know I will see a smile on Pastor Marty's face to know I am ok.  I emailed him and asked to be on his list of prayers that day, he promised he would and I believe God heard him that day along with the countless other loved ones in my life esp my children and husband.  I was so relieved to wake up in recovery, I was alive and on my way.  For that I am greatful and thankful.  Have a great Saturday friends and if you are considering this change of life, don't do it rashly do your homework, I did.  I didn't make this decision over night, I studied it for 2 years.  Best thing I did.  Love to you all!  Jackie

First night home~

Nov 08, 2006

Came home yesterday and by evening I started to have gas pain.  I walked as recommended and it did help tremendously so when they tell you to walk DO IT.  I had excellent luck expelling the gas last evening and finally had my first BM.  (sorry but I am greatful no supositories).  I went to bed last night and never had to take pain meds during the night so that went well.  I slept like a rock.  Turing on my side is a little painful but just the incision where my port is.  I got up once in the night and went to the restroom and sipped water for a few minutes.  My mouth was dry.  I woke up at 6:15 to get my little one up for school.  When she was done in the shower I took mine. When I blew dry my hair I got a little dizzy but I hadn't had any type of nourishment yet.  I sipped water when I got up.  I took some pain meds just to be comfortable.  I came downstairs and sat and drank some protein an entire cup took me all morning but I got it down and its staying down.  I will have some more in a little bit.  I did the few dishes that were in the sink.  I cant stand to look at it.  I took my time.  I took my chewable scooby doo complete sugar free vitamin this am too.  I will take another this evening as directed by the nutritionist.  I will have some broth today, it sounds good and the chicken flavor is satisfying.  I am ready for this I have been for two years and I am glad no wait elated that things are going so well.  I am not one to complain much, I am a doer.  The only discomfort is the incision where the port is, I move too much it pulls and burns. I try to be careful.  I am going to get my nails fixed since I had to remove the two index finger nails for surgery.  My friend Trula is driving me, she is being really supportive.  I then have parent teacher confrences today.  I hope whomever is there today having surgery has the luck that I have had. 

Surgery and Home

Nov 08, 2006

I had my surgery on November 7th at 7:10 am.  First thing in the morning for Dr Schram (he is a morning person :)  I arrived at the clinic and was greeted by my preop nurse Aster ( he is so sweet) he was very imformative and he knows what he is doing.  I thank him for his personalble skills.  I arrived with a bad stress headache but when they gave me to stuff to relax me, my hubby said I got a little goofy so he left the room.  I don't remember anything after that except waking up a little agitated with some pain after surgery but after the morphine started working I was ok.  I just wanted to be comfortable.  It wasn't severe or anything just uncomfortable.  After I was put in my room I started to feel better every hour.  I couldn't wait to get my mouth wet it was soooo dry.  I got to swab it with ice water.  That helped alot.  Finally I got to get up and go potty and I even walked to xray. They do this to make sure the band is in place.  Dr Schram said it all looked great.   My husband and My mother in law were with me and they were amazed at how well I was getting along.  I saw some bypass patients walking the hall.  I kept wondering why I didnt have to do it.  Lap Banders have it easier that is for sure.   Bless those bypass patients they have a longer haul.  I met Kathy Salazar who also had her surgery she is very sweet.  I got better and better as the day and evening went on and my friends who called and family were all amazed at how well I was progressing.  I tried to sleep but respitory doesn't let you and neither does the gas.  I keep passing it and each time it feels alot better. I ate a popsicle and 5 sips of broth that was all I could eat but I kept it down.  I came home today by noon and I am happy to be here, I do my breathing and sip my fluids.  My nutritionist said to make a shake tomorrow and start that protein.  I look forward to cream soups and a little substance.  I feel good.  I recommend this to anyone.  I hope eveveryone has the same expierence I did.  I am starting my journey to a healthier me. 

The Night Before Surgery

Nov 06, 2006

Its the night before surgery and I think I am ready ok I know I am ready.  My stomach is growling.  Clear liquids from noon on and I am not complaining.  Some people have to do this for a month before surgery.  It will be easier to eat this way after surgery because I won't have the hunger pangs atleast I hope not.  I know I am having a caffienne withdrawal head ache and hopefully sleep will take that away.  I had a massage today it was awesome.  Scott is so good to me.  Dr Jodi wasn't there to give me an adjustment, that bummed me out.   I weighed myself today I am starting this journey at 232.6  I didnt realize how big I am until I had Lori take my before photos.  WOW I never realized.  Makes me even more determined.  Well this is it for now,,,,,I may write more later this evening but the CMA's are on. 

PATS today

Oct 30, 2006

Today are my pre op tests.  Walk in the park I hope.  I feel good and I feel confident.  Didn't dress up for the office today since I had these tests this morning.  After my tests its back to work.  Happy Halloween!  Well I had all my tests and I am cleared for surgery, I learned a new trick from the nutritionist today on how to see if there are good sugars or bad sugars in a food from the label.  I wish I knew that long ago.  I am so ready now, more confident and secure and I know this is what is best for me.  I cannot wait to be healthy and strong.  Good Luck WLS patients and new patients to come and when I am successful, my own family dr will reccommend this to his patients.  God's Blessings to you all..............l

12 days to go WOW

Oct 26, 2006

I have 12 days to go before my surgery, I cannot believe it will be here before I know it.  I have gotten alot of great feedback from this forum and made some great new friends.   I haven't weighed myself since I went for my consult I will at the start of my surgery week on November 6th.  The day before my surgery I have the following plans.  Get up at 5 am and go and strectch and do crunches and beat the bag with my sensi and wonderful friend Julie. ( You can stream video and work out with us!  Julie is one of my biggest supporters and the most positive beam of energy in my life right now.  I have known her for years but have just became close with her in the last year.  She and I are going to get our kids off to school that Monday and head to whole foods in Ann Arbor to browse and get me set up with some protein and sugar free juice etc, you know the stuff.  Her excitement for me and her friendship are amazing.  I love you Julie lots and lots.  After we get back....I GET A MASSAGE from the most awesome massage thearpist SCOTTIE BOY and then an adjustment from Beautiful Dr Jodi.  What would I do without these people in my life to take care of me.  I will make a wonderful dinner for my family because that is who I am.  Pass the liquid broth please.... I will read a good story to my daughter and talk with her and answer all her questions. I will tuck her in bed with love. I will sit in the hot tub with my husband and just talk over a water. (usually its a beer) Well he can have the beer. I will talk with my son when he gets home from his job at 10:30 and hug him and let him know I will be fine.  We will get to bed early and get up the next am  and begin my journey.  I omitted after we got to bed but you get the idea.  My husband, his mother, and my sister will all be by my side that day.  My friends and co workers and my awesome Pastor, Pastor Marty will all be praying for me that day as well as all the new friends I made here.   I am more confident and strong thanks to the network of family and friends and most important He himself God and his son Jesus are all with me.  They will feel that when I walk into the clinic on November 7th when I go into surgery smiling, I know no other way to be but happy.  I am going to be a loser and that makes me HAPPY! 

About Me
Oct 12, 2006
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Friends 41

Latest Blog 42
new weight
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Losing still Yipee!
196 as of today and a great salad to make
Ut OH!
Update on ME :)
