
Merry Christmas to me!

Dec 25, 2008

Well I had to go to the doctor on base on Christmas Eve of all days.  I have a cold and only being a bit over 3 months post op, I was worried that if I did not get my proteins in and meals I might end up in the hospital.  The doc, NOT my surgeon, said that I should be fine.  It is common with a cold to not have the urge to eat and gastric bypass patients, surprisingly (ha ha), are no exception.  While at the doctors, they weighed me.  I am down 85 lbs now.  I am super excited.  I am not sure what my surgeon would say.  I am still not sure about how much you should lose and how fast, but I feel like mine is healthy weight loss.  I EAT!  I eat and it stays down!! WOO HOO for that!  I have not really had too many issues other than the dumping for awhile.  I think my stomach is getting the hang of it now and is working with me.  I know we all have those days where you think to yourself and maybe tell others, "Why in the world did I do this to myself!"  Thankfully those days are few and far between.  And they are only the really bad days.  Stepping on the scale and seeing your progress though sure does help to see things a bit clearer.  I would not change my decision if I could go back and do it all over again.  I am eating healthier than EVER and loving food far more than I have in years!  I am still not at the point that I would shout from the roof tops how others should have this done.  I just know that it is the best choice for me, wouldn't change it for anything (even with my bad days).  My clothes are falling off of me!  I am going to take the advice of a woman from the meetings and shop second hand until I am closer to my "goal weight".  I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and will have a safe and Happy New Year!  I wish everyone the best!

So, it's been awhile

Dec 15, 2008

Yes, it has been a LONG time since I have shared my progess.  I am as of today, 3 months post op.  The "dumping" is all but a memory.  At the beginning I think that some of it was my fault, but that some of it was just my "new" stomach getting use to food.  I eat pretty much whatever I want now.  I still avoid pasta, breads, rice, popcorn, sugar and fatty foods.  I have found that you can still have treats but they are healthy ones.  I get recipes all the time from Dr. Warnock's nurse Karen.  I love going to meetings here in Texas as well.  It is so nice to see where people are in their journey.  I found this unflavored protein mix.  It is by Syntrax Nectar.  It is great!  You can mix it in anything without changing the flavor.  It is better than the unflavored from GNC that is for sure.  I have lost some hair but that is part of the deal right.  Others can't tell, but I can...ha ha.  Well things are going really well.  I am down atleast 74 lbs.  I only check my weight at the doctors office so I am not sure what the total weight loss is now.  I need to check in on it soon, as a present to myself.  Thanksgiving went well and I ate!!!  The turkey did give me a bit of trouble, as does chicken.  I don't do well with eggs and tuna fish from the can either.  I know that is actually common so I am not worried.  Everything seems to be going well for me.  I hope everyone is doing as well and enjoying their holidays.  I would like to get with people and maybe swap recipes if anyone is interested.  Good luck to everyone!!

3 weeks 1 day post op (starting a pattern here maybe)

Oct 07, 2008

Okay so I meant to write yesterday but that did not work out.  Right about the 2 week mark, I started not being able to sleep much.  I don't know why that is, have not talked to the doc about it yet.  Nearly a week ago now, I was given the ok to eat pretty much whatever I want.  Most of you know the routine.  No steak, roast, hotdogs and such.  I am finding that I am enjoying food much more than I did pre op.  I have to admit that I have had "dumping".  I think that the first day Dr Warnock gave me his blessing to expand my diet, I went a bit crazy with the chili.  Soon I found myself bent over the toilet.  That was a cure for the "dumping" though.  I have found that eggs don't seem to sit right with me any longer.  I will try them again in the future but I have ate them a few days over the past week and within no time, cramps start and the heart racing feeling.....UGH!! And then there I am in my new position, bent over the toilet.  Other than that, things are looking up for me.  I know that the "dumping" won't continue to be an issue.  I measure my food and eat slow.  I did go out today with the hubby and got a membership at the local indoor pool.  It is a Rehab/Therapy Facility.  I am so happy that there is one so close to home.  I loved getting in the pool.  Since I have the "bum" knee, I find that walking is a challenge some days.  I am super excited to see the results.  I know that pre op, I lost a lot of weight by working out in our pool in the backyard.  But Texas weather being what it is, I can't do that anymore.  So I have this 2 week trial with the local pool but I know I will pay the $26/month to be a member.  They have classes too and you can go and "work out" in the pool.  I know that things will get easier as time goes by.  I also attended my bariatric meeting this past Saturday.  What a blessing they are, and the fact that Dr Warnock and Karin do them free of charge.  I can't help but to think of Dr Warnock though.  He gives so much of himself.  This man never has a day off!!  I love going as well because you get so much information.  I am hoping to be able to meet more people when I go, and when the hubby ain't in a rush to get out of there. 

2 weeks and 1 day post op

Sep 30, 2008

I meant to write yesterday about what has been new in my life.  Then I considered waiting until tomorrow since I am going to see Dr Warnock, but I just could not wait.  I have had some good days and some bad days in the past 2 weeks.  Nothing major really.  More of a "funk" as I would call it.  I did have a scare with pain in my calfs that the doc wanted to check out to make sure I did not have blood clots.  Good news was that it was just from walking. 

Since surgery I have found that even with a "bum" knee I am walking and enjoying it.  My husband has noticed how much pep I have in my step now.  We actually walked our little route twice.  He was truly impressed with my new found activity level.  Nearing what it was 8 years ago when we started dating.  That makes me very happy.  I am doing dishes, laundry, cleaning bathrooms and such.  Feeling much more like myself and yet, strangely different.

My "funk" comes from watching others eat I feel.  I just want to lick the pizza, not eat it (ha ha).  I would like to feel apart of the cook outs and such.  I feel like an outsider with my shakes or 1/4 cup refried beans or whatever it is that I am eating.  I know this is MY problem. Not my families problem.  And I don't feel that they should give up everything that we enjoy because I made this choice.  I will just have to be strong when issues arise because in the real world, they do happen. 

So tomorrow I go to the doctor.  I am super excited to see if I lost any more weight and how much.  My only concern is the protein drinks STILL!  I can't seem to find any that I can tolerate.  The only one I found is the Hot Cocoa that was in my starter kit.  I have tried the ones that I had pre op as well and nothing.  Dr Warnock said I could try cutting up some bananas, strawberries or adding some dehydrated peanut butter to them.  Since tomorrow is also military payday, I will be buying some of those things to try in the various shakes. 

My incision is looking good.  Healing well.  I have only 3 steri strips that are still hanging on.  I did find when one of the strips came off though that there is still a staple in my stomach.  I would not make a big deal about this or anything.  It happens.  There are so many of those strips and with swelling and such, I can see how that would happen.  I am just so excited about tomorrow.  Hopefully I can get word that I can add some foods to my diet and also that I can go to the local indoor pool at the rehab center.  They actually have trainers and stuff.  I can't wait!!!  I love the water.  Being from Michigan, I love the outdoors and can't wait to do more next year.

5th day Post-OP

Sep 20, 2008

Okay, had RNY on Monday the 15th of September.  I went home on Wednesday the 17th with very little pain to my surprise.  I left the hospital, went to the pharmacy where I walked around and rested some for about 2 hours (boy were they busy).  I also walked to the mailbox unit on my steeet that first day as well, talked to a neighbor and to the plumber that had to come over that day as well.  I have to say, I had a wonderful experience up at United Regional.  The nursing staff there was completely AWESOME!! I know that there were two that stood out to me, one was Rhonda and the other was Danesha (I am sure I spelt that wrong).  They truly cared about me, came to check on me more often than anyone else.  There was one who stood out to me but not in such a positive way.  She seemed to be a bit upset most of the time.  Not sure why, don't believe it had anything to do with me or anyone else to be honest.  But I have to say, I am glad to be home.  My husband, active duty military, luckily got 10 days off to be at home with me.  This has been awesome because he has been like my bedside nurse the past few days.  When my stomach was still tender and I had a hard time getting out/in bed (and with the "pee pill" I HAD to get out in a hurry), he was right there the whole time.  He is truly stepping up and doing the housework and taking care of our 14 year old.  That in itself deserves special recognition...lol.  So, I have to say that after 5 days, I feel like a new person already.  My husband commented on my walking already.  Not that I am a track star or power walker, I just have picked up speed and pep in my step!  Things have been moving fast to me.  I keep my water jug full and am keeping track of what I put in my mouth.  I am so excited to see where things go.  I know on Thursday I was a bit discouraged since when I went in to see Dr. Warnock I had gained 8 lbs since surgery.  He told me that is due to water retention and swelling.  GOD, I hope so!  I have not been putting much in my mouth...lol.  So again, so far so good for me.  I am still surprised that there was not more pain, trouble eating or other complications.  Maybe it is too soon to say...knock on wood.  I hope things keep on like they are.

Twas the night before the liquid diet and....

Sep 12, 2008

Well it is Friday, I start my liquid diet tomorrow.  I actually am looking forward to it in some ways because I will get some new flavors.  Now don't get me wrong, I like the Nectar Brand of shakes that Dr. Warnock office has.  I have chosen to buy the individual ones instead of the big container so I have a variety.  I thought it would be easier that way and I think that it has.  I do seem to think it a bit strange but I am not at all nervous or scared about the surgery.  I feel so good about it.  I had looked into having the surgery in Washington DC, but decided against it (after all the testing).  The surgeon just did not seem to be someone I would want holding my life in his hands, and my future.  Dr Warnock is the polar opposite of that surgeon.  He made me feel "at home" right away.  I knew I was making the right choice.  I sit here thinking about how, even though only 33 years old, I wish I had found him sooner.  I think of the time my daughter was "robbed" of having a "healthy" mom.  I look forward to the experience.  I know that on the other side of this is a healthier, happier, me.  I haven't been "fat" all my life.  I believe that much of my weight issues stem from a medical condition called PCOS.  I have talked to several doctors now since being in Texas and this is the same idea that they have.  I know my daughter was shocked when she saw an "old" video of me where I was about 150 lbs.  I thought I was "fat" then. So, wish me luck and I will try to write again on Sunday before I go to bed.  I will write again when I feel good enough to sit here and do this again post op.  Good luck to those that are about to undergo surgery and also goodluck to those who have had the surgery.  I hope that everything went well and is still going well.

About Me
Sheppard AFB, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2008
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