Actuallu this is Dianne (his wife)...I am adding to the wonderful job Cheryl has done... I was sent home (2 hrs away) by Dr. Husted's nurse Jamie...I suppose she could tell I was burning out...we are looking at another full week in the hospital or so to get the infection gone. Dr. Husted has the Wound Care center comming in the am Tues to look at the insision and the leg sore on his calf. He hopes to have Larry on sopme kind of machine that will drain or suck up the infection. He says that will speed up healing time...Larry is doing very well with his liquids....He does not like Jello anymore...doesnt like the taste. he really enjoied the chicken broth! Dr. Husted plans to have him come home on semi solids.
Would like to ask you all to keep Larry in your prayers....I am off to bed now and will update when I can, before I go back wednesday