NISHA122083 18 years, 8 months ago

Just wanna say, Congrats!!! and get well soon it already seems like your doing very well.

NISHA122083 18 years, 8 months ago

Just wanna say, Congrats!!! and get well soon it already seems like your doing very well.

NISHA122083 18 years, 8 months ago

Just wanna say, Congrats!!! and get well soon it already seems like your doing very well.

<*>LYnn<*> 18 years, 8 months ago

Justin, Welcome home and Happy New Year! May 2006 be filled with health, healing, happiness, exercise, dedication, love, laughter, joy, family and friends. Enjoy every moment! Weigh to go! Blessings, Lynn

Lee Smith 18 years, 8 months ago

Hey Ya’ll, I went to see Justin today. Not having met him before, he seemed to be doing well and in good spirits. He had nice things to say about Memorial Hospital and the staff he has had to work with. He said a nurse stepped on his catheter tube a few times (Note to self, guard the tube with your life). If you have read my profile, you know how I feel about the catheter. Justin, good luck with the healing process and I look forward to reading your updates..

Lee Smith 18 years, 8 months ago

Hey Ya’ll, I went to see Justin today. Not having met him before, he seemed to be doing well and in good spirits. He had nice things to say about Memorial Hospital and the staff he has had to work with. He said a nurse stepped on his catheter tube a few times (Note to self, guard the tube with your life). If you have read my profile, you know how I feel about the catheter. Justin, good luck with the healing process and I look forward to reading your updates..

Lee Smith 18 years, 8 months ago

Hey Ya’ll, I went to see Justin today. Not having met him before, he seemed to be doing well and in good spirits. He had nice things to say about Memorial Hospital and the staff he has had to work with. He said a nurse stepped on his catheter tube a few times (Note to self, guard the tube with your life). If you have read my profile, you know how I feel about the catheter. Justin, good luck with the healing process and I look forward to reading your updates..

Lee Smith 18 years, 8 months ago

Justin, I am glad to hear things went well for you. We have not met yet but I plan on stopping by your room on Saturday to check on ya.. -Lee

Lee Smith 18 years, 8 months ago

Justin, I am glad to hear things went well for you. We have not met yet but I plan on stopping by your room on Saturday to check on ya.. -Lee

Lee Smith 18 years, 8 months ago

Justin, I am glad to hear things went well for you. We have not met yet but I plan on stopping by your room on Saturday to check on ya.. -Lee
About Me
Manteca, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2005
Member Since

Friends 68

Latest Blog 30
JUNE 10, 2007 **HELLA BORED!!**
DECEMBER 7, 2006
NOVEMBER 24, 2006
NOVEMBER 12, 2006
MAY 26, 2006
APRIL 14, 2006
